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Everything posted by Ritzin

  1. I have to say, this is very constructive criticism! Hope KingGsterUK doesn't take it too bad ;P
  2. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3142 No need to thank me.
  3. So it seems one cannot resurrect him/herself via console. Have you tried it? It won't work, that's for sure. Would like to have this fixed, in case of emergency, e.g. not saved for a long time.
  4. There are just SO many clouds blocking the sky! I mean, it's still sunny, but I want to SEE the sun!
  5. There is an exception. The Blade of Woe's enchantment levels with the character, but you can't learn it.
  6. Haha! Holy s*** I messed up! I thought of snowmen like big foot or sasquatch. I'm extremely tired atm.
  7. Haa Do Khen - You figure it out.
  8. Aren't Ice Trolls the equalivent? I don't really see a difference.
  9. Please, one of you, provide screenshots! :D
  10. - "Back from some adventure I guess..." - "Indeed! I killed 2 dragons, found 3 words of power, met the Greybeards and ventured 6 ancient nord ruins! How about a kiss for the hard work?" - "Kisses? That's all you think about? Here I am, running a shop and make food for you! Don't you think I'm exhausted of cleaning the house, too? Do I look like some sort of maid to you?! Hmpf... Men..." I hate when this happens.
  11. On second thought, I used to have these problems until I got the second patch. Did you update Skyrim? (why didnt I say this first? :P)
  12. 'R' is hardcoded, so all associated commands apply, just remove and add the Ready/Sheath assinged key. But as with all Skyrim bugs, they are mostly individual so if it worked for me it may not work for you :
  13. I had that too, then I tested this: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=88 Reply with results :D
  14. As said, the Mannequins in Honeyside have "glitched" out of position. I've provided a sreenshot.
  15. I'm probably not the only one. Average gaming laptop with connected mouse. Anyway, when I enter the map in Skyrim, the cursor is heavily slowed. It's a second behind, and it's hard to "aim" for the location I want to fast travel to. I have 'bMouseAcceleration=0', but the cursor is still slow as f**k. HELP!
  16. The Circle, all of them are werewolves, but I find it hard to see it as a guild, since there are only a few quests involving werewolves.
  17. Ran into two blood dragons, expert difficulty. Killed them both. Perhaps 3 minutes the same thing happened, but with two frost dragons. Slaughtered them like the dragonborn I am. I later found a bandit camp and killed the simple bandits to get the treasure, when this bandit chief came and killed me as if I was a skeever.
  18. 113 hours in. Well, my main character has full daedric, dual wielder, level 45. Did a bit destruction at level ~25. Got a twohander at level 20 aswell. I love skyrim. LOVE. IT.
  19. As for the hotkeying; An weapon with the same name is hard to hotkey with intention to dual wield.
  20. I never thought of that, it's a brilliant idea!
  21. I wonder how Bethesda could have missed this.
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