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Everything posted by DTox23

  1. How about creating your own faction and conquering the world :woot: New Caesar
  2. New engine, vehicle, less bugs, better interaction with NPC's and getting out of USA I will give it some more thought and come back
  3. Yes it makes sense. So what you think will we see the rest of the world?
  4. So where would you place the next game? I don't think they are finished with USA
  5. So I've started the Wild Card : Finishing touches quest and I've installed the override chip and reported to Yes Man. Problem is that I can't finish the quest. I have only 2 objectives which I finished. Also I heard that president is dead which is weird since I didn't receive that quest and thats not all, I've heard in the BoS bunker that I've killed the president :wallbash:
  6. Would be good to see the rest of the world
  7. Does anyone know what happened to the rest of the world?
  8. Yeah, you can forgive me :D. I am still pretty new at this and don't know the entire story so don't be surprised to see more of face-palming topics
  9. My first topic :D yeeey I have only played Fallout 3 and now New Vegas. I couldn't help noticing this 50 or 60's theme in both games so I was wondering whats up with that. Gameplay is set in the 'far' future but some things like cars, food ect. are stuck in 50's.
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