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Everything posted by PanFrie

  1. lets just hope that comes somewhat soon xD thanks for the heads up
  2. They are immortal in that they don't actually die. However if they walk down an alley full of super mutants, they will go down. While they are down the supply route is interrupted. While trying to build that Alley settlement I could head mutants shooting at something, then they would stop and i wouldn't be able to build anything for a moment. Then the shooting would start back up and I would be able to build again.
  3. This will probably in some DLC or something.... however; Would it be possible to have 2 guards spawned on each Provisioner as well as the Brahmin? I find some provisioners die when they are traveling, which stops the supply line until they are "revived", only to die shortly after. If you're depending on that supply line to build things it turns into a real pain in the butt. I have a theory that this is also why the pip-boy settlements tab sometimes shows settlements as not having enough food/water if they are getting it from linked settlements. At the very least invincible Provisioners would be nice.
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