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Everything posted by rex3446

  1. hi, ive been playing fo76 alot in the beta but fo4 is always going to be my boi. i was wondering if we can get the copper/iron/lead/uranium mining nodes in workshop areas, to place auto mining units/ assign settelers that produce a few of the resource per ingame hour or so (ive always wanted to make a mining settlement and have factories there that wont run out of supplies in under a minuet. thanks. (also concerning my old mod request BOS armor rank correction, i made it myself, i can give anyone the file if requested!)
  2. hi, i got the sentinel rank image, put it over the cc bos armors rank (while turning it black) and it looked like it was going to work untill this happend, https://imgur.com/a/2BuY0sm for some reason it has buggerd the textures... anyone know what i did wrong?
  3. is there any chance that it would be possable to make the rank on the shoulder pads the rank that the character is, you can craft it as knight or sentenel ect. also make the orange details the same red that the ranks on power armor are. (any one think that a complete nub like me could try? i dont even know where to start)
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