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About Jakeschulz

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  1. alright but just for the sake of keeping this thread going for debating purposes, can you remove the youtube link from this thread please
  2. well i cant wait but luckily im spending my time trying to unlock lock on missilies on jets on BF3.. but i keep getting shot down! :D and damn i have an maths exam this week
  3. i believe skyrim can win, im still playing through deus ex HR but i think skyrim deserves goy.
  4. dude remove link or this will get my thread shut down
  5. well at the moment im in england so maybe i should support the empire, a bit like the british empire :D lol i think i will choose whoever has the coolest armour/leader
  6. lol why when i make a thread why does 3 other people try make their own about the exact same thing. bit pointless.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYCT77YNHsk i enjoyed... freedom. in a oblivion. i also enjoy this video.
  8. thanks for the link, i voted for skyrim ofc :P
  9. ok.. thanks for sharing that important info with us.
  10. M'aiq the Liar, i thank the gods that he isn't in skyrim! lol just kidding i know he is back. :) my one dislike was that annoying zoom in on peoples faces when u speak to then, thank Buddha that this has been solved.
  11. gore is fun if you dont like it go play Pokemon :D
  12. i want to run through the forests in the middle of the night as a werewolf, hunting for my victims. :) would be cool if when u become a werewolf, people occasionally send werewolf hunters after you.
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