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Everything posted by Supamic

  1. The Witcher engine wants the following formats for textures: Save DXT1 Base Texture as 2D RGB 4 bpp NoAlpha but with Mipmaps Save DXT1 Bumpmaps as Volume Texture RGB 4 bpp NoAlpha but with Mipmaps Save DXT1 Specularmaps as 2D Texture RGB 4 bpp NoAlpha but wit Mipmaps Save DXT5 Base Texture as 2D ARGB 8 bpp | interpolated alpha and with Mipmaps Save DXT5 Bumpmaps as Volume Texture ARGB 8 bpp | interpolated alpha and with Mipmaps Save DXT5 Specular Maps as 2D Texture ARGB 8 bpp | interpolated alpha and with Mipmaps Photo shop is suitable for it best of all. Gimp should also function(work), indeed, the alpha channel is falsified with DXT5. By the way, some Bumpmaps must be given(be) only in 1024x1024 or 512x512, otherwise there is colour defect. Check so always only the original file! Greetz
  2. Never heard from. But try this: Open CMD as Admin, and write : bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072 (on win7 and Vista, 32bit, this helps me) This works when you have 4GB of Memory installed. The Standard is: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 2048 to revoke. Sorry for bad english P.S. You must restart the System
  3. Sorry, but my English is really bad. I said that you the Gibbeds RedTools from the Nexus page thou shalt use the Pack0.dzip to extract. First of all, you have an excellent Modderressource and secondly you'll see how the tree is built, to future XML's in the correct folder.
  4. This will deal with it because this skill on this item is not planned. Try it sometimes, e.g., herewith: <crt_knockdown mult="false" display_perc="true" always_random="false" min="0.05" max="0.05"/>
  5. Sorry, but as simply as you thinks this is not. Particularly as Witcher 1 and 2, two absolutely different file systems. How it would be if you learnt to edit the XML's. Then you could adapt yourself everything by your need. This is not so difficult. You could be extended the Quen signs(marks) Time. Then you would be quite unbeatable. There is in the folder "abilities" the file "geralt_basic". There under the entry "Signs Group": <quen_duration mult = "false" always_random = "false" min = "60" max. = "60"/>. With it you would have 1 minute of sign time. If you can place of course still(also) higher. The time is automatically extended if you invest Skill points in the magic tree. The same(identical) principle can be also applied(exercised) on drinks and oils. Sorry for my bad english.
  6. There something has wrong run: You must put on a folder called "abilities". Shift then "geralt_basic" there. Then still an other folder called "items". There purely come def_shops, def_stats_item_potion and def_weights. In general you should extract the Gibbed REDtools of the Witcher Nexus side to are of use. With it you should extract pack0.dzip. In addition there are instructions in the net enough. Sorry for my bad english.
  7. Because one is able to do his tournament results in the web post, an Anti Cheat will probably work there.
  8. Er, sorry, but Geralt is simply a Mutant, hehe.
  9. Is too difficult then on "Simply"? You could download to you equipment CEO Overhaul and use only the Armor and sword XML's. However, must stretch the Modderresource variation(variant) and not the normal version.
  10. This will not be possible, without she becomes ugly. The problem is that her(their) head has no independent(autonomous) texture, but is with in the Clothestexture.
  11. Opens yours def_item_armor.xml and changes with the Template of the Vran, on the Template of the Dearg Ruadhri, so from: 31_vran_armor to: 25_drearg_armor. Ready
  12. One could paint to him(it) the beard hair in the face, but then this does not look in such a way, as from 3D Software. And because it up to now no interface for Witcher 2 for such a Prog gives........
  13. This is due that Geralt basically simply no record armaments carries(wears), because they would hinder the quick strategy. So one is to be produced not the problem.
  14. Indeed, one can copy the 2w.ent files rename the contents change, from relevant ones it is the contents change and with it(thus) change available (in existence) things and therefore insert additional things(matters) in game.
  15. The Witcher engine wants the following formats for textures: Save DXT1 Base Texture as 2D RGB 4 bpp NoAlpha but with Mipmaps Save DXT1 Bumpmaps as Volume Texture RGB 4 bpp NoAlpha but with Mipmaps Save DXT1 Specularmaps as 2D Texture RGB 4 bpp NoAlpha but wit Mipmaps Save DXT5 Base Texture as 2D ARGB 8 bpp | interpolated alpha and with Mipmaps Save DXT5 Bumpmaps as Volume Texture ARGB 8 bpp | interpolated alpha and with Mipmaps Save DXT5 Specular Maps as 2D Texture ARGB 8 bpp | interpolated alpha and with Mipmaps Photo shop is suitable for it best of all. Gimp should also function(work), indeed, the alpha channel is falsified with DXT5. By the way, some Bumpmaps must be given(be) only in 1024x1024 or 512x512, otherwise there is colour defect. Check so always only the original file! Greetz
  16. I have ascertained that nvcompress is not suitable for files DXT5. Besides, the alpha canal(channel) is removed. Photoshop is suited better. By the way, all files should be always stored with Mipmaps. If the Mipmaps are absent(missing) there is with the compression too.xbms mistake. Greetz
  17. Have also the problem which with steel swords the damage values are not indicated(signalised) and also cost only 1 Orens. Already have here tried(attempted) to edit the string, does not look though(understand), however, completely. Where are noted the text ID's?
  18. This would also interest me, but I believe it at the moment nobody functioning(working) plugin for known 3D programs that gives with which this would be possible. I have this, in any case, already several paints tried. Is a matter looking(watching), but do not edit. Possibly there are maybe people, the Hyroglyphs can read and edit who knows. Unfortunately, there are also many Modder which do not betray her(their) small secrets(mysteries). A great pity. So, has concerned me with it over again. The files can be opened with normal Notepadplus. One cannot change the code, indeed, everything is written in it what in text form. And it functions(works) if one knows what one must make. Greetz
  19. Hehe, no traps do not like them(her), but baits. Should you have destroyed all nests, these become difficultly his(its) the Quest to complete. And as far as I remember, should fit with springs it more than 60 be. Moreover, you should visit after delivery, the principal after a certain waiting period again. Only then it is completed the Quest. Sorry for my bad English.
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