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  1. Let's say you're making a mod, or I'm making one, doesn't matter. Somebody's making a mod, wants to upload it. Fine, Great. However, known issues with the mod is that the quest chain is easily broken, permanently trapping a character, requiring usage of console or reloading previous save. Or another that doesn't work with LODGen, a basic program that nearly everybody who gets to your mod is going to be using. How would you, or I, or anyone rationally deal with that kind of information? Would they work diligently to correct those problems, play-test the mods thoroughly until all issues were corrected and players could download the mod and play through it without encountering gamebreaking problems? OR Would they sit on the nexus, everyday, 3 years after the last update for their mod, making sure to ban anyone who says anything about the problems readily apparent in their mods. Seems to be some cognitive dissonance, because I know you're trying to give the modder the benefit of the doubt. It's not a complex situation, though. There's a modder releasing mods that are unfinished and game-breaking while using the absolute authority granted to them by the nexus to squelch comments and prevent users from warning other users about what their mods actually entail. Pretty cut and dry.
  2. The mod causing the problems has never been fixed, still throws the same error messages, and causes massive fps drops anywhere in Cyrodiil simply by looking in that direction. It's not a problem with LODGen, it's a flaw in the mod that's never been corrected, and is not pointed out on the mod description or in the comments section, most likely because the author bans them.
  3. You're right about there being a huge personality clash. I've never made a mod, closest I've come is some custom campaigns for TABS. However, I would never leave a half-finished project up in a public space, that I know full well doesn't meet basic quality expectations, and have the temerity to argue with people and lash out at them when they state the obvious flaws in my work. I would be too ashamed of my shoddy workmanship to do something like that. Which sort of tells me that the intention of a person who creates mods that have a very high probability to either permanently leave your character trapped in a cell with uncompletable quest-chains, or fails to work with a basic program that every serious modder of the game uses and leaves the game near-broken is to troll people. Why else would a person be daily haunting a location of someplace he hasn't needed to use in three years? I mean, I'm here now because I'm playing these games, using these mods and site. This person is here to catch people in his troll trap mods and threaten them with a permaban, seems to me.
  4. I'm not going to contact them at all. I'm just glad I don't have to rebuild my entire game. The problems are documented here: https://github.com/TES5Edit/TES5Edit/issues/558 I have no idea how to fix it except remove the mod and all dependents. It's fundamentally broken, trying to use it in a setup with LODgen drops the framerate tremendously when looking in that direction from anywhere in the southern part of Cyrodiil. It's practically malware for the game, so why is it allowed to remain on Nexus and create such problems due to it not working with common programs every other mod I've used for this game does? I shouldn't have to stumble into this kind of situation on a mod that's not been updated in 3 years. My intuition says omebody, at least one, has gone through this before and been banned and had comments removed by this same mod author and the mod sits there like a trap, waiting for the next person to stumble into. Hence the title of the thread, 'sanctioned trolling'. I've already written an email to nexus support, it's not right.
  5. We're not talking about a little mod, here. Nobody's going to run this with OCOv2 and a couple other mods they stumbled into. This is a mod with a patch that requires 5 or 6 other esps as masters, so people who get that far into modding Oblivion are going to be using Tes4LodGen. For a mod that requires all of that to give error messages and be incompatible with a basic tool of the modded Oblivion setup thus creating game-crippling performance issues while the modder uses nexus policies to block any accurate comments about the condition of their work and threatening the commenter being infringed upon with further punishment is wrong, and bad site policy.
  6. Why does the Nexus allow modders to release unfinished mods with high game-breaking potential, who leave them unfinished for years but yet still haunt the mod page's release and ban anyone giving an accurate depiction of the mod's condition? Recently went through just that, then found another game issue where I was having massive frame drops around Leyawiin. Thought I was going to have to re-install from scratch but finally found the issue was caused by a Tes4LodGen error brought about by a mod that was, guess what, created by the exact same author that just banned me for saying their mod didn't work correctly. I can't even look at the pages of the mods released by this person now, even though I did nothing more than use the comment section exactly what I thought it was intended for - to communicate with other users. I didn't realize that a mod's page is effectively 'owned' by that modder and they can exercise absolute control over it. Seems like something that has an incredibly high potential for abuse, to prevent users from getting an accurate description of their mods. I read the comments section of every mod I download before I install it, and if there'd been comments warning me about what I was about to experience with these mods before I installed them, I probably would not have bothered. That's the real problem, is that both mods have high potential to break the game and do not function with other Oblivion standard programs that every other mod cooperates with and yet the mod author is sitting on dead mods, that aren't being updated, are unfinished, but still blocking and banning any negative comments to this day.
