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Everything posted by rift117

  1. ok, so this might not be lore friendly but hear me out. Hei is the main char from Darker Than Black. He wears a bullet proof coat, so a coated version and a non-coated version would be nice. Also a pair of gloves that shock enemies would be a nice addition too. here's afew pics you can use as a reference for what the armor should look like.
  2. also as my addition to this argument, not everyone in TES can use magic. remember the guy you randomly meet who's trying to resurrect a wolf(hint: he gives you an uncharged staff)? no? then look it up, iv meet him on at least 5 chars on Skyrim.
  3. I personally love the idea of a musket or pistol in Skyrim, and the cross bow would work great! the only downside is, who ever cant afford Dawnguard or just don't want it cant download the mod. so in which case try and make a new Dawnguard free rifle animation. near impossible, maybe. good idea, i think so.
  4. First off, i know it wont be lore friendly... Ok, so here's the idea. if you ever saw Darker Than Black, you know how much of a badass Hei is. i just want to extract a small bit if his badassness and put it in Skyrim. also, if anyone could make a weapon mod that lets you shock enemies at close range, you could just enchant the gloves with shock and we'd be in business. Thank for reading my request and let me know when it's up!
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