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Posts posted by TeamBacon

  1. I can teach you how to script quests and you can make one.


    I think after my current project, I want to stop working with the vanilla player character and make new characters for the player to play as. Maybe even a series of short mods that each shows the Wasteland from a different perspective or something.




    I was thinking that it might be cool to play as someone pre-war who is investigating Vault-Tech for corruption and inhumane activities.


    As far as military ideas go, I have been thinking about re-creating the battle of Vault 0.


    I'm just brainstorming here... But if you want me to show you how to do quests, you know where to find me.


    I'm very interested in this mod, i hope to see something soon :smile:
    Btw you should enable the "Post" section of the mod's page and (or at least) link up this "Topic" in the "Forum" section of the mod, i think this topic is being unnoticed.



    I noticed this topic, I am just not all that interested in replacing vanilla outfits.

  3. For example lets say the super mutants who attacked Diamond City which gave rise to the Minutemen, what if they were the last remains of the Masters army or something, and someone was researching that to try and find out where they came from, and that would be a quest line eventually leading to some memorypod instance as a sort of segway into the story.



    If it was the Master's army, then there would be no Diamond City left. A group of ancient 'prime' super mutants is not something to be messed with. They are much more intelligent than your run of the mill cannon fodder in the Commonwealth.


    I guess, depending on how much you want to follow Fallout Tactics lore, the largest remaining group from the Master's army went out east under the leadership of Gammorin. As of around 2197 they are out in Jefferson City, Missouri trying to research a cure for super mutant sterility.


    So basically you just have another 1,300 miles to cover and 91 years to do it in to reach Fallout 4.

  4. Designing videogames is a profession.


    You are not entitled to just get all the industry level tools a company like Bethesda uses to make games the are earning well into the $20,000,000 figures to play around with your little hobby.


    Offering the Creation Kit at all is a whole lot more generous than almost every other game company.


    I can't think of a good reason why users would be disallowed from commissioning the work of mod authors.



    Once you start exchanging money then the site becomes a market as opposed to a forum.


    Considering this is an international website, and the laws on what is and isn't legal when it comes to this kind of stuff are already muddy without taking into account all the different countries that people on the Nexus come from.


    You already can't make money off any work using the Creation Kit, so to even accept a commission it would have to be work done on 3d models, textures, story writing, concept art, or music. Commissioning someone for a 3d model, and them putting it into the game for free is already a legal grey area.


    As an individual if you were to do this I don't think Bethesda or anyone else would pay much attention. But doing the same thing on a site with millions of people doing it, and the Nexus would become a very large target for legal action.


    Then you have to consider stuff like adult mods, and how laws for sexualized content are different in every country as far as what you can and can't sell.




    Basically, long story short, doing so changes the very nature of the website and opens up a crazy amount of work trying to make sure business is conducted fairly.


    I am not a lawyer, nor do I have anything to do with the Nexus stuff. So this is just my personal overview on the subject so take it for what it is.


    But for you to say


    'I can't think of a good reason why users would be disallowed from commissioning the work of mod authors.'


    Basically is equivalent to saying


    'I can't think of a good reason why you don't totally destroy the infrastructure for this website and re-design it into something totally different'

  6. a reboot will never happen unless its an actual game. but F1 is 1000 times bigger in content than F4, so that is impossible for bugesda.


    It would need new maps (mapS, each for each important place) and a new random encounter randomly generated map, with a lot of coding to make the fast travel through pipboy work just so the map is big enough to hold everything...even if you manage that, you still need to remake the old items, weapons and npcs that are not in F4...even if you get there, you need a bazillion voice actors and coders to make the quests...


    It would require an actual gaming company, a serious one (not bethesda), to make such a game, not a bunch of modders that have other jobs and use their free time to do this.


    Doesn't sound like you ever played Fallout 1...

  7. I would not put that much effort into making a game that isn't even mine.


    If I am going to put that much time and hard work into something, it is going to be something of my own creation. Who wants to slave away to make someone else's idea, especially since that idea has already been done...




    I have some Mariposa mutant assets that I am making for my mod. I can share them with you if you ever actually do make a project like this.


    But I won't be holding my breath, projects this big never get made. But good luck.

  8. The Creation Kit is an editor for a game engine and has nothing to do with UV coordinates beyond displaying 3d models in the game.


    If you want to export UV coordinates for an object, you have to open up that object in a 3d modeling program (Blender, Max, Maya, Zbrush) and then open that programs UV editor and export the coordinates from there.

  9. Zanity, oh, just change your name to Insanity. Or just "Always Wrong".


    From the EULA:


    You are only permitted to distribute the New Materials, without charge (i.e., on a strictly non-commercial basis) (except as set forth in Section 5 below)


    However, that doesn't apply to stuff made outside the CK,like models and textures. Fair? Not really, but that's what we're given to work with.


    Unsolicited donations are alright thoigh as there's no suggestion of commercialisation if done properly.


    You can by law make models or textures or music or write stories or make concept art for people for money.


    But to the best of my knowledge the Nexus site rules do not allow you to offer to pay people for anything on this website. I could be wrong though, I am not an expert of rules.


    I dont wanted to offend someone!!! I just asked if its possible and 'legal'. And it shouldn't sound like 'Do it, cause I paid you ... you're my slave now' I mean dude wtf??.

    Furthermore there are so much good mods in work currently and if I can help'em with a payment its great. In my opinion it honors their work and it honors the modder. But if I do the same for a special mod I want to have its bad ... only cause it wasnt the modders idea? Also the modder can accept it or not ... he dont have to!



    It is best to just stop reading anytime you see Zanity's name and just scroll on down to the next person.


