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Everything posted by rotarydanimal

  1. in your GECK open the "view" menu at the top of the screen. Select the "Show/Hide Window" option In the window that opens make sure "portals and rooms" is unchecked
  2. I can't give you a definite answer (wish I could), but I am struggling with the concept of trying to remove a master dependency all together. As far as I have been able to get in my research on the problem, removing all items that relate to the offending master is the first step. common sense would tell me that you should remove all of the duplicate scripts, but getting the FNVEdit to repair things after their removal is where I am stuck.
  3. Using the removeitem command destroys the item: GECK You will have to add the items you want to use before you equip them. This will give the character a new item everytime. That's why "Xaranth" mentioned using a container. You could then use code like this CharacterREF.removeallitems ContainerREF 1 1 and ContainerREF.removeallitems CharacterREF 1 1 which could be used in a result script.
  4. The first 2 digits in the form ID are what I have been using to identify foreign items in my mod. They correspond to the load order of the mod, EX: [00]
  5. this is the location on my PC: C:\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\Meshes\creatures\FO3smspinebreaker If you don't find it you might need to unpack your "Fallout - Meshes BSA"
  6. "wastelandNVmini" is a separate worldspace. You might need to place a separate radio reference there for it to work. Just a guess, I have not messed with the radio stations yet.
  7. Ok. FNVEdit says that my mods are labeled as (00) FNV (01) Sortomatic (02) UWHNV - Core (03) SpeedyResources (04)-(07) DLC (08) My mod the static that showed the error in my last post shows this before removing the master. It even has "03" as the prefix showing that it belongs to Speedy Resources. Yet, for some reason, it gets removed. ModOfficeFloor01 [sTAT:030030C3]
  8. I tried that just now. When I reload the mod the master is still there. I tried running clean master and then removing the master. I get an error code in place of the base item in FNVEdit. "[0300305C] <Error: Could not be resolved>" I even tried running clean master after I reloaded the mod.
  9. Ok. I went through every file for my mod in FNVEdit and found nothing that is associated to UWH. I tried clicking on clean masters and nothing happens.
  10. My mod is clean of it's resources. I have not done any modding since this happened.
  11. Do I use clean masters before or after I remove it? I tried just using the clean masters feature but it does nothing.
  12. If you or anyone else is up to the challenge I would be happy to upload to see if anyone can repair it. And if anyone can get it fixed I would like to learn how so that I can do these things on my own, and maybe be able to help others.
  13. It's not even just the silo wall static. I am losing all of speedy resources at the same time (which I have used those quite extensively). The only things that remain after removing the master is the items that I made myself. Either by renaming meshes or by editing meshes.
  14. I can't seem to figure out what is going on. I have been all over the nexus and google reading everything I can. I even downloaded the FNVEdit tutorial off the nexus. I have all 4 DLC, Speedy resources, and sortomatic loading with my esp. The mod that got accidentally loaded is underwater home (A mod that I like to use when I play the game)
  15. Ok. I just checked in FNVEdit, the statics that are getting removed have this as their base "NVDLC04SiloKitWall [sTAT:070046C9]"
  16. I thought of that. But I did not have the downloaded master loaded. It happened to mistakenly get loaded about 2 days ago. I would be happy to send you a copy if you think you can fix it.
  17. The master I am trying to remove is one I downloaded from the nexus and yet it is removing vanilla lonesome road statics. I thought there would be some connection to the items that get removed and the master that is removed?
  18. What do you do when deleting a master removes instances of vanilla statics?
  19. I have tried removing a master using FNVEdit and by deleting it from the data window. The problem is that doing so deletes a lot of statics in my .esp that are not associated with the master I am deleting. Has anyone had this happen? If so, any info on how to fix it would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: removing the master is deleting statics that I borrowed from "lonesome road" and "Speedy Resources"
  20. I have tried removing a master using FNVEdit and y deleting it from the data window. The problem is that doing so deletes a lot of statics in my .esp that are not associated with the master I am deleting. Has anyone had this happen? If so, any info on how to fix it would be greatly appreciated.
  21. its under clutter\junk\NVSandwichBoard01.NIF There are 2 of them the other is clutter\junk\NVSandwichBoard02.NIF You can use the filter box at the top lef corner of the oject window. You just have to tell it where to filter, if you click on "statics" it will show you everything with what you searched. If you don't see what you are looking for in any of the folders, then try using "all" at the bottom of the list.
  22. I used a staged timer to handle the intro into a mod I am still working on. If you want to disect what I have done you can pm me, I am more than willing to let you.
  23. I have recently come across a problem with the water level in the GECK. Here is a pic of my situation. If anyone knows how to resolve this issue I would really appreciate it. Water Glitch EDIT: After some Investigation I have answered my own question.
  24. Using Google Earth. You can turn off the labels by resting your mouse over the map button in the top right corner of the screen and unchecking "Labels" in the drop down menu.
  25. curious if you have seen "project white north preview" on the nexus. it is similar to what you are talking about, except they decided to use Toronto, Canada! http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44287
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