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  1. In response to post #24733199. #24733474, #24733594, #24733919, #24733969, #24734114, #24734584, #24734984, #24735109, #24735199, #24735449, #24735464, #24735474, #24735764, #24735829, #24736169, #24736484, #24736504, #24736694, #24736739, #24737289, #24737659, #24738119 are all replies on the same post. Say what you want... People like ME and the other Pitchforkers you demean. We're the primary reason that modding is back to being free and will probably remain so for the time being. Your welcome... By the way.
  2. In response to post #24732344. #24732604, #24732704, #24732709, #24732774, #24732869, #24732879, #24733044, #24733464, #24733739, #24733824 are all replies on the same post. f*#@ that... We weren't black hearted. They were when they gave us a big green middle finger.
  3. In response to post #24732589. #24732864, #24732894, #24733544, #24733749 are all replies on the same post. It's definitely not over. It'll be back... And my vitriol cannon is ready to fire at the pricks who try to usher it back in. This shows precisely why you don't just say... "Ho humm, there is nothing we can do." If that had been the reaction of the community at large... Paid modding would have been here to stay. But instead we said... "f*#@ you and f*#@ this." And lo and behold... Enough of us were pissed to actually get noticed.
  4. In response to post #24733199. #24733474 is also a reply to the same post. Stop trying to ride the white horse here. Modders turncoated on the community with hilarious haste. Users responded in the way that an individual betrayed will always respond. And now that the dust is settled and the greedy have shown their true colors. (The fact that they don't give flying f*#@ about the community, just money.) Now that the paid modding has been vanquished and said greedy individuals have no recourse except to accept that they were completely happy in their betrayel. You try to paste the blame on the ones betrayed rather then the ones betraying... Ridiculous. I hope if one lesson has been learned from all this it is this... People will betray each other in a heartbeat when money is involved. The only modders who deserve any sympathy are the ones that were attacked by the greedy capitalist pushing pissants for not standing at the side of their fellow turncoats. Sorry if I get banned for this comment... But it needed to be said.
  5. Only time will tell if Paid modding returns in a Bethesda game. Maybe I'm an entitled asshole, but personally I hope it's gone forever. Good riddance.
  6. Hahaha... I've always loved Bethesda games for their modding element. The idea that the game can have it's longevity extended nigh infinitely by the addition of several alterations to the core gameplay mechanics or content by dedicated modders. Of course one of my favorite elements to this system was that the games longevity from modding was free of charge, born out of passion and creativity, rather then out of some desire for material remuneration. This news makes me sad. It makes me sad that Modding is headed in this direction. It makes me sad that modders don't seem to realize they are just being exploited and heavily. It makes me sad that top tier mods I once downloaded freely like a giddy school child anxious to see all the cool nuances and elements of said mod will now cost me up to five dollars. Maybe I AM greedy, maybe I AM selfish... Wanting work that took someone hundreds of hours of work to complete for free. Maybe... Or maybe I just thought Modding was about more then making money. I thought it was about community and about sharing and showing off ones creativity. I thought Modding was about selfless creativity and passion... And it was. Until now. Until some fat worthless corporate bastard saw just how lucrative he could make modding for himself and his company... With practically nil effort involved on his part. I never saw Steam as a bad company, but they have slowly been changing my perception of them. Between their neglect their shortsightedness and yes their greed... Slowly but surely I'm starting to see Steam for what it is. I won't judge Modders for putting their works up for sale if they should choose to. I just hope they don't judge me for refusing to pay a single dime for something I once got free of charge. Because I'm not.
  7. Oi! The everlasting quest to make everything idiot proof... I hate to be a downer, but making anything truly idiot proof is pretty much impossible. On the other hand I can understand a need to protect some of the more prolific modders from the ocean of stupid comments and inane bullshit they no doubt have to deal with on a day to day basis. Such is the life of a servant of the people. It's amazing anyone would want to subject themselves to the sense of entitlement and stupidity in the first place. Well... Good luck.
  8. Read the whole thing. Yay. Been using the Nexus sites for a long time now. Been around for Oblivion, FO3, FNV and Skyrim. It's been a pleasure to watch the site grow and evolve. It's great that your finally able to branch out. With dedication to quality and community here's hoping the sites stay going strong for a long time to come.
  9. Ever since the update to I've had a strange problem in which NPCs refuse to budge from their initial locations in the world. I'm confused because from what I know of the Navmesh bug it's supposed to only afflict new areas within esps. Not the whole world of Skyrim. Oddly some npcs seem unaffected, however the vast majority of important quest/store or other vital NPCs are affected, and will refuse to budge from their spots. As an example Birna up in Winterhold stands outside of her shop, day and night staring at her brother as they are before their conversation when you first enter Winterhold and she absolutely refuses to budge despite any measure I've taken. This is annoying because in addition to being very distracting it means that I can't access her shop and thus cant trade with her. That's just one example of several. I'm relatively sure there is no way to solve this problem (though I could be wrong) and I've already tried everything I can think of, I'm mostly just posting this out of curiosity to see if anyone else is having this problem or whether anyone knows if Bethesda has mentioned this as something that could possibly be resolved during their work on the Navmesh bug. Personally since it's only been occurring recently I'd wager they goofed and somehow caused it in the first place.
  10. So I've been trying to find out how to remove the script that seems to add protected status to Companions upon recruiting them. Even if it's not originally checked in their CK entry. I've been looking through the Papyrus scripts relating to followers but I've come up completely empty-handed. Checking their protected status in game, they are clearly not protected before I recruit them, and after I do, they become protected. I've looked around on the Nexus and found a few simple mods that remove protected status from vanilla companions, But those also seem to fail to remove the script that adds protected status upon recruitment. If any talent scripters or modders would like to offer a word of help or point me in the right direction so I can hopefully resolve this issue on my own, I would be extremely grateful.
  11. So I've been experimenting a little with a way to make my personally crafted companions more "mortal" then seems to be acceptable in Skyrim. Personally I HATE, HATE, HATE!!! Having companions who seemingly cannot die unless I personally fry them with my own hands. They're not essential nor are they protected through the CK, however, whenever I recruit them to follow me a script fires somewhere (Hell if I can find where.) that adds protected status to them. Most annoyingly protected status, unlike that of essential status, seems to have no discernible way of being removed via console commands... All I can do is check to see if the flag is present, It's not before I recruit them and after I do, It appears there. I'm at a loss, I've tried looking through the papyrus scripts, though admittedly I can't make out much as I'm not very familiar with coding. I know this is unlikely to bother most people but I personally find companions who cannot die completely devoid of any compelling mortal element. If any more talented modders out there would be so kind as to browse through the script for companions and see if they can't clip out the piece that's adding the protected flag I would owe you a serious debt of gratitude. Honestly, I can't understand why Bethesda added this measure in addition to the Protected check box on the individual NPCs. If they hadn't (And they shouldn't have.) This would have been a significantly easier issue to resolve.
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