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Posts posted by Astramorte

  1. I decided to play around a bit with the Boethiah's Embrace Enchantment; I was able to make it possible to enchant armor pieces with it, however, the enchantment's aura effect would be constantly on. I made a copy and removed the papyrus script and found that the effect still worked correctly when the armor came with the enchantment. I also tested the different parts of the enchantment and found that the muffle part of the enchantment has the aura effect; I am wondering if somehow enchanting with Boethiah's Embrace may somehow remove the IsSneaking condition from the muffle portion of the enchantment.


    Anyone have any ideas or info?

  2. Everything has its pros and cons; Steam gives you great services but has some pretty heavy potential restrictions. Whether you find the pros or cons worthwhile is up to you, but everything you do is your own choice. No one forced you to pay money to play the game; the choice of not playing was always there. It may very be the same principle as breaking a physical item you paid for after you bought it; it was still your choice to agree to it (and your choice not to read the EULA or ToS if you were misinformed/uninformed). What done is done; you may try to change it if you wish as it is your choice; whether or not your attempt will be effective or ineffective is a completely different matter.


    I choose to purchase the ability to play Skyrim through Steam, if I end up unable to play Skyrim then I must simply deal with it; it was my choice and my choice alone to purchase Skyrim in this method. If you disagree with Steam's terms then simply do not use it (just like the many mods we have here; don't like it, don't use it); it is as simple as that.


    With that said; I do not like the terms Steam has due to its potential disaster; however, I feel that the pros of being able to purchase a game from my room (and pay no tax) is too good to pass up. It is incredibly convenient for lazy people who hate getting out of bed like me.


    Go with whatever you feel is right and pay whatever consequence (good or bad) you end with; with every mistake comes a lesson and as long as you learn from them, you should make it through life just fine.

  3. At least it looks like Bethesda tried to fix the problems; it sounds like this was more of something with how the PS3 worked.


    I like to think of it this way: the situation is like a disease of some sort; the problems are the illness, the players and developers are the white blood-cells working to fight the illness, and experiences from the problem are the anti-bodies; higher chance that next time the same problem will not occur?

  4. I do miss the advantages of Stage 1 vampirism from Oblivion; the extra stat boost was quite nice as they could boosts your stats past 100.


    I originally was planning to go vampire in Skyrim, but the disadvantages far outweigh any advantages in my opinion and I stayed werewolf for the disease resistance.

  5. What I find quite humorous is that only in English-language dictionaries (as far as I know) refer to anime as Japanese animation; Japan uses it to describe all forms of animation regardless of the country of origin. In that sense, things such as Disney's Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, The Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, etc. would be considered anime.


    With that in mind, anime could be used to describe every mod that was based off something that was created via animation (I am assuming that this also includes video games).


    I don't think I'm making myself very clear.


    I completely 100% understand that people have every right to mod Skyrim however whichever way they please. Yes certain people have preferences for zany characters over lore fitting ones, and of course Bethesda (as a collective) doesn’t care how people play their games as long as they actually pay for them.


    My contention is that it’s quite possible that people are outright missing out on the full intended experience of the game. Yes you can argue from a subjective viewpoint that there is no intended experience, and that Skyrim is by its nature a non-linear, open world sandbox in which you play however you want to play and that anime mods are just an extension of this principle but I'm inclined to disagree.


    Subjectivity only goes so far. If someone were to read LOTR and alter significant texts within the book and replace characters such as Aragorn or Boromir with scantily clad, sterile (not in a negative sense) anime characters with giant lightning swords, you would be hard pressed to argue that the reader isn’t being fully stimulated or moved as Tolkein intended. If you don’t care about Tolkein’s intent then fine, but I would say that you are foolishly denying yourself the full experience of the book by crudely segmenting a very deliberately crafted and multi-faceted narrative. There is a reason why (as far as I'm aware) people don't do that sort of thing.


    Obviously Skyrim is nowhere near approaching the level of complexity of LOTR but I think the analogy sticks.


    An anime character in Skyrim is always going to be separate from the tone of the game. Yes you have every legal, moral and ethical right to play as one but just because that choice exists does it really mean that it is a sensible one?


    I guess I’m a purist to a naive degree, but it will never make any sense to me that people justify their decisions purely on the merit that they have the freedom to make them.


    First off, I would like to point out that scantily clad is something on its own and should not be associated with anime.


    Second, the person would only deny themselves the full experience if they never went through it without altering anything; I find that people tend to go through the game with the bare minimum mods (such as bug fixes) or no mods first.


    Third, even if something is done past the reason of entertainment, it is still most likely done for enjoyment; you find yourselves enjoying the "full experience". Am I correct on that statement? If so, then we simply enjoy the experience we get with a modded character.


    Every desire is done for enjoyment; it is necessities that may be done for reasons other than enjoyment.

