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Everything posted by sollitdude

  1. i just looked through the ban list for fun and giggles. i saw that one of the admins banned someone for calling someone else a pedophile. is Nexus actually protecting pedophiles now? you can say whatever you want, its not allowed by UK law to call someone else a pedophile, i get that, but this also means that you are on the side of those perverts. realistic nude 3D models of kids isnt okey by morals, and by law.
  2. im seriously thinking that mods like 'cute julia' should be banished from nexus. especially since it was originally advertised with the nude mod. im strongly suggesting nexus to start an active watch against such mods, that promote pedophelia. even if the author had the best intentions imaginable, you cant go around the fact that he promoted nude children. i mean, even in most civilized/western countries, making realistic 3D bodies of children and advertise them with nudity is a criminal act.
  3. im still waiting for strip-tease or a pole-dance move for your character like in skyrim.
  4. i dont see whats insulting to it. people blow themselves up, they yell allah aghbar. i see no connection to religional insult. in america people shoot children with guns. so i say i shoot someone, is that being insultive towards people who get shot? i just dont get society anymore. i simply want an allah aghbar sound mod, im no politician that sees further than that.
  5. uhmm, i dont fully understand your situation here. you first explain that there arnt any weapon mod penalties, and then you ask us to make a mod that removes that non existing thing.
  6. anyone want to made a sound mod that yells allah aghbar when a suicide mutant activates the mini nuke?
  7. is nexus having a ddos attack at the moment? it has most of the symptoms for that. atleast the fallout 4 nexus is reacting slowly, and the forum chat also seems to be out of business.
  8. seriously, everyone is perverted enough to make these mods and use them to jack off to, but not a little bit of help here?
  9. hello, ive downloaded cbbe body and bodyslide studio. then ive downloaded curvier preset for cbbe bodyslide, but the bodyslide studio says it cant load the xml as a slider set file. can anyone help me out?
  10. actually, since ive tried it with the pipe rifle, the loading animation for that, together with this gun from borderlands might go perfectly hand in hand. goal changed. anyone wanna remake this gun from borderlands for fallout 4? :P
  11. oh yes, i can remember the sexy dancers in skyrim. i guess it wouldnt be too easy to make them in fallout 4.
  12. id prefer the tomb raider legend outfit, with the big boobs.
  13. people who know what they are doing :p they have been modding since fallout 3. so they got 10+ years to experiment with different mod tools and whats not.
  14. it doesnt has to be the fg-42, but i would like a gun with a side loading clip, so the loading animation of the stock assault rifle? basically, something like the borderlands 1 combat rifles something in the style of this, but fallouty. i got no preference for ammo type or damage, as long as it aint too bad :tongue:
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