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About SirDoombox

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  1. Has proven to not be all that popular, so for the time being I'm not supporting it. It works just fine as it is, it's a little limited but you can create a fully functional FOMOD installer with it so it's fine as it stands. If interest ever picks up I might pick the project back up and invest the time in rewriting a large part of it so I can improve functionality and add features, but right now the time investment isn't worth it. Thanks for the vote of confidence though!
  2. Check out my tool - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6441/ No XML knowledge required.
  3. I just finished the first relatively stable beta build with all the core features I initially really wanted, so I thought I'd share it here for people making mods to see and go into it's creation a little bit. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6441/ https://github.com/sirdoombox/SimpleFOMOD/ This was made in VisualStudio2015 Community (C#) using the Mahapps.Metro visual package for window and control themes,alongside Fody.Costura for merging everything into the assembly. It's my very first project so the code is likely very unoptimised and a bit hideous, but for the work that it's doing it doesn't really matter all that much. As for how it works, it essentially generates one large nested data object exclusively from user input, and using that nested data object creates the required info.XML and ModuleConfig.xml files for FOMOD and stores all the mod files into directories/sub-directories based on their group/module assignment. It also stores extra properties like descriptions, images and the group type property, as well as custom install destination for individual files for use in the .XML files. I'd like to continue developing this, adding new features and improving performance where I can, however my skillset is a little limited (this being my first project and all). I'm also open to contributors, if anyone is looking for something to do and finds this project interesting you're absolutely welcome to send me a private message.
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