I was talking about "Fallout - Voices1.bsa" file in Data folder, the sound/voice folder is only for mods/fixes (or when someone extracts that bsa file).
Check if you have a voices file in data folder. No voice means game is looking in sound/voice/falloutnv.esm for the voice files, so when you e. g. renamed the main .esm it won't work.
Try this file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/4ngruw This sets toxic cloud back to 0. If you want a definitive fix for the cloud (so such crap doesn't happen at all when in DM), try my fix included in Inofficial Community Patch over at ravenmodding.
You only go to the terminal after killing the two turrets and the bot and open it. If Terminal shows no option to free him, use Inofficial Community Patch from ravenmodding, it has a fix for Robotic disable perk.
You are welcome. Without the patch you also haven't got any quest markers at Ulysses for the Marked Men nor you would have been informed to deal with them.
Script got already fixed by me and is included in Inofficial Community Patch over at ravenmodding. It doesn't matter if the turrets or the bot are disabled or disabled through perk, it just works :D
Just tried and working as intended, no glitch here. Probably a mod is doing something there on your side or it is already fixed in the Patch (Mod) I have installed.