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Everything posted by Overlord69

  1. If you are crashing at the logo, then that indicates you have a missing file dependency be it a .esm or .esp file. Your mod manager should tell you that in the plugins section. As for crashing when loading the save game, one possible cause is that you have saved in an area where alot of scripts are activated, yes auto saves can defiantly do this at the wrong time. Another reason is that you may have loaded alot of animations into the game and can cause issues while loading. I used to use Save Game Manager but it was actually causing issues for me regarding ctds. You can use this mod Continue No Game No Crash which imo is an underrated mod that really should be used in a heavy modded game. Do note that it will take up a load order slot but it's highly worth it.
  2. I would say Civil War Overhaul by Apollodown but it is no longer on this site. That mod pretty much enhances every battle and makes it possible to lose the war.
  3. Rejoice!!! I have finally compiled the script after 2 months (beated cskriffin who took 4 months :p ) The last errors were fixed by using the latest version of chargen.psc from Racemenu. Thank you so much for your help IsharaMeradin!
  4. Thanks for your input IsharaMeradin, I'll continue the search for CharGen related scripts as I only have the main script. If anyone else is familiar with these variables, I would appreciate it if you can tell me which script it comes from.
  5. I have managed to get the errors down to 12...almost there :smile:. This is what's left and the information pertaining to these scripts, turns out that the other 7 errors pertaining to the xflmenuscript was because of the outdated version. Information from the specific lines of vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc Information from the specific lines of vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc
  6. Thanks for your help IsharaMeradin, I'm actually going off of someones notes on this script revision that were made about nine months ago and he managed to compile it but left out what needed to be done and he's gone.
  7. Oh this is for my personal use for now, I will not be posting it on his page until I hear from him. Here is what I have written underneath the spoilers. Really appreciate your help :)
  8. Thanks for the reply, am I allowed to attach the modified script here? I'm sorry I am not familiar with protocols regarding attaching modified components from mods.
  9. Hey everyone, I'm pretty new to modding and I want to test out a modified script from Familiar Faces to address the issues that several users are having but I'm having a problem compiling it. I am using CompilerPlus as the primary tool and whenever I compile it, I originally got 386 errors and it did not complete the process. Turns out that I pointed the program to the wrong directory and now I get 46 errors. Can anyone please help me out with these errors, I do have the scripts available but it's still not working. Thanks :smile:
  10. Thanks for your response :smile: Do you have the link to that reddit discussion? I could just possibly remove my self from the faction if Apollodown intended to be that way. Thanks for your response :smile: Yes I do have the original file (I made a bunch of copies for it in different locations for myself just in case) I did notice that Apollodown fully removed the mod from Nexus so sadly it's not coming back. I installed the mod before I started a new game (Apollodown made a humorous emphasis on that) I checked the mod with Tes5Edit for any conflicts and there was only one which I repaired by overwriting this mod to all others. I did not start out using the Helgen Sequence just with the housing introduction. After the final battle, I noticed in the debug in the MCM menu stated that the "Still a Better Ending Than Mass Effect 3" was still on but the Battle of Windhelm was still in my journal. Maybe I should just wait it out and see what happens? I made a save one battle before the Battle of Windhelm just incase.
  11. What is exactly supposed to happen if you lose the war and activate "Still a better ending than Mass Effect 3"? I am with the Stormcloaks and started the Battle for Windhelm. Galmar was inside the Palace Of Kings and he told me that the Imperials have entered the city and I was told to go outside. I went outside and the Imperials came in and they instantly kill me in one hit and I end up teleporting inside the palace. Then it started playing the scene where General Tullius and Legate Rikke enter the palace and lock the doors. I was still on the ground watching the fight, then Galmar and Ulfric died and the quests Liberation of Skyrim and the fallen have failed. All of a sudden I teleport somewhere else in the palace and Rikke walks out the palace and General Tullius attacks me, if he kills me then its game over, if I run away outside the city, it said passed the runaway check in the top left corner. The quest Battle for Windhelm is still active and the Imperials are still hostile to me. I thought the quest is supposed to be finished and the Imperials cease to attack me. If I fast travel to another location, all of a sudden Rikke and Tullius spawn and try to attack me and I can't equip my weapons or look at my inventory. If I run away far enough, then I am able to equip them again. Did something bug out or this is normal?
