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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow
Illutian replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24565684. #24565749, #24565819, #24565874, #24565944, #24566139, #24566154, #24566189, #24566214, #24566264, #24566339, #24566349, #24566439, #24566459, #24566504, #24566524, #24566569, #24566579, #24566644, #24566769, #24566779, #24566819, #24566909, #24566934, #24567024, #24567079, #24567154, #24567239, #24567264, #24567269, #24567344, #24567354, #24567469, #24567539, #24567564, #24567664, #24568174, #24568504, #24568524, #24569644, #24570059, #24570684, #24570944, #24571509, #24571604, #24572384, #24582389, #24582414, #24582584, #24582599, #24582694, #24582734, #24582839, #24582924, #24582949, #24583354, #24583399, #24583779, #24583954, #24616474, #24616934, #24617369, #24617549, #24618529, #24619024, #24619344, #24623484, #24626434, #24627004, #24647269 are all replies on the same post. I see no reason why you shouldn't get paid for work you did. Anyone who believes otherwise is the 'greedy one'; they want you to work for free so THEY can profit (by having a better experience). I firmly believe if people can monetize their hobbies they should. What better 'job' than doing something you love. ((What, did you all think Microsoft was planned? f*#@ no. It was a hobby.)) -
Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow
Illutian replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24634334. #24634469, #24635479, #24635574, #24635939, #24636679, #24636734 are all replies on the same post. Why does the guy working in Beth's Art Department, making a dagger deserve to get paid. But the person working from their home making an entire retrofit of all the weapons with new textures and meshes, deserves only a pat on the back? What about Indies? Most of them are making the game as a 'passion project' (aka a Hobby). I find it rather hilarious that Content Creators can only be paid if they're working for some 'big name' company, but as soon as their office location becomes their home; "NO PAY FOR THEM!". --- If people don't like the prices being charged; DON'T PAY FOR THE MOD. Modders WILL adjust prices if their work (I mean hobby) isn't "paying the rent". PS: We do pay for Fan Art; it's called Commissioned Work. We do pay for Fan Fictions; it's located under "Extended Universe" (yes, all those Star Wars books are nothing more than Fan Fictions written by people who loved the franchise and wanted more). *Side Note: Most people get a job in the field that they originally did as a hobby. Looks like Unemployment would hit 80%+ under 'your' definition of what "a job" is. ...I made web sites as a hobby growing up; now it's my job (both in action and in Job Title). -
For some reason Aela now has an error in the CK: "ANIMATION: Unable to map bone NPC L Item01 on AelaTheHuntress (020012C4) -> Aela the Huntress (0001A696) for Havok Behavior Controller. This continues for Item01, Item02, Item03 for both 'L' and 'R'. I assume this is why Aela no longer draws her bow and when she tries to, a sound loop occurs and she goes stiff but will 'glide' around. Last time I had the 'gliding' was when a Skeleton modifying mod was installed wrong. But after uninstalling, testing, installing, testing. Aela continues to bug out. She'll draw all other weapons though just fine. And my other Followers draw their bows fine. They also don't throw the above error in the CK. So it's specific to only Aela. Problem is, I have no idea how to fix it. And seems others haven't had this issue either...so, by chance, does anyone know how to fix this? EDIT: I have run FNIS everytime I add/remove an animation mod.
Any way to get the previous version (0.31.2) Version 0.32 is D(efunct)OA. EDIT: Previous Builds: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/461759-nmm-release-notes-0120/ Wow...I can't downgrade....thanks guys -_-'
God. THIS. I rolled Demon Hunter in D3, because of the awesomeness that is dual-crosses! If anyone attempts this. Might I suggest a 5 cartridge design. With a reload animation. That's triggered after 5 shots have been fired, meaning the "6th" shot would trigger the reload.
I take it FavoredSouls has left the community too. :( All of his mods are 'hidden', just like Zerofrost's. -Posting here, because it is the 'Detective Thread'. Don't think I should post a new topic and nothing turned up on Search (FavoredSouls, Evening Star, Favored Souls)
Indeed, it would be nice to have a 2 coin Currency (Gold & Silver). It's no fun running around with ~40k gold :confused:
This OP had an idea, which could reduce the animation creation. Provided that there's an actual animation for each thing. I would assume the animation of that crossbow is actually an "all in one" meaning it's part of the Sphere's animation. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/534598-dwarven-arm-crossbow/page__p__5014631__hl__crossbow__fromsearch__1#entry5014631
Make it like (usage wise) the Demon Hunter in Diablo III (sorry, but it's the only game I can think of that does it). Because that pair with: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13646 Would be a kick-ass female follower/female PC
Just 4gigs, as apposed to the 2.8gigs it used at launch (no hacks). No journal mod that I could find, but it's just a matter of time. I think modders are still pouring over the new script language.
Skyrim now (finally) supports Large Address Aware, you don't need any hacks now.
That's not a bug. Items are dropped if they move outside the "range" of the cross-hair. Try moving slowly.
