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About GodlyHen

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  1. In your opinion, perhaps. But being a dick on these forums won't change the game XD
  2. Well im glad to see you guys bash the idea :D
  3. dunno. im not talking bout modders. im talking about if bethesda did it. youre also forgetting Vvanderfell was destroyed. so if a DLC of morrowind was made it would be the argonain controlled mainland not the morrowind you remember from the game which took place in Vvanderfell ohhh no no i dont mean going to morrowind in the same time era as skyrim. im talking making morrowind again. same story, weapons, people and time era. now, the shivering isles part, yes that is what i mean
  4. see, its the people like you that are going to get the absolute best from this game and then some :D haha i have also been in adventures like that :D
  5. dunno. im not talking bout modders. im talking about if bethesda did it.
  6. Wouldnt it be cool for Bethesda to completely re-do morrowind...but with the same graphics and mechanics as Skyrim...? I mean, I haven't played Morrowind, but I think this would be an amazing idea. It's purpose probably wouldn't be for Bethesda to rack in money, but more for the fans and for them and to say they did it over again. Think about it, bringing back those spears and fricken THROWING STARS. On a side note, and since Skyrim takes place about 200 years after Oblivion, I would think it would be sweeet to see the Shivering Isles remodeled and overhauled on Skyrim's engine (like my morrowind idea). The place would be completely different after 200 years. Eh, just think about where these two ideas could lead. Oh and just for fun, I want to be able to go across the border and into Bruma again :D Post some ideas?
  7. oh sure. from the vids i have seen, it would appear to me that Todd would totally feel it would fit in there
  8. yeah i figured it was just something to hope for. but bethesda is really really good at what they do and they check up on their community. so we shall see :D
  9. Forgive me if this topic has already been covered, but i really think Bethesda should put in hardcore mode like in New Vegas. With it, you could have your character go out and essentially live out in the wild where to survive, he/she must hunt and sleep and hope a dragon doesnt attack while he/she sleeps 0.0 But yea, whether you choose to live in the wild or not, this would be an overall cool feature. Its not like they've never done it before either ;D So post here what you guys think too? :D
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