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Everything posted by Bobbysepp

  1. I am making a magic overhaul based on invested magic, and I'm trying to make different wards, but I'm having issues figuring some of the scripting elements out. 1) Is it possible to poll for the location of an arrow/magic projectile, and then modify the projectile's motion? (ex. If an arrow gets within a certain range of the caster, throw the arrow down) All my current ideas revolve around finding the formID of a projectile in flight (Which I'm currently stuck on) and making it poll to my script if my script is active.... But is there a better way to go about this? 2) Is it possible to make spell tomes readable? I know modifying the spell tome removal script doesn't work, is there something I'm missing? 3) How would you setup a script for a continuous spell (Like flames) that would apply the script while the spell is still active? (I'm prolly just thinking about things wrong)
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