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Everything posted by DaBooch

  1. Hey all. Replaying Oblivion for the 3rd or so time. I have looked in the Nexus for a shipping mod but no luck. Skyrim had one. Basically, a chest outside of each player owned home. Put the items you want to ship in it, pick a destination and a few days later, your stuff appears at the destination. Cost would be a percentage of the weight. I don't wany to break immersion and use a ring mod so I can carry 5 billion pounds. Just want to move items from one house I own to another. Any thoughts on this?
  2. Hey all. I normally play FNV on my home system but I am going away for a whlie and would like to still play on my laptop while I'm gone. I have installed the game, all DLCs, FNVSE and the mod manager on my laptop. Is there an easy way to transfer the mods to the laptop instead of having to install each one? I have a bunch of mods (100+) and was looking to save some time? Any ideas? Many thanks and KCCO!
  3. Hey guys...not sure if this exist but I CTD a fair amount with FNV. I know how buggy the game is and have read that basically, you just have to accept it. Does anyone know if there is an error log created when a CTD occurs? I would like to try to see where the conflict is and if it is possible to correct. Thanks! KCCO
  4. Many thanks for the replies. Much appreciated.
  5. Many thanks. Anyone know a way to do this do it would persist through a save?
  6. Hey all, maybe this has been done already but I can't find it. Saw something in the Underwater hideout that was pretty cool. For now, deciding to stay with the Underground Hideout, despite the frequent CTD, but I wanted to know if there is a stand-alone mods that will tag items in the inventory so that they will stay in the inventory when the I sort everything. It would certainly spped things up for me if I don't have to go track down everything I normally wear/use after I use the auto-sort. Thanks in advance and KCCO!
  7. Hey all, not really sure if this goes here or if there is a solution (I have looked) but here goes. I'm using the Underground Hideout mod and I want to change the name of some generic vanilla items in the game. For example, in the bedroom, there is a "Weapons Locker" across from the bed. I would like to name this "Surplus Items for Sale". Is there a way using Console Commands to do this or do I have to use the GECK to edit the mod? Many thanks all...KCCO!
  8. Anyone else with some insight? I've tried lung1987's suggestion..........but to no avail.
  9. Hey all. I'm 0 for 2 so far with my posts. Hopefully I will be able to get help with this one. I have a mod that I am using but it doesn't offer enough room for the display area so I thought I'd create an addition of a much bigger display room. I created a new cell according to the GECK tutorials (copied from original mod) and created a basic large room. I then inserted a door into the original mod and one in my addon and connected them. No issues (done tons of this in Oblivion). I saved the mod and start the game. I can enter the room that I just created but after about 5 seconds or so, the game freezes. It really doesn't crash to Desktop...just hangs. I have to do the 3 finger salute to get out of the game. Anyone have any suggestions as to a possible cause? Thanks
  10. Hey all. I love to explore. I always bring back a max load of stuff (I use Underground Hideout). I hate having to organize the stuff and then make 4 or 5 trips to various merchants as they never have enough money. I though about jacking the amount of money they had up but it's not the best solution. I was thinking about adding a mailbox outside my entrance as a "drop box" for Caravan merchants. Here's my thoughts...drop whatever I want to sell in the box. There's an X percent chance it will get stolen before the 7am pickup. Same with the cash that is left. To be fair, the amount of the items drops to, I dunno, 25% of the stated value, but there is no limit to the amount that can be dropped off. Any thoughts or ideas for improvement? Any ideas on how to make this a mod for everyone...ie have the mailbox as a sellable item so anyone can set it up wherever they want? To make this happen, I would need someone who could help me with scripting. As you can see if you read my others posts, I'm not the greatest at scripting, but I'm learning fast. Thanks!
  11. Hey all. been building a house mod and was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of how to sort stuff. I want to be able to click on a button and have my ammo appear, stacked, on a metal shelf. I was also looking at how to have weapons appear on a wall but I presume the principle is the same. I am not a noob at modding but I don't have a lot of experience scripting. Any help would be appreciated. Booch
  12. And one thing I have learned from the rest of the guys here...if the mod doesn't have a readme with it...probably should avoid it. There's no telling what it may do to your game/system. as well, you may want to look at using OBMM to manage your mods. Whole bunch of useful stuff in OBMM
  13. Hey all. I want to create a copy of the vanilla Welkynd Stone Holder so I can attach an auto-place script to it. I'm pretty sure I have the script worked out but I'm stuck at creating a duplicate of the holder. Any help? Thanks
  14. Not sure what happened but I guess third time's a charm. It's there now. Now the task is to figure out why it wans't there in the first place. Many thanks for the suggestions. I will use them to troubleshoot what happened.
  15. Hey all. Playing Oblivion yet again. Last time was 2 years ago. I created a house mod that I wanted to use again but even after I dump the ESP into the data folder, it doesn't show up in the game. I have disabled all of the other mods I have except for the one I created. I can easily find it in the Construction Set. All the stuff is still there but it won't show up in the game. Could it be due to the fact that I don't have all of the mods I had previously installed 2 years ago installed now? I really like the house so I would love to use it again. Thanks in advance.
  16. My back yard is over an acre in size. What I would give to be able to walk out to my back yard with a keyboard...hit "~tg" and have my grass instantly mown!! Oh god that would be great.
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