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Everything posted by Sam324

  1. Looks great except for the fur stopping below the waistline, which is just not my preference but it's up to your taste of course. It would definitely make more sense to release it at this point and I hope that you do; even if it's a modder's resource or race mod with no ability to wear armor, that'd be a whole lot better than nothing at all. I for one would happily play this race even if I couldn't wear armor with it.
  2. Unfortunately, I just gave up on this after the last post I made in this thread. I still have all the model files I made, but no new progress. I think I've pretty much forgotten all I'd learned about Blender, and I don't have any immediate plans to get into trying any complicated 3D modeling again in the near future. Good luck with solving this, though, and if you ever do, make sure to let us know what worked, of course.
  3. Hi, thanks for the reply. I tried running OBSE through the console as you suggested, and it was giving me a bunch of error messages about Direct3D. After seeing that I decided to try again with removing OBGE and the rest of my OBSE plugins, and lo and behold, it worked just fine with them gone. I thought that a few of the ones I have were likely to cause a problem; I just don't get why it didn't fix it when I removed them earlier, but I probably did something differently that time without realizing it. Once I added them all back individually, I eventually narrowed the cause down to both Oblivion Graphics Extender and Enhanced Music Control. Having either of these in my OBSE plugins folder would cause the issue I was experiencing.
  4. Hi. I'm having a problem with playing Oblivion on Linux. I guess I went into this thinking it would be relatively straightforward, but I've been running into all sorts of problems. The first thing I did is I used PlayOnLinux to install Oblivion and then Shivering Isles from the DVDs. That went fine for the most part. After that I linked my save game folder to my new installation, and replaced the new Data folder with the one from my other computer, which runs Windows 7. So now I've got all the game files identical to the ones I've been playing with previously. I had tried to use Wrye Bash to match my active mods with my latest save file's masters, but I couldn't figure out any way to make Bash run under Linux, so I just copied my Plugins.txt from my other computer and replaced the one Oblivion uses on this one. So I'm able to run Oblivion by itself through PlayOnLinux all the way to being in-game after loading a save, but the problems is that many mods I can't play without require OBSE. When I run the obse_loader.exe file from the Oblivion installation directory, it shows a lot of output messages in a terminal window, and the game loads, but once I load a save file it freezes and the music stops. The same happens when I run obse_loader.exe through PlayOnLinux, in the same virtual drive as Oblivion. I also tried deselecting all my mods and running with OBSE; same result. It also happens if I try starting a new game. I also tried removing all the files from my OBSE Plugins directory. I had had issues with .obse files causing similar problems, and I could fix that by deleting them for the save I was loading, but when I got rid of the .obse and .pluggy files for my save it still didn't load. The OBSE log isn't much help either; it just ends at "loading save game". I also read something in another topic here about OBGE shaders causing this problem, so I tried removing all of those from my Shaders directory as well as removing OBGE from the Plugins folder. Can anyone possibly help me out here? Has anyone ever even gotten OBSE to work on Linux? I would try reinstalling with only Wine and not PlayOnLinux but the game won't install at all if I do that.
  5. Thanks for the replies :) @Drake: That explains it then; I've never had experience working with normal maps so I don't think I'll attempt any texture merging right now. @IkeCoast: I think I had tried this before with, as you suggest, using the "Khajiit" body type with True Body Shapes on an imperial character, but while that works fine when not wearing armor/clothing, if I remember correctly the textures on the legs revert to the default skin texture for the race if a character is wearing armor. I think that I'll actually leave the race in its current state; what I was actually going for was "anthro sphinx" as a new race so I suppose since a normal sphinx has the whole body of a lion it makes sense for them to have fur on all of their bodies, not just the lower half. I'm glad I at least understand why the problem was occurring, though.
  6. Hi everyone. I am trying to make a race mod for myself which is really just a mix of a few other mods. I wish to use the Imperial upper body meshes and textures (from Robert's male and female body mods) and the Khajiit lower body and tail meshes and textures (from the mod KATS), along with wings from another mod. I thought it would be rather simple to make in the CS, but I'm running into an issue. When I look at my new race in-game, even without the KATS/True Body Shapes stuff active, my characters (both male and female) have all Khajiit textures. I made sure the male and female upper body, etc. textures were set to the Imperial ones and the lower body ones were set to Khajiit; I'm not sure why it's applying Khajiit textures to everything. I'm pretty sure the "body suit" from True Body Shapes is set up properly (I copied the models from my Meshes folder to a new folder named after my race), but I don't think it even matters because this happens with that mod disabled. Could anyone suggest a possible reason why this might be occurring? Thanks in advance.
