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About PhoenixActual

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  1. I feel like this thread strikes me a bit as I'm really passive on the Nexus. Only now have have I given a great mod like Project Nevada and a few other mods my endorsements after using them since I began using mods several years ago. Anyways, don't feel disheartened by lack of feedback. bben46 gave some great advice that you should seriously consider trying, as I know myself that I tend not to download mods without a proper description.
  2. From what RJHelms has been saying, the whole team has been working hard. One of the best things is that from the sound of things, this very talented team plans on staying together to work on more super-mods which should get even better with their experience. Agreed, they're going to make a chapter 2 of this mod after they've released this one. So I think that we can look forward to at least a few really good mods.
  3. No, it IS July 2nd today.. I'm just saying that the day isn't over yet, so it could be released later on. I've got a couple of problems I'm working through, but should be done very shortly. So it'll be either today or tomorrow. It's 00:35 here in Sweden, so you should be good for another 25 minutes if you live in the UK. I'll be waiting... I'll just come back tomorrow.
  4. You mean July 2nd right? Hahaha, of course! Damn typo :biggrin:
  5. It's definitely not dead, RJ is aiming to release it 2nd June, which is in 4 days. :dance:
  6. I really like the 'NEW' environmental suit's gas mask. I would be very pleased if it could be separate from the suit.
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