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Everything posted by Shiruy

  1. Thank you so much! I'm gonna try it out right away, let's see how it works! :dance:
  2. Hi! I love playing Skyrim in as close to realistic a way as I can manage - no fast travel, DB gets hungry, thirsty and tired, weather has an impact on DB, etc. But one thing that still really bothers me is that on the map, my own position is always pointed out. Basically, it's impossible to get lost. I would ask you brilliant modders here to remedy that or point me in the direction of a mod that already does that. I want to have to run around blindly, only orienteering myself with the help of signposts and landmarks. I want to strike out for Azura's Shrine and end up stumbling over the Hall of the Vigilant instead. I want to get helplessly, ridiculously lost. Please help me! :D
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