  7. Well I guess I'll bump it again. I kind of wish I could finish this, although I don't know the entire process of texturing and animating or anything...I just think I'll learn it as I go, hopefully, but this issue just won't let me proceed. I also have a female centaur model which I made in the meantime, and which contains the original deer vertex groups and human ones. I read every other thread about this topic in Skyrim, and they all seemed to have easy solutions like enabling an option in the export NIF options or parenting everything properly. Of course, I've tried all those things.
  8. I wonder if it's even necessary to have these same skin partitions in the exported model. I mean, I realize it doesn't make sense (probably) for BP_LEFTLEG to be all four lower legs, instead of the normal two. I tried importing the model I exported from Blender into the CK, but it gave me an error about not being able to apply a certain animation to the model. I merged the skeletons before exporting the model so that I could parent the mesh to the skeleton. All the tutorials I've seen on the internet seem to be about armor modeling, not body/actor modeling. Not sure what to do now. Have I approached this wrong or something?
  9. Trying to get back into this project. I saw another thread that said to select the mesh before importing the skeleton, and parent it to the skeleton, but I've been doing that all along. I have one skeleton with the mesh parented to it, and the mesh containing BP_TORSO, BP_RIGHTARM, and BP_LEFTLEG. Can someone please help me get past this problem? http://imageshack.us/a/img141/3716/nifskope.th.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img31/7109/blenderb.th.jpg
  10. Hello. I've been grappling with an issue with Blender modeling for Skyrim for the last few days. I've created a new model from two different .nif files, which I imported at first. I set vertex groups in Blender after doing my modifications, and have successfully been able to export it as a .nif, but the new .nif file never has any Dismember Skin Instances in it. I have set it up as the Blender NIF Import/Export tutorial said to. I made the wrists BP_RIGHTARM, the lower legs BP_LEFTLEG, and the rest of the model BP_TORSO. Here is an image of the model showing that outline of the mesh and skeleton. As it shows, I have the mesh parented to the skeleton. I have a suspicion that perhaps the vertex groups for dismember skin instances must match the bones in the skeleton...but when I think about it, and after examining the original .nif files in NifSkope, they are different from the bones (less of them). I originally kept all the vertex groups from the original two models as I edited them, but that only produced an "unweighted vertices" error when I tried exporting. Deleting every group other than the BP ones solved that problem. I'm at a loss as to what to do next, as I have tried everything I can think of. I tried bone weight copying from the original models, but it was far from correct. I am now manually re-creating all the applicable vertex groups from the originals, but I need a break, as I've done almost nothing but try to fix this for the past three days. Also, to clarify, the problem is not empty dismember skin instances in the .nif, but rather an outright lack of that node in the file. Of course, I do have "Export Dismember Body Parts" and "Export Skin Partition" enabled in the Blender .nif export options.
  11. Hi. There are a few mods for which I would like to be notified by email when they receive new comments. However, when I clicked "view forum thread" on the comments page and then "watch topic", it doesn't work. It says "stop watching topic" instead now for these forum threads, but I'm not getting any emails, nor am I seeing additions to the notifications page on the forum. I have my settings so that I get emails and inline notifications about new replies to watched forum topics, and this works for non-comment topics on the forums. Am I doing something wrong here?
  12. I just had an idea: using player.setscale 0.25 to make myself small enough to fit into dungeons as a dragon. Unfortunately, there were some issues. I still had the same collision as a full-sized dragon, for one thing, and besides that, when I went into a dungeon in third person, the camera was above all the dungeon's objects/walls/ceiling and there were only candle flames visible. First person in the dungeon worked okay. Am I the only one who has tried this? Does someone know how to fix these issues? I thought that when I saved and reloaded after the setscale, the collision had fixed itself, but it still wasn't right. I was thinking that if these problems could be solved, shrinking yourself to one-fourth size would be a cool and useful shout to have in some mod for those who don't want to transform back into humanoid form.
