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Everything posted by wakeboy3

  1. This is literally a must-have. We need more hats for Codsworth and more accessories for Dogmeat.
  2. Not only this, but more armor and weapons based off of hunting beasts in general. Yao Guai hide, Deathclaw hide, Mirelurk shell! I want the Hunter's Arsenal / Wardrobe!
  3. I feel that it would it should have a capacitor that goes with it as well, because the usual capacitor would be rather large for a pistol. All in all, I really enjoy this idea, though! I'd love to see more options for weapons in general.
  4. This is actually an intriguing idea. Maybe have it as a unique variant of the Super Sledge?
  5. If your patient I'm writing up a tutorial for creating completely custom creatures that will tell you what you need to do. Yes I could make him a complete new creature including animations, but I'm up to my neck in my own projects so the best I can offer is a tutorial in the coming weeks. On the plus side for your project you won't have to make the mesh, UV map and texture him which is the major time consuming part. The tutorial will be based around 3DS MAX and not Blender. That sounds awesome. :) Unfortunately, I'm much better acquainted with Blender than Max, but I can learn.
  6. Are you aware of any fairly competent mod authors that might be willing to cooperate with me on making such, or would I be better off tackling the endeavor on my own? I actually don't mind learning to do it myself, but I would very much prefer to find someone with a little more experience under their belt to give me a hand.
  7. Well, what I'd originally envisioned was the Festus box itself simply having some form mobility, or possibly the AI of Festus being implemented into a custom skinned robot, such as a protectron or Robo-brain. I know this wouldn't be too craze an undertaking, and I'm actually not expected much fulfillment out of this request anyhow. Just a fun thought. :)
  8. Lucario, if you wait for Fallout 4, this is something that I myself would enjoy looking into as well. I feel that with the implementation of base building, this idea would be much easier.
  9. I feel that this would be better if made as a second rank to the perk.
  10. So... Mirages? XD That'd actually be pretty interesting.
  11. We need this. Badly. Perhaps you should contact the creator of Familiar Faces directly?
  12. I recently thought to myself, wouldn't it be easier (and pretty awesome) if Festus could follow you on your adventures? I'd love to see a mobile Festus, be it as a new robot, a retexture of an existing robot, anything really.
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