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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by Clockwyrk

  1. I haven't tried out everything in the mod, but I tried smithing, and I did everything up to the point where the Hot Iron is placed above the forge. Then, I dragged it over to the anvil, and began to hammer it. That didn't work. So, I started activating it, and all it did was make a message appear, saying "Fubar". Then, it drains some of my fatigue. I checked the ReadMe, followed the instructions, still... nothing. Why? What am I doing wrong?
  2. I think it has something to do with Vista moving files from the virtual store. Mostly because of the fact that this ONLY happens sometimes, when I save it immediately after attaching an NIF file to an object. The files are in the right place, nothing is damaged, since I can still do everything, but only after closing the CS (which I DO NOT WANT TO DO, I'VE SPENT SOOOO MUCH TIME ON THIS MOD).
  3. I spent quite some time on my mod, and unfortunately, when I tried to save, nothing happened! Every time I click the save button the asterisk* next to the name of the mod is still there, indicating "unsaved changes". Plus, if I try to open OBMM, I get this error: http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/5978/unledntb.png WHY IS IT DENIED? Also, when I try to load up the Oblivion Launcher, I get: http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/808/unledpvv.png I can open the Data folder myself, just fine. But "access is denied" to the programs, and as a result, it's impossible to save! I've gotten this before, all I had to do was close the construction set... but I spent HOURS on this! And yes, I was saving it a lot (every minute), but the way this works, the file suddenly doesn't exist, but when I close it out, it exists again... as a "TES File", rather than a "Bethesda Plugin File", and isn't readable to the game OR the construction set. WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!???????????!?!?!?!?!?!? I just added the finishing touches to a HIGHLY-requested mod, all I needed to do was test it!!! It saved just fine at first. Then, I saved it, created a new "FHTestingCell", so I could test it out. Then, I placed an activator in the middle of the room. Tried to save? NOTHING. I tried everything. I removed the activator from the room, even DELETED THE ACTIVATOR COMPLETELY (I could just create a new one)... wouldn't save. How do I fix this?? As long as I can save it as a Plugin File, I'll be happy. Anybody know what's going on, or had the same problem before?
  4. I wanted to make a section of land an activator without having to create a complicated texture/mesh. I figured the best way was to make an invisible activator. I tried copying the mesh for the collision box, just filing it under "Activator", but the activator couldn't be found in-game. How is this done? It simply has to be invisible, and able to be activated. That's all. Or, is there another way to make a piece of land activatable?
  5. Also, is there an OBSE script that detects the type of the item (ingredient, weapon, armor, etc)?
  6. Sorry, but it doesn't seem to work on mine either. I think your save's a lost cause. Sorry :( And... are you sure that it was JUST all the DLC? Because when I went to run it, it popped up and said "This save game relies on content that is no longer available. Continue?", and I have all the Oblivion DLC.
  7. This usually happens when you have activated a mod, but it requires another mod that you don't have active. To find out, simply click on the mod in the FalloutLauncher (i'll assume that's what you're using, since you didn't mention using the Mod Manager), and it should say "Parent Masters", and a list of .esm's and/or .esp's. If there is even ONE mod that isn't active that's listed in the Masters list, it won't start. It crashes. So, simply look up the mods that are missing, download them, and activate them. If this isn't the problem, please provide more information... like exactly which mods. It may be a corrupted file, or two mods are conflicting. But most likely, it's because you don't have the parent masters installed and active.
  8. I'm currently making a mod, and I need a function that can detect the base efficiency of a weapon, as well as armor. As in, how much damage the weapon does (originally), and how much the armor protects against weapon damage (also originally). I know that there's a GetArmorRating function, but I'm pretty sure that detects the amount of protection the player/NPC has overall. Please help, your help will be greatly appreciated. If there isn't one, please tell me. And I have Oblivion Script Extender, by the way.
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