  7. I like the anime art style; everyone has their own personal preferences in art and anime is a part of mine. However, when does it really become "anime-ish"? That is something up to each person to decide for themselves (for the most part); I wouldn't say using something like a sword from an anime to be considered "anime-ish" as it is just the weapon; equipment can be obtained with various source material in mind; in essence, is there really a difference between a mod that adds Anduril from The Lord of the Rings and a mod that adds Excalibur from Fate/Stay Night? They are both swords; sure they are made with different art styles in mind, but aren't most mods made with different styles? Aren't most pieces of art made in different styles?


    Mods are there to allow use to tweak the game to our personal preference; this is an undeniable truth.


    We mod because we are not fully satisfied with the game, we mod because we feel that there could be more, we mod because it is another form of expression, and, most importantly, we mod because we find it enjoyable.

  8. I am now using my friend's account to download Tera client; if I can get into the beta and if it does not use a different beta client, I will be good to go.


    As for the revealing armor, I will most likely try my best to avoid those kinds of armor; I won't let that deter me away from the game if it has good gameplay however.

  9. So, you like anime, good for for. I don't, I don't understand it or appreciate the 'style'.


    Doesn't mean I'm going to start a thread about it. If I did, children like you would cry for banhammers.


    Grow up or go away.


    As Malakai said, "If you disrespect a mod author or post nasty comments about their work, you should be banned from nexus, period. This site is quite busy already, and the community is quite large, we don't need people who do nothing but bring it down and deter content."


    This should be applied to all mods no matter the content; if their content is inappropriate for Nexus then simply report it.

  10. I would sympathize with the forsworn if they did not try to kill me every time I see one of them; the silver-bloods are far too corrupt. Who to side with? The answer to this dilemma: murder both sides in cold blood.


    Remember Runa Fair-shield's quote "Kill one person, and you can solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities"? Time to apply it.

  11. Can't wait for more j-mods now that the ck is here.


    Not that I dont love *site not allowed* but itll be easier when we can find em on nexus..


    Can you please PM me this *site not allowed* on the Nexus?


    And why is it not even allowed to be mentioned???


    Edited to remove assumption against Nexus being the culprit. Nexus isn't always the bad guy.


    The site most likely allows ported mods which without permission is considered piracy and would be against the policy of Nexus.

  12. I am thinking about pre-ordering the physical collector's edition; I will most likely see if I can get into the beta and play around a bit and see how the game is. I am only a bit hesitant because the last MMO I decided to pre-order was tOR and I became bored of it after about 27 levels; the story is great but everything else began to feel way to repetitive.


    I think I might want to try to make an Elin Slayer (if anyone tries to make any "unwanted advances" they can take a great sword to the face) just to see if I can create humorous scenes with a little girl chasing away people twice the size of her with a large great sword.

  13. I feel that a repair Winterhold quest would be very useful for a College expansion; if you could repair Winterhold and add more buildings around or nearby the college to increase the population that the college can support.


    As for the lack of students, a decent number of them were killed, left, and magic isn't exactly met with open arms nowadays in Skyrim.

  14. Q_Q Why aren't the Thalmor going after me? I mean I didn't just murder their justicars and solders simply wandering around Skyrim; I massacred where they lived and slept in Skyrim....


    Maybe I should had left some of them alive so they could report the massacres... I mean I guess it is difficult to find who did it when everyone is dead. :wallbash: :psyduck:


    Still, I want to feed my sword more souls. ;_;

  15. If it turns into this, then Skyrim mods will be ruined. Anime just takes eefect on RPG's, and Bethesda even said they don't support 1,000's of anime mods. I hope people think twice before completly flooding mods with this.


    I don't see how Skyrim mods will be ruined if people make plenty of anime inspired or themed mods; as many people have said there will be mods for all types of people as modders can be made from all types of people.


    The future of Skyrim modding will simply be what mods people make for it; as such, as long as people express their ideas in an intelligent manner and as long as people respect the wishes of people who may not hold the same artistic preferences as they do, the Skyrim modding scene should be just fine.

  16. Ok, with the possibility of being called a troll again, I`d just like to ask 2 questions -


    1.) Why import anime inspired content into a game that dosen`t fit the genre, if you can actually go and play an anime themed game? There`s lots of them floating about. Isn`t that something of a cheap substitute?


    2.) How come there are no realism inspired mods for anime games, and yet there are many anime mods for non-anime games?


    1.) To me, anime is more of the art style (a story is a story; it can be told in a completely different art style and still be a good story); everyone has their own personal preference in art style and simply tweaking a game to suit their personal preference is what modding is. In addition, I generally do not find many anime themed game (or any at all) to be as open-worlded as Skyrim or other Bethesda game for that matter. Furthermore, if we were to take the concept of "a story is a story" and apply it to video games then: a video game is a video game; it can be done in a completely different art style and still be a good game.


    2.) This may be more due to the size of the mod community and the support for modding of said games; Bethesda does give the community tools like the Creation Kit. Other points I made in answer #1 could also apply for question #2.


    Plus, most "anime themed" games tend to stay in Japan so that causes quite a bit of difficulty of actually playing them.

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