In response to post #24585079. #24585344, #24585519, #24586104 are all replies on the same post. Professional victimhood, is what it is. These supposed cultic, patriarchal themes are myths - Gamergate, Sarkeesian, college rape culture, and all relevant [subjects] are artificial, constructed by liars and [furthered] by idiots. Subject-object dichotomy? Wage disparities? Manspreading? Modern "feminism" is really pulling bull these days. But this is irrelevant to the subject matter. Surely content creators should be allowed the ability to recieve rewards for their works, but as they support this business model, paid, disingenuous content and distributor control trend upward, and monetized modding will cement itself. Why not support donation, the thing Steam is so effortfully censoring in the Workshop? Patreon is an effective means to support artists. If the product is good, money follows.