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Posts posted by Astramorte

  1. I hate Anime, period. Every body mod seems to focus off of anime though, which really ticks me off. I hope Skyrim doesn't turn into a paradise for anime mods, or I quit modding forever.


    You shouldn't quit modding simply because other people have different tastes; if someone likes anime mods then let them download or make them; it is their creative freedom. You can simply stick with make the mods that you like and downloading the mods that you like; no one is pointing a gun at your head and forcing you to download or make anime mods.


    I personally do like certain anime mods and others I do not like. To me mods are mods, and it does not matter if they are anime based or not anime based. For example: I dislike mods that make my female character follow the so called "the less it covers the higher the armor rating" theory, but I tend to like having small characters wield gigantic weapons that look like they weigh (and hit like) a truck as I find it quite humorous.


    I do not understand why people despise mods simply because they are "anime" based; you can find them distasteful but to have utter pure hatred for them (to the point where you must express it to the disdain of users of said mod)?

  2. I agree; being able to keep track of your party's resources would be quite useful.


    This would be especially useful if someone had a mod that allowed multiple followers and decided to act as a role of the group healer.

  3. May I ask what level you are and what is your current perk point spread? I mean I was able to make two level 81's with relative ease (first on adept and second on master); you may have neglected something combat wise (a couple of my friends did and found it difficult).


    As for a mod that could help you, I need a little more info on what you want. You found adept too easy but you found expert too difficult; Am I correct on that statement?

  4. What if it's death by dehydration?


    Death by dehydration? Why would someone become dehydrated from hugging? I am a bit confused on this...


    "Can.. Can I hug bandits.. To death? Or would that be frowned upon?"


    Of course! You can hug anyone (to death) if you wished to do so! (Though I am not sure how you are going to hug them to d- wait.... Never mind I can think of a couple ways and reasons.)


    I mainly want to hug Parthy (and bunnies).

  5. Sure it might take some time to make the animation, but I believe it could be a nice little addition to immersion or just for lulz.
  6. DarkWolf V, it'll be great if u or someone else can do such great thing! :thumbsup: )) but of course don't do it quick as [you] said - it's not so urgent we'll wait for weeks, months..

    ..can't imagine..I'll buy a house, cook yummy things, chop all the trees around and make a [beautiful] flower-garden there, as they said cooking and chopping is possible :smile:... will admire great landscapes)))


    Dear scottym23, [Luna (see signature)] - thanks for your opinions but too little people like horror movies :wink: and u can overlook the discussion in the spiders' replacer mod - [you'll] find tons of people wondering to relax but not to be scared in such a great beautiful game..


    Well horror movie popularity depends on the source of data; the genre exists because there is enough support for it.


    "and u can overlook the discussion in the spiders' replacer mod"


    The spiders replacer mod I believe was for people who had Arachnophobia.


    "I'll buy a house, cook yummy things, chop all the trees around and make a [beautiful] flower-garden there, as they said cooking and chopping is possible"


    Also, from what I see you are only interested in an sort of peaceful life style role playing immersion of Skyrim; you are not fully interested in the actual main quest itself am I correct? Furthermore, the wood chopping, as of this current moment (at least to my knowledge), does not allow you to cut down entire trees.


    On a side note:


    "[you'll] find tons of people wondering to relax but not to be scared in such a great beautiful game"


    Once again depends on your source of data; the vast majority of Skyrim players would find slaying "monsters" to be in a way relaxing.


    On another side note:

    Troll/joke or not I am still going to "play along" for the heck of it.

  7. Who knows, those stereotypes have to start from somewhere right?


    Anyway, simply using disable commands and delete commands will remove them, but it might cause some problems since the game is not really supposed to be played that way; I guess someone could probably make a mod that replaces every single model that is "scary" but the main problem is that only a very small minority would even use it.


    I highly suggest simply try to face your fears because there are games that are far worse... (I'm looking at you Amnesia)

  8. Lately I have been finding it difficult to fall asleep, and last night I was not able to fall asleep period; I simply lied on my bed waiting for myself to fall asleep. I am considering sleeping pills and I am wondering what experiences people have had with them.



    I probably should add in that my sleeping issues are starting to interfere with my classes in college.

