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Posts posted by Jonlissla

  1. I certainly hope it's Starcraft 2 and not som MMO. I'm sick and tired of all multiplayer games these days. Besides, you have to pay for them each month, and a poor male without a father like me can't afford that.


    I wonder how the story would be. After all, Kerrigan rule the Zerg, and have beaten back both the UED and the Protoss. How about a fourth faction... Mudcrabs anyone? :ph34r:

  2. I tried the game at a friend, and I must say, I am impressed. The campaign is so far good (tried the first four mission on GDI, never tried NOD), and with the addition of a new faction (the Scrin), and new top notch graphics as well as alot more better gameplay than Tiberian Sun, this game shines more than a supernova!


    Oh, and an old friend has returned as well. A big, bad and REALLY powerful friend... the Mammoth Tank! :ph34r:

  3. I've been beaten by Dagoth Ur, Mankar Camoran, Tiber Septim, The Hulk, Spiderman, Roger Moore, Frankenstein, Darth Vader, Fargoth (Don't ask me how), Dirty Harry, Kane, Tony Montana, Shishio Makoto, a pack of bloodthirsty hamster ninjas, Gandalf the Grey, Marilyn Manson, Christopher Columbus, Eddie Meduza, Charles Darwin, Sauron, Darth Malak, Godzilla, Monty Python's Black Knight, a coconut, Batman, Santa Claus, Sean Connery, Tina turner, Sabaton, Jackie Chan, Optimus Prime, Chuck Norris (Invincible... :ph34r: ), Indiana Jones, Sonic, Super Mario, C3PO, Robocop, Terminator, Hulk Logan and Superman.


    And all I got was this lousy account...


    Oh, by the way, I'm 17! ;D

  4. Is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. short of something, like F.E.A.R. was for First Encounter Assault Recoon?


    Yes, it is. But I don't remember what it was. Read it at another forum.

  5. The game is good, no doubt. Problem is, they have removed almost everything they promised. There aren't any usable vehicles in the game, and they removed the "Blowouts". Think of it as a spiritual sequel to Boiling Point: Road to Hell, just 2x better graphics, and without vehicles. Of course, then we have mutants, anomalies, stalkers, gigantic spaghetti monsters etc.
  6. I attacked one of those filthy imperial city beggars for fun, and naturally all the guards attacked me with their mighty silver longswords. Two seconds later I was dead, slumped against the wall. And what was the last thing I ever heard?


    "You're off duty."


    Eh, I was in Cheydinhal, and tried to pickpocket a poison apple from the Essential guard I'd given it to. Since I didn't have any Chameleon equipment on, he noticed me, which started a little war in which numerous guards died.


    After they finally killed me, 10-15 seconds after my death, a guard walked up to me, and said "Excuse me, are you all right? M...Oh my goodness, this person's dead!"


    Hmm, but wouldn't the load screen appear before then? Or maybe my mind is playing tricks on me... as always! :D

  7. -------Warning! Spoiler!-------


    1) When fighting Mankar Camoran. You don't get the chance to talk to him, like you did in Morrowind with Dagoth Ur. :(


    -------End of Spoiler!-------

    Well he starts talking to you for a while when standing close to him. 'Live', not in dialogue mode. You could still walk around or crack his skull with a hammer while he was sitting on his throne and talking to you. But you can't ask him questions so Dagoth Ur was still better in this situation.


    Agreed. Besides, the only thing he ever do is just sitting there and brags about his 'Paradise'. I can almost memorise it- "One day, You will see the folly of the Emperor etc.- I will crush anyone who dare defy me etc- I WEAR A THONG!" (I might have edited that last one a bit... :P )

  8. -------Warning! Spoiler!-------


    1) When fighting Mankar Camoran. You don't get the chance to talk to him, like you did in Morrowind with Dagoth Ur. :(


    -------End of Spoiler!-------


    2) Battlemages in Arcane University are a quite overpowered, as well as Guards. Try conjuring up a Storm Atronach or Lich, or maybe both, (with the help of mod) and watch them bite the dust. (Hit your own summoned creatures three times and they turn against you. The funny thing is that guards will help you, but you still get the bounty if your creatures kill them, so no exploits there! :P )


    3) The Gray Prince is a wuss. *Gasp!* A fearsome level 10 Warrior! Oooh, I'm shaking! ;D

  9. Well, I assume I have to make this thread even larger, with a little experience that took me offguard. :)


    Anyway, You all know those bridges in the Oblivion Gates? The ones you have to pull levers to extend them? Well, I was being chased by a small bunch of Daedra, believe it was 2 Xivilai, 1 Spider Daedra, and 2 Dremora Valkynaz. (I think it was them, forgot the strongest of all Dremoras :unsure: ) Of course I could turn around and blast those little critters with my nifty 'almost' instant-kill spell, but I was too lazy, so I leave the tower and was the next moment standing on one of those bridges I mentioned. It wasn't extended, so I was trapped. (Well, I could jump down, but, seriously, I don't want to break the leags of my character! :happy: )


    And of course those idiots had to follow me, but instead of spawning in front of the door, wich I blocked, they spawned AT THE SIDE instead! It was rather funny watching them all fall down into the lava as well as the rocks. :P


    Sometimes, RadiantAI is the BEST! ;D

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