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Everything posted by alfatossa

  1. launching SKSE64 without the custom MO2 launcher will not load some mods since MO2 uses a different directory to install mods than the original SkyrimSE /data folder (or so it is for me)
  2. okay so i had a MASSIVE lag with my SSE lately and i decided to reinstall everything from scratch and i was crashing after a mere 10 seconds so i decided to reinstall again but run the game at every page of download history and everything runs fine but as soon as i enter big cells(Riverwood) the games simply closes i did some troubleshooting by disabling mods and looking if it would fix it but no luck so i figured it could be my load order so here are some image of MO2 with my load order. If someone could help me fix that (without using another software) that will be greatly appreciated https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G55zVvY7bcKIIzcLfVRfQQmRLrIJw1VR?usp=sharing
  3. Hi i'm working on a quest and i want to make it so that at a certain quest stage the map marker in the map change to another one, is there any way to make this and if it does can anyone give me some help into this?
  4. thats whst i did but maybe since I haven't changed the file names it's interfering with the originla bsa and also maybe its not rendering the new scabbard because it created a new block
  5. Hi I have a sword mod that I really like but its using the scabbard of the steel sword. So this is hiding the amazing blade so i figured that i can try to change the scabbard, so i exported the .bsa file to get the sword meshes and texture and i change the scb branch to put the one used for the daedric sword. Everything looks okay on nifskope but once i build it into creation kit, the scabbard is not showing and when i give it to me in-game its still the steel sword scabbard. Can anyone of you please help me? here is what i see on nifskope I am not going to upload this mod to the nexus this is for perosnal use only
  6. i found out why it wasnt working for me apparently i had too many npc in a single cell and i accydently added one that did thisci had to redo 5+ hours of gameplay beacause it was my last save but now its fixed
  7. okay it just dosen't make sense i am using My Home is Your Home and i have multiple followers in my house Kharjo Serana (my wife) and 3 more modded followers and all of htem are no longer intractable i really dont want to load my latest save which was before i enable a DLC mod that was working fine last time i enabled it(Helgen Reborn) any way to fix this?
  8. i knew this but i cam't put the same name and i needed to change the description
  9. All my thanks to AnimalRiot to Post me the Link of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch I added the link to my read me in my mod and I hope i'll get more Downloads
  10. well yes look on TES nexus : angel mod its a playable race and i have a video i just dont have the begining where valen dreth talk to you and the blades coming in your cell and you escape from the sewers and i cant bring martin to cloud ruler temple
  11. ok but i downlaoded a mod that adds dremora race and the starting is made from the orc race i made mine from the Imperial race and the cell starting is not here :(
  12. A turorial for my new race adding a tutorial cuz my new race don't have a tutorial you just have to check my read me on my mod: Angel mod
  13. no i mean i want to add a tutorial to a race I have created
  14. ok i created a new race and i need a link for a alternative tutorial a looked out for some and i havent found one please help me
  15. I know its just beacause before sending this reply, i tried to move it in the object window and not in the render.
  16. Ok I almost understand your explication but i don't know how to add my sword... I tought it was easy but i dont understand
  17. ok thanks its just beacause i switched mace of molag bal for the sword I named Tyrael's Longsword and I want to put mace of molag bal back in the testinghall. And how can I put this new weapons in the tesitnghall I'm new with the TES construction set
  18. i want to add wepaons in the testinghall without effecting other weapons
  19. ok I got a good idea to make a Copy of oblivion_default.ini before changing anything
  20. @striker 879 nope my Oblivion folder is where you are saying i modified Oblivion_default.ini and oblivion.ini and i just says that a screen shot has been taken
  21. well no Oblvion is in Programs files/Betesda Softwork...
  22. ok so i done the thing about enabling screenshotting and i says a screenshot has been taken but i dont find it.. i also have anti-aliasing disabled and im using vista please help me!
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