  12. I tried using FPSLimit capped at 60 instead of Vsync and the game physics bug out like crazy and the game speed goes way to fast. Plus I also get alot of screen tearing and mouse accerleration issues. I am running Vsync through Nvidia Control Panel and I don't think Skyrim's vsync is disabled neither. Should I use Nvidia Control Panel or Skyrim's? I tried using ENBoost's vsync but it seems like its not working since the game's speed is way to fast.
  13. I have ENBoost installed and whenever i'm outside, everytime I travel within the worldspace it seems that the game stutters when a new cell is loaded and it becomes noticiable in heavly forested areas such as Falkreath. Inside i'm totally fine with no stuttering and infact this mod reduced my ctds a lot. Before I had ENBoost installed, I was running the game at Ultra with a constant 60 fps @ 1920x1080 (60Hz). I've tried editing the enblocal.ini Reserved Memory Size from the lowest value all the way to 512MB but I never went beyond that as I heard that can cause problems. I also do have SKSE Memory fix set to the default heapscrap so I disabled Expand System Memory. Any help would be appreciated :D My Specs Intel I5 4670k @ 3.4 GHz (can go up to 3.8 GHz) 8GB of RAM GeForce GTX 970 4GB of VRAM (Well technically 3.5GB :tongue:) WD 1TB HDD 7200 RPM Windows 7 64 bit Premium My enbolocal.ini My Load Order
  14. I may have found a trick into finding out which mod is causing a save bloat by using the save tool you have there. While in the main screen of the save tool, click on mod editor. Once you're in the menu, notice how many form counts each mod has and your save file size. Check one of the mods you think that might be suspcious of causing bloating and hit delete mod scripts, not mod forms. When you delete the mods scripts, notice how much kb are taken out of the mod, the higher it is, the likely its causing your bloating. 200-500kb is fine but if it goes above 1000kb thats a problem. Look manily in your heavy scripted mods first, then look in other mods to make finding the problem easier. I'm still testing this method to see if it actually works but so far I have found one mod that has caused a heavy bloat in my save and that is Summerset Isles taking 1.2mb of my 15mb save and I haven't even activated the quest yet. Please do not save your game as this is just a mere test. When it comes to saving your game, you are causing problems for your save's health. Seriously never ever use quicksave and autosave if your game has alot of scripts that run and i see you have some such as DCO and Ineed. Don't uninstall a mod or install a mod mid-game as that can also destroy your save's health and cause bloating. Saving in Skyrim is not as simple as you think since Bethesda implemented a horrible way of saving which increases the chance of corruption to occur, always do a new manual save (NO OVERWRITING). Turn off your autosaves, do not quick save and instead bind F5 to manual save with a mod such as this one http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34842/?
  15. Hey there "The Loot program is to use for load order of mods so that plugin section in NMM means that it doesn't work, correct?" I'm not sure about what you are asking but I'll give you this answer which will help, LOOT will auto sort your plugins for you which will reflect on NMM's plugin order view. NMM will just add the plugins in the order of which you installed your mods, NMM itself does not auto sort for you. "Is the Wrye Bash and Tes5edit is to verify and solving conflicts among the mods that i have installed?" Yes and you can also add LOOT to that aswell, however I strongly advise you read FNVEdit Manual (Works exactly the same as TES5Edit) to know how to detect mod conflicts because not everything in TES5Edit is an actual conflict even though it appears to be. Wrye Bash can also detect load order conflicts in regards to master files. The things is please read the guides on how to use these tools b/c you can seriously screw up your game if you don't read them. "If i download the mod with NMM the Wrye Bash and Tes5edit will recognize the mods?" Of course "What is that "bash tags" and "bashed patch"? Can I do this with the Loot program?"Again i'm going to advise you read about bash tags and patches but i'll give you the summery. Skyrim uses a level list to see what is in game and what is not, so if you have one mod that adds a bunch of swords to a level lists and another which does the same, you may not see both of them in game in enemies and containers b/c they could conflict with eachother. This is where bash patches come in to merged them together. Hopefully this answers all your queestions :)
