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Everything posted by JackePacke

  1. Oh, I thought they already where. :P Thanks then :D
  2. Hey, thanks, I appriceate the help, but what do I do when there is no NoGrass version of the texture? xD This is how it looks; there is no TerrainGCgrass01NoGrass :/ http://i.imgur.com/ytRKg.jpg?1
  3. Hi, thanks for responding! :) Could you please tell me how this is done? xd
  4. Howdy, I'm creating a mod right now, which includes a village near Anvil, where some... "things" will take place. Although, I have a problem. These... wild-high-grass thingies... This is what it looks like in-game. http://i.imgur.com/PomRy.jpg?1 This is how it looks in the CS, and also how I want it to look in-game. http://i.imgur.com/gFenH.jpg?1 Basically, I want to remove these high grass stuffs, does anyone here know how it's done? tHaNkz! :D
  5. Ok, so about every time I start Skyrim, it lets me play for a couple of seconds, maybe load my last save, and then it just minimazes (maybe misspelled that) the game-window, and when it's minimazed, I can't open it again. This happens over and over, what am I gonna do?
  6. I've had some promblems installing mods to Oblivion, I've tried some revert-to-vanilla thingies, but I don't get it. So, to the actual question, if I re-install Oblivion, will I be able to just download mods, and activate them? How to I save the game files? I don't remember if the game asks you when you uninstall it... Anyway, thanks.
  7. DaJinari's mod is prio 1, after that, I'll look at the other requests.
  8. Oh, a Bruma-house outside the IC? That should be easy. I'm working on another project now however, but I can make one for ya. Yeah, the bruma house is a fav for me. Seeing how most other houses don't fit well for me. Just wish the house had a basement for displaying my armors and such. But have fun working on the current project, what is it might i ask? A town/village-mod. And as I told you in my PM, my Minecraftserver
  9. Oh, a Bruma-house outside the IC? That should be easy. I'm working on another project now however, but I can make one for ya.
  10. I do house mods for ppl, I don't show ppl my skills...
  11. So, I'm out of mod ideas, and I wan't to add something to this awesome site, so I thought that I could do your mod requests (as long as it's housemods, lol). I can make complicated house mods, like castles and stuff as well. Just tell me what you want. :)
  12. A good idea that demand loads of skills and work, probably an entire modderteam. And I think that if someone is gonna make a huge mod like this, they gotta have personal interest in it. If someone asks for a housemod, like a farmer house, it can be done in half an hour, and me myself would do it without asking any questions if I had time, but for a mod like this, wich requires a lot of scripting, moddeling and stuff, the developers have to be engaged in the project, and not abandon it when half of it is done. Anyway, if you find people who can (and want to) make this mod, it's a great idea! I'm not that good at modding but I'm not bad, I can make quests and stuff, so I'm in if other people get interested. Regards Jacke Thank your contribution if commenting about this~ Well, maybe you and I can let big time modders know about this :) Save or book mark this and if you come across a skilled and dedicated group of TES oblivion modders. Let them know~ Have a Nice day Mr. Jacke~ I will, I'll keep your idea in mind, because I know it would make a great mod. Regards Jacke
  13. A good idea that demand loads of skills and work, probably an entire modderteam. And I think that if someone is gonna make a huge mod like this, they gotta have personal interest in it. If someone asks for a housemod, like a farmer house, it can be done in half an hour, and me myself would do it without asking any questions if I had time, but for a mod like this, wich requires a lot of scripting, moddeling and stuff, the developers have to be engaged in the project, and not abandon it when half of it is done. Anyway, if you find people who can (and want to) make this mod, it's a great idea! I'm not that good at modding but I'm not bad, I can make quests and stuff, so I'm in if other people get interested. Regards Jacke
  14. Withsmeade Read the full description and you'll get all the information you need about the mod, please rate, comment or add some pictures if you want to! :) //JackePacke
  15. The shop owner is ready to begin selling, now I just gotta furnish the shop and create the village, and then the mod is done!
  16. Sorry, but I don't think that's possible. The cave is located in an exterior, therefor, you must place a door there in order to enter the cave-interior, wich makes it impossible to do this.
  17. Try all this at once: Cheat to get higher speechcraft and personality, maybe luck. Bribe him. Cheat to get higher fame.
  18. Thanks, I'll fix that. But it's hard to move the door marker, but I managed to fix the same problem in the store (that will show up the next update), so I'll fix that as well.
  19. Hey. There are thousands of house mods out there, but there are barely no housemods wich just adds a little farmer house. I wanted this, so I made one, but I tought that other ppl maybe want one as well, but don't know how to make one, so I realased it here. Farmer house for mages Bugs: When you enter the house, sometimes you will get stuck in the door, just walk backwards, to the bench at your side, and everything will work fine, I'm working on fixing this, and a village. Read the description!
  20. Sounds cool to me, but image the time it would take! Probably thousands of hours and it would demand a lot of skills from the modder(s). And honestly speaking, I don't think someone will do this just because you ask them, if they are to spend all this time in creating a mod this huge, they have to be personally interested in the mod/idea. However, I think there's lots of experienced modders who like this idea, and will help you. I think this is an awesome idea for a mod.
  21. Mark: He's not actually supposed to be a count, just something like a Noble man with a lot of influence on the villagers. And since you're helping the villagers get rid of the count/noble/whatsoever he is, they wouldn't report it to the guards or anything, seeing it all realistic. Anyway, I'm gonna make up a mindmap with ideas and stuff, and get all this clear.
  22. Yea, working on my first mod, wich adds a small village with a few NPC's, but I don't know how to add AI's to the NPC's. //JP
  23. Okay, so I finally got the CS to work, and I'm ready to begin modding. I've had an idea of a mod that adds a village somewhere around the Imperial City. There are three houses in the village, with argonians males (2) and argonian females (1) living in them, there is also a lord/count living there, but he is cruel to the villagers, and this is where the quest comes in. I am working on the full quest dialoge, because it's supposed to be a fairly long quest, where the goal is to kill the count and save the villagers. Question is, will this be sto hard for a beginner modder? If anyone here might be able to help me, then sure! Contact me on skype: Jackepackex MSN: [email protected] Or just send me a PM here.
  24. It's always nice to see a fellow Metin-player. A friend of mine is an Über Metin and Oblivion nerd, so I can ask him later.
  25. Yea, anyone here that knows of a mod that adds a little village to the game, where the player can get a farmer house? I'm looking for a village with NPC's, perhaps a smith, and a store, or maybe just the village with about 4 houses (player house included) and with NPC's living in all of them, preferably argonians, the location should be somewhere near the Imperial City, Chorrol, and Anvil.
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