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About nekollx

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  1. yeah i think thats out of date as i dont see those options in niff scope
  2. do i have to change the slot in nif scope as well or just in sseedit i rember doing something liek that before and it didnt work but its bee nages since i messed with the idea of alternate slots
  3. trying to figure out the best way to get my skin a khajiit mod working so you can have a khajiit body under your normal armor and the best idea ive been able to come up with is to make a varient race, similar to vampires that is swaped out when you wear a armor token but was wondering if anyone had an idea script wise how to do this?
  4. trying to tweak some mods like Cross Cybernetics and Synth Swap with a patch that gives them the power armor protection vs crippling, ie if a limb is crippled in power armor you can still use it normally, cause you know, exo-suit but i cant find where this effect is anyone know?
  5. It was pretty easy to find a good color since nifscope lets you choose from a color wheel, pretty satisfied now with the results. what do you guys think. The only other thing I can think of would be to add some kind of smoke effect to make it look more ghostly maybe find whatever the enchant is for the Ebony Mail of Boethia and try recoloring the effect FX nif? Thoughts?
  6. that was perfect just what i needed, i presume lighting is also where id look to give it that blue glow effect of the ghost blade?
  7. Been around the net a few time but i think all the tutorials are out of date so i figured i'd just ask. I'm trying to make armor like the Ghost blade that's transparent with a blue glow (and no i don't want to body to be visible under it like bound armor when wearing the armor that entire part of your body it covers is ghost like. BUT ONLY that part i know about Legacy of the Dragonborns Ghost Helm which makes you Spectral but this is only for that item.) So rather then say what i did let me just ask, how do i make a particular armor piece transparent?
  8. Been trying ti get thisworking a while figured id ask. What i want to do is making so when you loot ghosts they drop spectral gear that has an effect like spectral enemies but just on that armor piece i was able to get the effect to load on equip but it turs you spectral not just the item but there has to be a way to apply the spectral effect just as an armor vfx. Any ideas?
  9. the meshes do need to be converted. Though its pretty painless i have a self converted animated clutter in my load order
  10. How are they going to prevent EXE changes, when they don't(and wont) make any changes to the EXE? no aparently bethesda change creation club to put it in a sub folder as opposed to changing the Exe, or so thats what i'm hearing.
  11. also 2.0.6 is live, maybe hopefully this will be the last time as wanst the newest built supose to prevent EXE changes?
  12. nope runtime 1.5.23 procs an error with SKSE64 2.0.5
  13. Been having some trouble getting this to work, i'm working on a set of spectral armor, basicaly armor woven from ectoplasm so i want it to have the ghost/philter of the phantom fx but have jet to figure out how to get it to work anyone have any advice how to make spectral armor?
  14. solution get! So contacted the authors turns out, if anyone else has a similar problem, just run the regular fallout 4 launcher.
  15. So I recently lost the HD fallout 4 was on and had to reinstall onto a backup with a different letter, while fo4 is working Fo4edit is still trying to find the non existent HD, I deleted and installed it fresh but it's still doing the same thing how do I reset its directory search for a new initialization
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