Vals crafting Meltdown http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=874
Not sure why the author removed it, he had permission from the originators. All he did was create the ESP to link them all together. :(
No clue, if you do a search for 'zerofrost' on here there's a "few" threads you can read and piece together what 'may' have happened. Zero doesn't sound like the type to expect you to find out; he would have told the mods the moment he saw it.
Most likely he felt slighted that Skyrimnexus didn't police better. And after seeing some of his work being copped and "re-sold" (not literally; nitpickers!) as their own....without even acknowledging they used Zero's work. And I can totally see why he'd blow up. I've been in situations where other's have claimed my work as their own (f***ing "Work in a group class projects") by proxy. Meaning that even though they didn't say it was their own, the fact they didn't say anything it would be assumed to be their own.
That looks like a recolor of Zero's work; he's not going to be happy. :confused: And, from what I've heard, people coping his work when he explicitly stated you could not is the reason he pulled ALL of his stuff off Skyrimnexus. I see that would explain it...thats a shame it was really nice work. But sayiing that he cant really enforce this, once something is on the internet people can do what they want. Its like tv & film companies saying dont rip off their stuff. Once its out there its prety hard to enforce. Also why does NMM say theres a new version when the files not even on Nexus. From what I gathered, Skyrimnexus didn't enforce the policy on coping work (without permission); saw a post from him stating something along the lines of the mods not following the policy...or some thing like that. And from what I've heard Zero's quick to anger and do rash things. Apparently he's pulled his mods for other games (Resident Evil keeps popping in my head), when people did something he didn't like (ie taking his work). So, when the mods didn't (assumption) act fast enough to kill the copycats he said (not literally) "f*** it" and pulled his work. And I do partly blame Skyrimnexus. Zero said some people bitched that he was yelling when it wasn't clearly stated; so he had to put in text not to copy his work. Even though he had the permission "badge" set. Now the fault I put on Skyrimnexus is the fact that this Permission Badge is too freaking small to even notice; fact I spent ~10min looking at a mod page trying find this badge he spoke of. It's a small icon with a 'P' in it in the 'Actions' section of the mods. Something that important should actually be up where Endorsements, Unique D/Ls, etc is as a nice big icon; about the size of a dime when I put a dime up on my 1680x1050 monitor and look at a mod page. Maybe even a 'ToS/EULA'-like agreement popping up when you FIRST download the file (or delete your cookies and re-download it). Note: I'm only going from memory; don't persecute me :pinch: http://www.fileplanet.com/224091/220000/fileinfo/Elder-Scrolls-V:-Skyrim---Nightingale-Prime-Mod-v2.0-(Leather-Version) <-This is not my upload; Fileplanet apparently farms downloads and puts them up with or without consent (rumored). The last version he made public....cherish it.
That looks like a recolor of Zero's work; he's not going to be happy. :confused: And, from what I've heard, people coping his work when he explicitly stated you could not is the reason he pulled ALL of his stuff off Skyrimnexus.
Sadly, this is only v1.1 The latest was v2.0 from Skyrimnexus
May want to hold off and see what Beth has planned. DLC has become the new "in thing" for non-subscript, non-MMO games. MassEffect MassEffect 2 MassEffect 3 (presumed) Dragon Age: Origins Drage Age II Battlefield 3 (sure some of the others, but I'm not researching it :whistling: ) ...yes I know they're all from EA, but pretty sure Beth took notes :tongue: So, some have speculated that the 'world' beyond Skyrim will be fleshed out as DLCs. This maybe why the Creation Toolkit is really taking so long to release, as you would need such a kit to make the sort of mod described here. Thus, you would 'cheat' them out of money. Sooooo 1) Delay Toolkit 2) Post "Coming Soons" for DLC Continents/Zones 3) Release Toolkit 4) ??? 5) PROFIT!
You should break it up into varying degrees of "Difficulty". Not sure of the file structure as I haven't modded since Morrowind; even then it was adding a box to a building with items in it :tongue: For me, I dislike: Interface Changes Removal of Fast Travel and some of the others But I like the idea of needing sleep, food, water, etc. I mean it would suck to force potential users to deal with everything if they only want that "little bit harder". :happy:
v2.0 seems to have been the latest. If what I've read is true and he got flak for not posting permissions the fault lies square-with-rounded-edges-ly on Nexus. And "left" because of that (So many threads, you try and read them all :wacko: ). Nexus, I'm sorry, but the Permissions button is way to small to be noticed. If you could, maybe put it in another row "box" where you see Endorsements, Latest Version, etc. With a much larger icon and the word "Permissions" under it. So it can be noticed. I didn't even know there was a button to view permissions until about 45min ago :confused: And to those who modded Zero's work. That's perfectly fine so long as IT'S FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. If I was any good at this stuff I would have had a cape-less version long before Zero made one, but I never would have made it public; I would have, of course, offered it to Zero if it would have saved him time. To all future modders, if you see a texture you like and are unsure if you can use it; ASK THE AUTHOR.
Probably in preparation for SOPA....