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Everything posted by Deleted28570945User

  1. Does Nexus get to keep ELFX for Skyrim LE and SE?
  2. That's exactly what I thought at first for all of them. Except when I use hatm_0.nif and hatm_1.nif on my male Nord his head disappears...possibly they are for females. Is this in-game? I know sometimes the CK can be weird and disappear heads in the render/preview windows. Yes, in game. My end goal is to use Cabal's Wolf Armor and Skyforge Weapons as Ebony without an esp. Wolf armor and weapons with Ebony stats. I have been successful with all weapons and all armor pieces except for the helmet. Are you importing the models using the ArmorAddon? I'm using vanilla Bethesda meshes for wolf armor and weapons unless Cabal had some, don't remember. Then CT77 and Gamefever UUNP for female armor. Never heard of ArmorAddon.
  3. That's exactly what I thought at first for all of them. Except when I use hatm_0.nif and hatm_1.nif on my male Nord his head disappears...possibly they are for females. Is this in-game? I know sometimes the CK can be weird and disappear heads in the render/preview windows. Yes, in game. My end goal is to use Cabal's Wolf Armor and Skyforge Weapons as Ebony without an esp. Wolf armor and weapons with Ebony stats. I have been successful with all weapons and all armor pieces except for the helmet.
  4. That's exactly what I thought at first for all of them. Except when I use hatm_0.nif and hatm_1.nif on my male Nord his head disappears...possibly they are for females.
  5. In the vanilla Bethesda bsa's there are multiple meshes for the Wolf Armor Helmet: hatm_0.nif hatm_1.nif hatma_0.nif hatma_1.nif hatmk_0.nif hatmk_1.nif hatmo_0.nif hatmo_1.nif Which ones are used by male Nords?
  6. Is the LOOT or sorting function going to be updated as frequently as LOOT? How does it handle customized textures, meshes, and esp's? I'm a huge fan of MO1. I tried Vortex when it was first released as alpha but couldn't get used to it. Possible you guys have done quite a bit since then. MO2 is good but Wrye Bash is a bit of a pain with it.
  7. Thank you for all of your contributions to Skyrim. I hope that one day you have the time to create even more and I hope you can achieve your dream of working in the industry.
  8. Thank you so much for all the time and work you have put into TES.
  9. Very grateful for all your work over the years. Could not do what I do without you, thank you Ousnius! :)
  10. Do I need to obtain permission from original mod author(s) to upload a ported mod? If they no longer come to Nexus does that mean that SE is doomed to never have it ported? I noticed that some ported mods have authors which I attempted to contact...so that is why I am asking. I have done about 3 months worth of ports, customizing, editing, tweaks, etc. Would be nice if I could share some stuff though! :)
  11. Just in case, here is a 2nd comment!! :P
  12. I hate to rehash this but could you please take a look at the permissions and tell me whether I am allowed to upload or not? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5600 It appears that someone has already uploaded their recolors: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8723?tab=files I just don't want to get in trouble! :P
  13. Is it possible to use AO textures to enhance meshes and textures for a similar effect?
  14. Just need a frame of reference for ENB. I hunted for over an hour and have not been able to find any info on Nvidia control panel settings. SE has some different settings than LE...thanks.
  15. I recently recolored Sader325's Mystic Elven Armor and Weapons. But like most of the stuff I do, I have no idea if I am allowed to upload or not. If a mod author never comes on here anymore, how are we supposed to get permission? What would be the correct way of attempting to share something like this with Nexus Skyrim modders?
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