  9. Awesome. I've never fought with it... figured it was underpowered. Definitely going to spend some time with it now.


    Well it is completely random, so who knows what it will do when you use it. It is not something you want to use for serious fights unless you are doing a last ditch attempt or something; besides why would you even use an artifact of the mad god Sheoy seriously?

  10. Guy said he would pay me if I killed something for him; he ended up turning on me so he could steal the credit and I decided to blast him with the wabbajack until something interesting happened.


    On the fourth shot, he turned into gold coins and I just laughed like crazy. He said he would pay me if I killed the target and he ended up holding his end of the bargain.


    So that's my wabbajack moment; your turn!

  11. Not sure how unique this is but:


    One-Handed: First perk only 5/5


    Archery: 5/5 in the first perk then left path to Bullseye with 1/2 in the slow time perk


    Light Armor: 1/5 in the first perk then up Unhindered


    Smithing: Right route to dragon armor


    Enchanting: everything except the two recharging perks


    Alchemy: 5/5 in the first perk and up to benefactor


    Illusion: four points to get silent casting


    Conjuration: five points on the atromancy path to twin souls


    Blocking: Quick Reflexes then left path to shield charge


    Sneaking: 5/5 in the first perk then up to the 15x dagger damage


    Restoration: Regeneration and 1/2 in recovery


    Alteration: Atronach and 3/3 in magic resistance (with all of those points on those magicka cost reduction even though I rarely ever use alteration spells)


    Pickpocket: Three points to get extra pockets


    I just a bit from everything I saw useful so I guess it could be a sort of jack of many trades?

  12. Well considering that I decided to massacre the entire guard population -1 in Markath during the Forsworn conspiracy.... my highest bounty would probably be 1k * every dead guard in Markath. Then I got pardoned (after I murdered every prisoner in the mines) by Thonar, I sneaked attack with my bow and proceeded to murder his wife with a head shot and that one beggar in Markath. Murdered every guard -1 in Markath, murdered everyone in jail, get pardoned, kill guy who pardoned me, kill guy's wife, and kill ungrateful beggar, yep, completely normal for the dragonborn. :3 Then from there, I time to time assassinate random guards based on their random comments.
  13. I have sort of been stalking the site for a while (I made a couple PMs before though... I think...) and decided to finally introduce myself.


    I found nexus while looking for mods for Oblivion and now I continue to use nexus for Skyrim; in addition, Oblivion was my first TES game (though I wished I started with Arena). I currently have 383 hours on Skyrim with two level 81 characters though I admit I did power level; both of my characters are Nords (First one male (though I did tend to use the console to give him some sex changes time to time) and the second one is female). On my first character, I ran through a mostly unmodded game (threw in the ebony mail change to light armor mod at the very end of the civil war quest line (sided with stormcloaks) mainly because I loved how the ebony mail looks with nightingale); on my second character, I am adding new mods relatively often (I just downloaded Deadly Dragons and War in Skyrim Dark Age version with the slow bloodcoin); I plan on siding with the Empire this time and I am currently trying to restore the Thieves Guild (but I end up just adventuring/feeding my sword more blood and souls just for the heck of it). My favorite shout is a tie between Slow Time and Become Ethereal (sorry Fus Ro Dah) and I have the mod that changes the shout for Become Ethereal into Avalon from Fate/ (just for the heck of it). My favorite daedric prince is good old Sheoy and I play a sort of Assassiny character at first at least.... I find that at level 81 you pretty much become all of the archetypes... well at least with how I spent my points I did.


    Outside of TES, I play Guild Wars, Star Wars the Old Republic (though not much at the moment), League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth (though not much at the moment; I do have a legacy account though so I might go back sometime), Defense of the Ancients 2, Starcraft 2, and whatever free mmo I tend to play at the time; my favorite game of all time is currently The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I tend to be over-analytical so sorry in advance for when I will probably annoy you. I also love to watch anime, read manga, build Gundam Model kits, a little Yu-Gi-Oh! and Magic the Gathering, and I generally despise people who abuse the Japanese language such as using one word repeatedly while speaking English otherwise (e.g. "You are a baka" or saying "nani!?" instead of "what!?").


    Also: 2+2=fish!

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