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Nexus Mods Profile

About SgtKUSMC

SgtKUSMC's Achievements


Explorer (4/14)



  1. This is not a bump, it is an advisement that the previous "dibs" has other commitments and cannot get to this mod at this time. As such, it is still open for pick up if there are any takers.
  2. Whats the next step? And thank you in advance, even if it never gets finished. This means everything to me.
  3. A few months back my soulmate, Emory William, my constant companion, best friend, and literal life saver died. He was my ESA (Emotional Support Animal) for 13 years, his death has left an empty spot that I cannot ever fill, but.... maybe it's possible to at least have something of him remain in the form of a mod. What I am requesting is a stand alone mod to create him in game. If possible, behavior mechanics that could make the mod more "Emory-like" would be appreciated, but not required. Anyone that is interested, please post here or PM me and I will provide you with pics and specs My one required caveat... should you make him please remove the "yelp" dog companions make when they are hit or hurt. Thank you to all who would consider this task.
  4. This is a long shot, I've made the request before. âI have tried every combo of bodyslide on the Nexus but for the life of me I can't get a decent enough to pass version of Milla Jovovich (Alice from the Resident Evil flicks) to come out for me. âThe body I can pull off, the face always looks like a bad plastic surgery error. âCan ANYONE out there help me out? âEither by making her for me, OR by pointing me in the direction of a resource I can spend some time tweaking on? âMuch obliged
  5. Not so much a mod but suggestions on how to make a toon that looks like someone. ​I see sooooo many really good toons that are designed to look like real people, some hit the mark, some don't. ​So with that in mind I'm curious as to how to begin and am asking for input from those of you that have tried this in the past. ​Do you use sliders? if so can you suggest one? ​Do you use another method? if so, can you suggest something? I'd like to be able to do this solo if possible and have no experience beyond making my male toon look as much like myself as possible (missed it by (--) that much. But considering the subject I want to copy I wanted to do her proper justice. ​FTR, Milla Jovovich from "Ultraviolet" is what I am shooting for. ​Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  6. The one time GECK is proven as necessary.... sadness
  7. I just had an idea ​The guy that did prelude to Vault 273 uses the buildabear thing, but puts them on radio bases to prevent them from getting knocked around or falling through the map ​How about the object be a lantern with a different color lens, on a radio base?
  8. I dig the SAR X, that was literally the visual I had when I thought of this. ​That said. ​If the issue is a graphics thing, then can we cheat that by making it invisible, like IR ink that can only be seen using a scope? ​Baring that. ​A way to at least mark a location in the area map? ​Baring that. ​Something that can be left behind that is big enough to be seen but not likely to be looted or moved? Like a radio or something? Can a radio be turned into a craftable that can be carried in inventory?
  9. BUT The marking will still be there. ​This isn't so much about loot. This is about locations. ​All the little side alley's and doors, and buildings that don't have an individual map marker location on the map. ​Just some way to be able to mark them as "checked" so that you don't keep going over the same ground over and over again while exploring. That aint bad. ​I tired leaving something in inventory, and sometimes that works, but more often than not it wither gets taken, moved, or falls through the map. Also not very visible considering the size of the objects carried. ​signs would be wicked, but didn't know if that would be too much to do for modders (I have no clue how to make em) ​And that takes me back to chalk or paint. ​We got piles of chalk, hell.... we even have gallons of paint. Seems a shame we can only mix two colors in the game for green... why not more? If all that makes any sense.
  10. The humor was not only obvious but awesome. ​Maybe the next mod can be a sense of humor add on for ya.
  11. BUT The marking will still be there. ​This isn't so much about loot. This is about locations. ​All the little side alley's and doors, and buildings that don't have an individual map marker location on the map. ​Just some way to be able to mark them as "checked" so that you don't keep going over the same ground over and over again while exploring.
  12. Seriously. ​DROP EVERYTHING MAKE THIS HAPPEN ​You know what we need more than LITERALLY any other mod in this game? ​The ability to MARK LOCATIONS WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN TO! ​BOOM ​I don't mean on the map ​I'm talking about spray paint, or chalk, so you can mark a door, the wall, etc to indicate which locations you have already looted, rooms you have already cleared etc. ​Ever your amazed and humble mod enjoyer. ​Sgt K
  13. I look forward to seeing them. If you want some suggestions ​Military T-Shirts Proper Military Hair Cuts ​Military Tattoos.
  14. Can dig it, and it's all good. ​I never even noticed till after I asked that the gloves were part of the frame. ​You have done an AMAZING job and far more than I could have expected or hoped for. ​I sincerely hope you do more mods, and Marine stuff of course, because you are damn good at it.
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