I've been reading into the possible causes for this shader not working, and it seems the cause is the EdgeAA aspect, as it is not compatible with OBGE v3. However, the Celshader aspect will work if the EdgeAA is disabled. To do this, you'll need to open the 'Celshader+EdgeAA.fx' file (which is found in the 'Oblivion\Data\Shaders' folder) in Notepad and change these settings in the tweakable variables list to the following: #undef EDGE_MASK
#undef EDGE_AA
#undef USEWILLOWGAMEDATA The best way around this is to use the Shaderlist method of enabling shaders. In the 'Oblivion\Data\Shaders' folder, there should be a file with the name Shaderlist.txt (if not, just make a new .txt file with this name). Open this file, and then list the file names of the shaders you want active. So for example, if you wanted Godrays, DoF, Volumetric SSAO and MDLAA enabled, you would list them like this: Godrays.fx
MDLAA.fx After this, you will need to open your OBGE.ini file (found in 'My Documents\My Games\Oblivion') and make sure the UseEffectList setting is set as 'bUseEffectList=1'. Finally, you will need to disable the OBGE Support ESP plugin. While this does remove the ability to toggle the shaders on or off in-game, it forces OBGE to use the Shaderlist and therefore automatically activate on load the shaders listed in the file.