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Everything posted by TheClosestPickle

  1. I think... what you have stumbled upon in writing this is perhaps the most haunting and bone-chilling circumstance of our reality: Facing the entirety of all we know, all we've seen, all our fears and failures, and staring back at a terrifying visage in the form of the unbridled and merciless force of confronting our own frailty. Beyond mostly everyone do I know this very struggle, that of one's past and shortcomings raging through every single heartbeat and thought. There is little that is more horrifying than to confront one's inner demons, because we know we cannot change the past even though it so clearly is a part of us we simply can't shake. And in the end? Only one party remains: You... or the demons. You kill them... or they kill you. The grand question: Are you going to let them win?
  2. WARNING: This poem is a very raw and blunt piece of work. It may not be comfortable for some readers to explore, and it evokes very disturbing imagery. That being said, viewer discretion is heavily advised, and the faint of heart probably shouldn't read this. You have been WARNED.
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