  13. Hey, I'm the maker of that video...I haven't tried those INI values that you posted, but if you were wondering, here are the values that I use to get it. Actually, if you don't always play as a dragon, you can just use these console commands to re-position the camera each time you transform, and they go back to normal when you exit the game. setini "fOverShoulderPosX:camera" 0 setini "fOverShoulderCombatPosX:camera" 0 setini "fOverShoulderPosZ:camera" -500 setini "fOverShoulderCombatPosZ:camera" -500 setini "fMinCurrentZoom:camera" 3 What I've done is saved those as a batch file, d.txt (in the Skyrim directory), and then I can just type "bat d" in the console and have the camera be re-positioned (once I enter and exit combat mode). I also made another batch file with the default values for transforming back to normal without having to reload the game: setini "fOverShoulderPosX:camera" 30 setini "fOverShoulderCombatPosX:camera" 0 setini "fOverShoulderPosZ:camera" -10 setini "fOverShoulderCombatPosZ:camera" 20 setini "fMinCurrentZoom:camera" -0.2 So yes, it would be great to have this functionality implemented into The Dragon's Curse, or any other playing as a dragon mod. I posted a comment on The Dragon's Curse on Steam about it, or something like it. It would probably be easy enough for a mod to automatically use the first set of commands upon transforming into a dragon (then automatically enter and exit combat to make the changes). The second set could be used by the mod upon the player using the "transform back to normal" power. The mods normally edit the skeleton.nif file to sort of fix the camera, but I've tried repositioning it with that file and it's always in the same place above the dragon no matter what I do, so it would be good for a mod to use these commands.
  14. Wow, those YouTube videos are phenomenal. That person has really made a lot of progress; it looks like it could be close to a release for that mod.
  15. Ok, I've finally had success with flying by Vaktus' instructions; I was apparently not staying in first person long enough after doing the PA command, and I also was using the now-unnecessary "setplayeraidriven 1" command, which I think was messing it up. Also, if anyone here didn't know yet, a new version of Jackalhead's Monster Camera Fix is out here on Nexus which enables the playable creatures, including dragons, to attack. For some reason, however, the attacks don't cause any damage. Jackalhead says he's working on a new version which fixes that problem. The mod also adds new races of dragons, such as frost, elder, ancient, etc. that you can transform into with the console. I also made my own small .esp which changes the control mappings for the dragon's attacks, as Jackalhead's mod doesn't allow all of the attacks to be used. It's available here. If you just want to play as dragons, you could use my .esp instead of Jackalhead's, but you'd still need the fixed meshes. I also increased the turning speed of the dragons; I have a gaming mouse where I can just press a button to increase the sensitivity, but for people who don't have a mouse like that, I imagine it's pretty hard to win fights because of how slow the dragon turns.
  16. Awesome; I have no idea how you did it, but I guess I don't have to try and do it myself anymore once your mod is updated.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif
  17. Yes, I had went into first person first this time. Do you consistently get success when you try flying in first person, no matter what the location? I'll have to keep trying.
  18. Interesting, Vaktus; I tried that, but it didn't change anything for me. I've found that the flying success can be based on where the player is taking off from (Mixwater Mill used to consistently produce good results of vertical movement for me). I tried setplayeraidriven 1 before taking off to prevent the game from white-screening, which it otherwise did to me. Anyway, naturally I've been playing around with the Creation Kit today, trying to make the dragons' attacks playable. Flying is probably out of my league as far as modding goes. I didn't understand how to make the attacks work; I wanted to change the dragons' attack names in the Attack Data tab to match the humans' attack names, but the boxes were grayed out/un-editable. Someone else will probably figure it out before me, though.
  19. Afrousjojo, the project isn't "let down"; the lack of news is because the mod can't progress at this point until the Creation Kit comes out.
  20. I don't think it's bad; it would be more convenient for installing mods and I'm not a fan of the Nexus download caps, so if Steam Workshop catches on with modders it would be good.
  21. I saw a mention in this thread of the IDs of the takeoff/landing actions. I was searching and found that someone on another website knows what console command to use with these. I was testing them myself; I'm not sure if player.setclass 0002F201 is necessary (I tried taking off successfully without it), and I don't think that player.setallowflying 1 is needed; I checked myself with player.isallowedtofly and found that it was already set to 1. When the takeoff animation command is used, after the animation plays out, the player is stuck in a gliding animation (as the linked poster mentions). The player can turn upward or downward, and the wings adjust accordingly, but no horizontal movement is possible. I tried setplayeraidriven 0 after the takeoff animation was complete, but it just messed up Skyrim: everything was blue, I got a "You cannot turn in that direction" message, and there would be a "pure virtual function call" crash if I exited the game. I tried player.tc, but it didn't seem to change anything (I think it worked on me when I was on the ground, though). player.pa 0003B4E4 is the ID for landing, 0003B4E5 for beginning to hover, and 0003B4E6 for ending the hovering. I got weird glitches when I repeatedly tested taking off, hovering, and landing, where the player character would shoot off in a seemingly random direction while performing the animations after the first time. Well, that's all I found out today. Sorry if it's already known here, but I didn't see any mention of the pa command in this thread, so hopefully this helps. Edit: the URL code wasn't working; the link is
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