  16. I'm just very confused with the term "Save Game Corruption", on one hand, many people define save game corruption as the game will not load and it gives you a message saying so, on the other hand some people say that the game loads but when it ctds, then your save is corrupted and you should go back to a previous save. So i'm wondering if my save is corrupted. I have two saves which are named 44 and 45. When I ran 45, I started down the road that leads to Shriekwind Bastion, now when I play though there when I enter Shriekwind Bastion, half-way into the dungeon I ctd. So I tested the same game again and got into the dungeon a bit futher then I ctd again :/ . Now when I try save 44 which is just a few minutes before 45 and in the same general area I try to do the same run. This time I actually managed to go through the dungeon fully and into the boss battle with no ctds. I just don't get how saves get randomly corrupted for no reason, is there any cause to this? Now I do have a mod that manages my saves, all my auto-saves are turned off b/c I heard that they can screw up your game really badly. I never quicksave and instead use the mod to set quicksave into manual save. I also have it set to manual save every 10 minutes just incase. I also have to mention that before I got to save 44, I used the Save Tool at 25 and it apprently found one orphaned script. Here's the thing tho, I never uninstalled/installed a mod mid-game so I have no idea where that script is comming from. Before starting my modded game, I ran the stress test which involves me running around the map super fast and haven't crashed at all at that point. My Script latency avarages about 39-45ms however when I load cells it can jump to 75ms at times. My save file is 15MB which I really don't know if that is a concern for bloating. I do have ENBoost, SKSE memory patch enabled, cleaned my master files, have made a compatabiltiy patch for all my mods in the TES5Merged, and individually checked each mod for any serious conflicts. My Specs: I5 4670k Geforce GTX 970 4gb VRAM ( 3.5 really :tongue: ) 8gb Ram
  17. Thank you tonycubed2 and Arocide for your responses! :D I also noticed my save is 12mb and I only put an hour into the save, does this mean my save is bloating? btw: Tony I love the Genesis Effect Edit: Before coming back to Skyrim, I was playing Payday 2 a lot and for some reason the devs decided that the default fps cap would be 135. This caused my GPU to run at high temperatures (70C-77C) while playing for hours and hours, don't know if my card got damaged tho the card I'm using has a reputation for burning out quickly :sad: (EVGA Geforce 660 Superclocked) I had all these mods before in my Skyrim but they have been updated and has better scripts to allow the game to run better.
  18. Alrighty, I just started a new game and i still get the same script latency mentioned above, however now whenever the script latency goes high my fps drops for some reason. Everytime i'm in outside, when the game load new cells, the game lags and the script latency increases. Is there any reason as to why that happens? Is my script latency actually high? Also here's my load order: http://pastebin.com/XfFDKyj0
  19. Did you not read where this is posted (Mod Troubleshooting)= to help others with mod problems. Plus the mod author is inactive
  20. Can anyone help me out please? I can't seem to find the answer using Tes5Edit.
  21. I'm having problems right now with this mod. For some reason, everytime i get attacked by werewolf, I'm not contracting Sanies Lupinus for some reason. I don't know if this is a bug or not? I have the NPC to Player infection checked. Tes5Edit reports that there are no conflicts with the infection spell. However when i use mfg console to take a look at one of the gibbering lunatics, it seems like they don't have that spell that allows infection even tho Tes5Edit says they have it. Can anyone help me out?
  22. I'm just wondering which number do i use to determine the state of scripting latency? I usually average about 44ms(hi:66 lo:20) but it can go up to 52ms(hi:119 lo:32). Do i use the number outside the parentheses or the two inside with hi and lo? My scripted events are happening on spot when it goes to the later, i don't experience any problems and my .ini settings are default. Thanks :D
  23. First of all, did you uninstall your mods during a mid-game, if so you probably corrupted that save and caused a script to be looped because it keeps firing on something that can not be called. Second, do you have the Unofficial Patches? I suggest downloading them right away. Level Predator Script is known to break and cause a massive spam on the engine. Don't quote me on this but i think the USKP fixes those scripts.
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