  7. Nah, it's not that finicky. Problem is all the prerequisites. You basically must use Wrye Bash, Boss, Tes4Edit, and OBMM, and you actually have to read Boss's log, to change tags and clean mods when required. Then there's all the stability add-ons, like OBSE, enb boost 259, stutter remover, more heap, the 64exe patch, engine bug fixes. It takes a bit of work to set up the 'construct' before even beginning to mod, if you're doing anything complex. I've got a 200+ mod setup, counting the non-esps. Every asset in the game's been replaced, all the game's systems have been replaced like spellcrafting, enchanting, effects, sound, vampirism, plus huge territory mods like morrowind, elsweyr, valenwood, and hammerfell, and my game only crashes about every 3-4 hours. No more so than vanilla, in other words. Radeon says my average fps is 131.8. It's so worth figuring out how to tweak Oblivion, but it takes about a solid month of work and study, lol.
  8. http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1294-fcom-convergence/ That's the link to all the mods required to set-up FCOM. However, upon installing it many mods don't seem to actually work correctly. Ancient Gargoyles spawn everywhere and are totally invincible (totally) without console. Ghost soldiers are in every ayleid ruin. Exnem runeskulls are all more negative than positive, it's pretty broken. Just going with MMM and OOO gave me most of the changes (large amounts of stronger enemies) without the problems. Next build I'd probably just use TIE and Maskar's. Seems more efficient.
  9. Sure, you can uninstall the mod. The easiest way for me is to find the mod page on nexus, then go to files and hit 'preview file contents'. Then go to your game folder and delete each of those files, and rebuild your patch if using Wrye. Even though I really like them, I've had to uninstall both OCC and OCR because even with 5 or 6 compatibility patches, I just couldn't get every conflict resolved with 150 different DLC-type mods.
  10. sweet, has anyone else put in a request for HGEC morroblivion armors? I'd use them. Hey, I've got a kinda random question. If I'm using Elys_USV, can I safely delete the silent mp3 and .lip files from mods that include them but don't have any voice acting? Seems like USV is already doing what those silent mp3s were included in the mods to do?
  11. https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/46475 Fly Clothes Remodel Replacers https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45532 MC Names Pack As per usual, the better mod is much harder to find. A clothing mod requiring no esp that doesn't leave women pink and invisible, Huzzah!
  12. ye, I use that version of enb also. Don't go for any of the DoF/fuzzy stuff and prefer enhanced camera over OR. More Heap really seems to work though, much less crashing. Wrapped up a play-through today, finished the game and added another set of mods, up to 130 esps. New game started fine, so I'm happy. My current most pressing dilemma is the purple/yellow splotches caused by tes4ll, I think because i use Imperial City Reloaded v2 Textures, which don't have lod bmps. The program spits out a bunch of errors at startup saying it can't find certain bmp files in it's own folders, which mods seems to think I have :\ Not really that big of a deal though. A lot of errors originate from a missing /islands folder, which could be attributed to either Valenwood Islands, or Betty'sIslandsFan, both of which are bsa's, so idk.
  13. In the last couple days I found out about the right-click file header in Wrye to allow ghosting and the More Heap mod and my crashes have been cut by 1/4. One of the two has had a significant impact, probably both. I mean, there's a ton of information to learn about modding Oblivion, so it's understandable that some important stuff is hard to locate/figure out.
  14. Well, I've made choices between mods that use esps like OCO V2 and Natural Faces, choosing the latter because it didn't require an esp. I'd much prefer the esp load I add to the game to be expansion-type DLC, which is itself hard to find. Choosing between two mods that do roughly the same thing, one being mergeable and one that wasn't, I'd likely choose the former in every instance. An esp.ghost not counting towards the mod limit and not increasing load times seems like a good idea to me. I'm probably going to do one more playthrough with MMM and Frans and then switch to Maskar's with TIE. The current setup's great, intense fights with large numbers of enemies, but Frans and MMM require a huge number of esps and optional esps, while Maskar's and TIE are much cleaner, using mainly .ini files for options. Idk, it just seems that it being such a potentially useful feature there'd be more emphasis on it. Seems like a mod list with a large amount of mergeable, ghosted esps would be inherently more stable than a list with esps that weren't.
  15. So, yesterday while reading a guide I found buried 3/4's of the way down in the document that you can right-click on the file header in Wyre Bash and mark all mergeable esps as ghosted, which makes it so a mergeable esp is not loaded individually. Reduces both load strain and ghosted esps don't count towards the max limit. Now I'm wondering if there's a 'grand ole list of mergeable esps' to be found somewhere? The only way I know how to see if a mod is mergeable is to load it into my order and see if Wrye Bash designates the mod as mergeable or not. Seems like mergeable mods should have their own separate category on the nexus, because I'm not sure how else you'd find them besides the author stating so in the mod's description. It seems you could add most all those kind of mergeable esps to your load order, assuming there's no conflicts between them, and they essentially wouldn't add anything to the game's processing load?
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