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Everything posted by FourthOutsider

  1. Yesh. I'm level 41 right now, and I can't Enchant anything because I don't have any perks to spare to put into Enchanting (My enchantments are are insanely underpowered) when I need them in Destruction, One handed, and Light Armor. I suggest giving two perks a level after the player reaches level 20. This would make it so your character doesn't have all the higher level perks at a low level. This would be fairly easy, I believe.
  2. For me, Bethesda games are always played with a Female character for me. I'm not very good at making a good looking character, and I hate going into third person, but it's a bit of a tradition. Any other game, Runescape, All Points Bulletin, KOTOR, Dragon Age, everything else, I play as a male. Not sure why, but I just work that way. Also, I've never played in heavy armor, always been a light armor narb. May have something to do with it.
  3. I was doing part of the College of Winterhold quest, and a fight, and Lydia had disappeared by the end of the fight. I cant find a corpse or anything, and she had some valuables in her inventory, so this is a big thing. Not being very specific due to no spoilers allowed. Thanks for the help, and workarounds are welcome.
  4. Heya, all. Just installed Midas Magic a while back, and I'm on a quest to unlock the Midas Lightning Storm spell. Unfortunately, I need a Greater Shock Essence and a Greater Entropic Essence. I have a feeling that I need to break down sigil stones in order to get these, but I'm not quite sure. Could anyone help me out? Thanks a ton~
  5. Heya! I'm on my third Oblivion play through, and my brother modded the heck out of it. So, because I've grown to love mods(OOO, Anyone?), I'd like to know what the BEST house mods are. I've seen some awesome ones so far, but I'd like some more opinions. I've just purchased the Anvil Manor(I can never not buy that place), so mods for that specific house would be excellent. Also, I noticed that there seem to be no display cases or anything. Are there any mods that add the option to make chairs fancier, add cases, that sort of thing? I'd appreciate it if anyone can name and link to some. And, if I'm in the wrong section, or breaking the rules, could a mod move? Or tell me to do it? Thanks!
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