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About rwillia157

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim, Witcher 2, Starcraft II
  • Favourite Game
    Loved some of the german RPGs like the old Gothic games(still play em) but ahrd to pick a favorite.

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  1. End of the Nexus? Just announced during E3. Creators club. Have to get mods from Bethesda and pay with credits equated to real dollars, community members have to submit mods to bethesda to be available.
  2. "All Customized Game Materials must contain the proper credits to the authors of the Customized Game Materials and must indicate that LICENSOR is not the author of the Customized Game Materials with additional language that “THIS MATERIAL IS NOT MADE, GUARANTEED OR SUPPORTED BY THE PUBLISHER OF THE SOFTWARE OR ITS AFFILIATES.”" So if I gather this righ tthat line needs to be quoted on every mod that modifies the game files in order to be shared.
  3. In response to post #15571860. #15573005, #15579840, #15580325, #15580350 are all replies on the same post. Yeah the virus came from the phishing site not the nmm download, sounds like th ehacker then changed his tactics afterward
  4. In response to post #15571860. #15573005 is also a reply to the same post. I got the email on 6/10/14. The link in the email directed me not to an outside source but to the nexus mod page. So I figured it was safe. The installer was signed by black tree gaming. It said that I had to uninstall current version to update, did and then I had some issue with system instability shortly afterward. A virus scan today identified the trojan. THE LINK WAS TO THE OFFICIAL DOWNLOAD PAGE SO I THIN THE OFFICIAL FILES MAY BE CORRUPTED. *EDIT* THE LINK TAKES YOU TO A FAKE SITE THAT ASKS YOU TO LOG IN. IT THEN REDIRECTS YOU TO THE OFFICIAL SITE. SO IT MAY BE JSUT TRYING TO GET YOUR LOGIN INFO?
  5. In response to post #10411475. #10411755, #10411811, #10411839, #10411853, #10411955, #10411958, #10412022, #10412042, #10412073, #10412111, #10412194, #10412216, #10412262, #10412546, #10412583, #10412584, #10412592 are all replies on the same post. Still not working for me, and can't log on to the NMM. Also All of my tracked files are no longer tracked and most links take me to the homepage for the all files section
  6. So bumping this. Know I don't have my specs and mod list up but it is rather lenghty file to post so was saving space anyon eelse having this issue?
  7. So any mods hat are broken with the 1.9+ so far? http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/21.jpg
  8. so I am having a rally annoying problem. I can't do the battle of Whiterun becuase the game suddenly drops to 1.2 fps the second i enter the camp outside whiterun. I figured on my last playthrough it was a mod problem and tried to ggogle it and found a there where a few people with this problem but no solutions. So I really wanted to see the civil war quest so unmadded the game loaded up a character and tried on a clean vanilla install with a new chracter jsut running throught the civil war quest on the side of the stormcloaks. Still have the same problem. I have a really decent system and no performance problems with skyrim otherwise so I was stumped. I gave up the idea re-modded the game started a new character. i saw on another thread in this forum that someone said it was skybirds cuasing the same problem for them in the battle for solitude. I don't know though it did it even on vanilla. The point is I really want to complete the civil war quest line and wanted to know if anyone has any ideas what migh cuase the problem.
  9. SO I am a premium member and plan to stay yhta way but one quick thing. The endorsement Idea? I just went and checked my mods and found some that I love but were unendorsed. Then when I tried I remembered why they were unendorsed - The nexus won't let me for some reason- when i try to endorse iot tells me i have to wait three hours from the download time even though the mod was downloaded months ago. Downloading agian and waiting the rewuisite time does not help at all so simply it is impossible for me to endorse every mod I would like
  10. This is caused by the mod 7K Whiterun. The mod is dirty as all get out. It adds that thief there and marauder at the bleak falls barrow, It also breaks the thieves guild and mages college quest lines as well as causes CTD at about 20 locations, adds about 5 other NPC'S it should not it is bugged all to hell and mod author abandoned. I think he might of even did all this on purpose as he was arguing with posters in his thread threw up the last release then never returned to the mod. Several other mod authors then were editing there own mods int e CK and would inadvertently include the bugged info packaged up with there mod it damaged many mods and many save games. Despite bieng well documented the mod is still up and there are people who are even translating it still.
  11. Common vanilla issue read this thread it will fix it you have a spell that got attached to your character(Note this thread is pinned at the top of the tech support page http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/872861-tutorial-removing-unwanted-magic-effects-from-the-player/
  12. Get enhanced night skyrim it adds a ton of stars adjust eh star curve and star intensity the only other thing is to bump up the night gradient intensity a bit it for some reason effects some of the stars
  13. Thank you dark one, This service you provide is greatly appreciated and the reason i became a premium member was just becuase of how clear it was you did this as a labor of love in the past. I understand that you could get invetors very easily, the amount of traffic you generate is tremendous and even game developers have to accredit a small portion of game sales on the games the nexus support, heck I know it is why I bought mount and blade, world of tanks, and if it wasn't for the great community here on the site and your hard work i would never of bought skyrim but after modding oblivion and morrowind i was hooked. Thank you.
  14. So i am having a very woerd problem, after one year of stable modded skyrim i started ahving some issues. Aftr messing around with a few things did a clean install adn things worked great and cut down my mod list in half and was very happy. Then I noticed candles suddenly went inivisible, no new mods nothing jsut poof invisible candles. So i reinstalled agian and loded aup a 100% pure vanilla. NO candles the flamesa are thre the light is emitted but the wax part of the candle is invisible, heck even the shadows cast byt eh candle show up but the wax is invisible on every candle everywhere. Any I deas/ i am at my wits end this really ruins the game with these gost floating candle flames once you notice them you can't unotice them if you get my drift. SOLVED ***** EVIDENLTY MY INI HAD BECOME CORRUPT EVEN THOUGH I HADN'T MESSED WITH IT AFTER DELETING AND LETTING GAME GENERATE NEW ONES THE PROBLEM IS SOLVED.
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