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About SilverCobra126

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  1. From my experience using the site's search function for mods, it seems to work based on matching the words you're searching for against the names of the mods in the database. So for instance, if you search for the word 'Graphic', it would bring back a list of mods which have the word 'Graphic' in their name. This would explain why your example doesn't give you a result on the Nexus, as where OBGE's core files are under the name 'Oblivion Graphics Extender' in the database, using OBGE for your search word would not bring it back as one of your results.
  2. I would suspect that the cause of your issue is the Natural Weather plugin contained within the Natural Environments mod. The Natural Weather plugin included with the mod is notorious for being buggy, causing various issues to arise such as the weather rapidly changing. I suggest giving the following mod a try and see if it helps resolve your issue: Natural Weather Unofficial Patch
  3. Thanks, I wasn't really sure if that was the proper mod because it looks like it is very different in the screenshot I posted. Perhaps he was using it in conjunction with some other map mod. I believe the reason they look different is because the minimap in the screenshot you posted is set to the world map mode, whereas the screenshots on the mod's page are set to local map mode. Pressing the asterisk key (the '*' key) on the number pad switches the minimap mode between local and world map modes.
  4. I've noticed that my character also 'speaks' each time I choose an emotion using this mod. I've done some testing, and it seems to be related to Elys' Universal Silent Voice. With this mod enabled, the character tries to speak after choosing any of the emotions, however with the mod removed, the emotion changes without the speaking occurring. So, if you have Elys' installed, try removing it temporarily and see if that helps.
  5. This should be the mod you're looking for: MiniMap - HUD Element ;)
  6. The load order of your mods could be a culprit to the crashes. If you don't already have these tools, I suggest downloading Wrye Bash and BOSS to sort your load order. If the crashes still occur after sorting your load order, try disabling the Diverse NPCs plugin. I don't use this part of MMM myself, but seeing how the game crashes whenever you try entering a town, this is the plugin I believe could be the cause.
  7. I believe that symbol means that there is a newer version of the mod available for download, as it seems to only appear for me when the version of a mod I have installed is not the newest available version of the mod.
  8. From my understanding of your post, you have killed several dragons and visited several word walls, but don't know how to access your new shouts. What you need to do is spend the dragon souls you have collected from the dragons you killed to unlock your shouts. It should tell you at the bottom of the screen which key to press to unlock the shout when you hover over it (I don't know which key it is myself, as I have Skyrim on X-Box 360). Each word in a shout costs 1 dragon soul to unlock. As for the numbers in the shouts, they represent the cooldown time, in seconds, for the shout. So for instance, the number beside the word 'Force' in Unrelenting Force is 15, which means you will need to wait 15 seconds after using this shout before you can use the shout again.
  9. That's a very strange problem. However, I've noticed you don't have the game installed in the Steam directory, which could be part of the cause. Can you tell us which version of the game you have installed: Steam, retail, etc...?
  10. Give this mod a try: Fast Exit. It won't completely remove lock-ups on exit, but it should dramatically reduce how often you encounter them.
  11. I believe they are looking for the BBB version of the clothing worn by this character: Liru from Magical Pokaan I do remember that the base clothing and BBB version were both originally available on the Nexus, but the clothing was later set to hidden (as you can see here) and the BBB version was removed completely. I did a Google search for it, but all the pages I found linked back to here.
  12. That's very strange, as by default your character should not turn invisible/become transparent while sneaking. I would imagine a mod is causing this. Could you post the load order of the mods you are currently using?
  13. The shader I personally use for AA is MDLAA. Out of all the AA shaders I've used so far, this gives the most noticable improvement IMO. There are also several other AA shaders which are not included in the Standalone Effects package hosted here on the Nexus, most notably MFXAA and SMAA. You can find the package containing them here (choose the installer type you prefer to use): OBGE Standalone Effects v3.1 EXE installer version OBGE Standalone Effects v3.1 BAIN installer version
  14. I've been reading into the possible causes for this shader not working, and it seems the cause is the EdgeAA aspect, as it is not compatible with OBGE v3. However, the Celshader aspect will work if the EdgeAA is disabled. To do this, you'll need to open the 'Celshader+EdgeAA.fx' file (which is found in the 'Oblivion\Data\Shaders' folder) in Notepad and change these settings in the tweakable variables list to the following: #undef EDGE_MASK #undef EDGE_AA #undef USEWILLOWGAMEDATA The best way around this is to use the Shaderlist method of enabling shaders. In the 'Oblivion\Data\Shaders' folder, there should be a file with the name Shaderlist.txt (if not, just make a new .txt file with this name). Open this file, and then list the file names of the shaders you want active. So for example, if you wanted Godrays, DoF, Volumetric SSAO and MDLAA enabled, you would list them like this: Godrays.fx DepthOfField.fx Volumetric_SSAO.fx MDLAA.fx After this, you will need to open your OBGE.ini file (found in 'My Documents\My Games\Oblivion') and make sure the UseEffectList setting is set as 'bUseEffectList=1'. Finally, you will need to disable the OBGE Support ESP plugin. While this does remove the ability to toggle the shaders on or off in-game, it forces OBGE to use the Shaderlist and therefore automatically activate on load the shaders listed in the file.
  15. I would normally suggest using Oblivion Face Exchange Lite, but I saw your other post in this forum, and noticed you have already tried it and encountered problems while using it. So instead, have you tried using Wrye Bash? I haven't used it myself for swapping/importing faces, but you can find a guide on how to use it here.
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