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Everything posted by sonkaro

  1. And once again, we go back into the Nexus.
  2. In response to post #31573045. #31573920, #31573935, #31575350, #31575375, #31581750, #31584915 are all replies on the same post. Lets just hope it is just FO4 mods being affected. Thousands upon thousands could be affected if they touch Skyrim, Oblivion, and many of the other games Nexus hosts. But alas, only time will tell. Thank you for taking the time to preemptively warn us.
  3. Thanks, glad to see NMM is progressing so far. Will report bugs through bug tracker if I find any. ^_^
  4. Try running skse as administrator. If that doesn't work I would download the 7zip archive from here http://skse.silverlock.org/download/skse_1_06_16.7z and extract it to your skyrim root directory, also make sure your skyrim is updated to the latest version. Make sure skse_1_9_32.dll is in your skyrim root directory where skse_loader.exe is.
  5. ^ The top mods are usually good. As for my recommendations... Tytanis, Project reality, Any ENB (disable ssao if it causes your system to lag), Read and learn speechcraft, SKSE, corresponding to your skyrim version, SkyUI, needs SKSE, and A Quality World Map With Roads. I take no credit for these mods, but these are some of the best out there in my opinion that you might like.
  6. Border.esp breaks skyrim, causes you to be stuck at an inn (normally sleeping giant inn) and unable to travel outside.
  7. These two should be combatable, they are for me at least. Make sure you aren't using border.esp as that will cause you to be stuck at one location.
  8. go to 'Users/*yourname*/My Documents/MyGames/Skyrim' and look for the file SkyrimPrefs.ini. Open skyrimPrefs.ini and find the [Launcher] tag. Under that section, put the line bEnableFileSelection=1 and save the file. You should be able to enable files with NMM or the skyrim launcher. Folow the steps above and it should end like this http://i.imgur.com/BSE8j.png
  9. The spots on the snow, yeah. On the rocks too, you cant really tell they are rocks or glaciers, they all look like the above or this. http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb408/cod4ushiomi/enb2012_6_30_4_19_23.jpg
  10. So I installed a bunch of mods ect ect and I get in-game and this happens (below) happens tp glaciers and stuff like this, the textures are fine 100% I also have pp skse 1.6 update. http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb408/cod4ushiomi/enb2012_6_30_0_50_4.jpg
  11. Any way to fix? Using 4 processors/cores. Creating queue of files to be built... Building 36 chunks at level 2. Building 9 chunks at level 4. Building 4 chunks at level 8. Building 1 chunks at level 16. Building object texture atlas... Texture atlas build failed with the following errors: LOD diffuse texture '..\Source\TGATextures\lod\FarmhouseLOD01.tga' and normal texture '..\Source\TGATextures\lod\FarmhouseLOD01_n.tga' are not the same size (but should be). Waiting for build worker threads to finish... Build canceled. All worker threads have been terminated. 0 LOD object triangles. 0 were rejected (0 degenerate, 0 under landscape). 0 total LOD object vertices. 0 total water vertices (0 were removed in decimation) No major issues detected.
  12. Writing over textures already there causes all the grass and generated models (stuff that is generated with the grass) completely disappear for the whole cell except for the stuff that was hand placed. The wiki doesn't help and good gives you all but maybe 3 unrelated topics.
  13. I am getting annoyed by this too nothing works =/
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