    He is offended by anything and everything and just wants to spread negativity. Nothing you said was offensive, so don't feel bad about his response. *I didn't read what he said though, I learned not to make that mistake a long time ago*


    I agree with this. I especially can't stand when people say the vanilla games are "unplayable."


    it's also incredibly stupid how people hate on bethesda here of all places, which is purposed around a bethesda game and the development tools Bethesda released voluntarily to the public.

    It's some kind of passive aggressive nonsense.


    It's like every time I come here I see the same posts. If you people hate this game so much, why are you here,? There's the door... go outside, find something to enjoy, stop being so bitter... :wink:



    Enjoying things isn't cool.


    If you want to be part of the cool kids you have to be a critic about everything. Find validation in yourself by pointing out the flaws in a videogame.


    I am one of those that does not agree. But to each his own I guess.


    If you are curious as to know why, I personally don't like having the entire dialogue choice for every option sitting there in front of my face for me to have to read.

    See that's the problem though. For most people, "sarcastic" or "mean" or whatever has little to no meaning. Even if they just gave you a glimpse of how the line would be delivered it would be more than enough. The choice isn't binary between meaningless label and the full dialogue line.


    I think CDPR struck a good balance with the Witcher series in that you had enough of an idea of how the response would play out based on the words they chose for each one. Something like that would have worked out much better for FO4.



    I totally agree. I can point out dozens of examples where Bethesda did a very bad job of 'labeling' their dialogue choices. I think at times they were trying to be too short with the short answers, and at times it was just counter intuitive and you ended up surprised. (In this case, not a good kind of surprise)


    I am by no means trying to say the Bethesda did a 'perfect' job or even a 'good' job at certain parts of the story. There were lots of instances that made me want to beat my head against my keyboard when all I could say in 'I must save Shaun!' when in my head I personally was thinking, 'I don't trust these people, I don't want to tell them anything yet, especially about Shaun.'


    I am not trying to defend that the implementation was spotless. I personally just like the direction they are headed and that they are trying to be a bit more smooth and a bit less menu crawler. (Which I understand a lot of people like Bethesda because of the in depth menu crawling aspects, but I personally find that crawling through menus breaks the pace of a game.)


    Me saying that I like the system and hope they keep trying isn't the same as me saying that I am totally satisfied with the implementation and that they don't need to continue to improve.





    And this isn't just something that I speculate on like an armchair quaterback. I really do put in a lot of work trying new things with interactive dialogue and trying to make it more intuitive, smooth, while still having a vast amount of choice.


    It is a hard thing to pull off, and I am by no means saying I am good at it yet. But I have over 400 pages of dialogue written out for my mod with at least another 100 pages of charts and graphs about potential new ways to 'move' these dialogue trees along a more organic path. I spend a lot of time in the Creation Kit trying to make these 'crazy ideas' of mine actually work.


    I personally like working with writing dialogue for the new system even with the challenges that come with it. I prefer it to when I was writing quests for Fallout 3.




    But I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. In the end when I release my quests, a lot of people will complain about how much they hate my writing and how I pushed the envelope away from 'traditional' Fallout. But I am cool with that and don't plan on pleasing everyone.


    The point I was trying to make is that I do challenge every new idea presented to me. I don't just blindly praise Bethesda as I have often been accused (not in this topic, but many times in the past). I have been very critical every step of the way, and have come to the conclusion that I really did enjoy Fallout 4 over any other Fallout game.


    About the only thing most everyone can agree on is that the dialogue tree system is garbage and limits the potential for not only the game itself but for modding as well. I don't even have an issue with a voiced player considering every other good RPG in recent memory has that and it doesn't destroy the game, but the way the dialogue selection works is garbage, and was garbage when Bioware started using it years ago. Not everything should get emulated :tongue:



    I am one of those that does not agree. But to each his own I guess.





    If you are curious as to know why, I personally don't like having the entire dialogue choice for every option sitting there in front of my face for me to have to read.


    I think it breaks my connection with my character when I am playing a goody two shoes character and I have to read out an entire sarcastic response, and entire evil response threatening to murder someone, and whatever other responses the game may have. It takes me out of the moment.


    I would rather keep that dialogue hidden, that way when I go back through the game playing as... I don't know... Deadpool... I can have totally new dialogue my second time around, as opposed to having already read it my first playthrough like I would in a game like Fallout New Vegas.


    I also think that the dialogue wheel which isn't even a wheel makes the pace of the game much smoother. It doesn't feel so choppy like you are hopping from gameplay to menu crawling to gameplay again. I think the way Bioware does it and the way Fallout 4 does it makes things more smooth.





    But hey, that's just my personal opinion. Not trying to convince you or anything, just saying that I can articulate a logical case as to why I like it and am not just blindly bashing the older games in the series.


    I very much enjoyed all the Fallout games, even though I had to mod cheat weapons into Tactics because I was too impatient to play the long drawn out battles... And I do think that Fallout 4 has a lot of flaws and Bethesda didn't nearly reach the potential the could have with the new dialogue system.


    But I like the direction they are going in and I hope they continue. But if they don't, I'm cool with that as well.

  14. My perspective:


    1) FO4 isn't much of a Fallout game. It's super fun and I like playing it and am writing mods for it, but if it weren't for the existence of the traditional factions, etc I'd think Beth had branched into something new because it's obviously a Beth game, it's just not obvioulsy a Fallout game (or built in the tradition of the TES titles).


    If Fallout 4 was in fact a 'true' Fallout game like the Interplay purists want, I predict that it would have been a total flop to the general public.


    I don't think a cult following is enough to pay for the expense of developing AAA titles on this scale.


    But I am not an expert on finance in the game industry, so take that for what it is. (I've only bankrupted one company so far...)

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