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About Brendan62

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  1. Have to say not very impressed with this over the top password 12 characters numbers whatever, have been a productive member here since before this site was created (so more than 14 years) and have never had to reset my password once was perfectly happy with my original one and no i dont want to get a password manager to manage my passwords have enough useless programs installed on my pc. This site has had some very intrusive changes recently. This being just one of them. The new extra download page is another. Perhaps getting a little to oriented to collecting premium members.
  2. I never bother uploading stuff any more due to the degree of rudeness , idiotic comments etc its to much drama Elianora and modders like her continue to upload stuff put up with all the crap in comments all the annoying messages from people who cant be bothered to read. People who download mods need to remember these are mods created by people using huge amounts of time to create them for your enjoyment, modders shouldnt be honored that people actually download it or rate it . The fact that Elianora even attempts to reply to people is much more than most deserve or is obligated to do. Those who complain about a degree of shortness or impatience in her replies go create a mod with all the quality of her stuff then upload it and try and help people see how long you have patience for.
  3. In response to post #24742594. #24742759, #24742849, #24742924, #24742934, #24743009, #24743059, #24743149, #24743254, #24743299, #24743359, #24743449, #24743474, #24743514, #24743524, #24743584, #24743604, #24743624, #24743724, #24743739, #24743769, #24743774, #24743884, #24743929, #24743984, #24744049, #24744139, #24744159, #24744279, #24744479, #24744519, #24744574, #24744719, #24744789, #24744794, #24744929, #24744964, #24744989, #24745004, #24745054, #24745174, #24745279, #24745339, #24745449, #24745494, #24745729, #24745734, #24745839, #24745939, #24746154, #24746294, #24746544, #24746674, #24746704, #24746719, #24747064, #24747169, #24747379, #24747459, #24747514, #24747554, #24747774, #24747799, #24747909, #24748204, #24748329, #24748344, #24748534, #24748849, #24749024, #24749029, #24749224, #24749279 are all replies on the same post. FROM FavoredSoul a section of his/her comment "OH, ITS "FOR THE LOVE OF MODDING" YOU SAY? Rubbish. That love and passion for modding? That gets dashed on the rocks the moment you receive your first troll, your first abusive comment, your first person who throws a tantrum cause you don't want to fulfill the request that they're asking of you. Does anyone even remember the time when the nexus sites had a DIS-ENDORSE button? I cannot begin to relate just how many times my mods got dis-endorsed simply cause I didn't fulfill the requests people were demanding. Unless you are a real modder, you will NEVER understand what that's like. Your wear your heart on your sleeve when you make and release mods, cause you DO pour your heart, soul and energy into them. In a community with a lot of hateful, entitled, selfish, and downright evil people, why don't you go off and endure a few years of that abuse, and then come back and tell me I must only mod for the love and passion of it." MY RESPONSE As a modder Im very anti paying for mods due to the far reaching consequences but at the same time this is a valid point , these days its just way to much drama to release mods, rude and abusive comments, people who refuse to read read mes and descriptions then complain it doesnt work. There is a very negative vibe shown to modders on all levels. Mod consumers need to realize that whether you like, approve or whatever of a mod someone spent a great deal of time making it then uploading it for people to enjoy. If your not one of them or dont like the mod whatever keep quiet leave the negative comment alone. May great old time modders have left due to this sort of negativity So if nothing else take all this as a lesson in how you should be treating the modder , not as if said modder should be honored you actually downloaded his\her mod. But treat the modders who upload stuff for people enjoyment with the respect they deserve.Especially those who stayed on the side of free mods by adding support on mod pages etc
  4. FROM FavoredSoul a section of his/her comment "OH, ITS "FOR THE LOVE OF MODDING" YOU SAY? Rubbish. That love and passion for modding? That gets dashed on the rocks the moment you receive your first troll, your first abusive comment, your first person who throws a tantrum cause you don't want to fulfill the request that they're asking of you. Does anyone even remember the time when the nexus sites had a DIS-ENDORSE button? I cannot begin to relate just how many times my mods got dis-endorsed simply cause I didn't fulfill the requests people were demanding. Unless you are a real modder, you will NEVER understand what that's like. Your wear your heart on your sleeve when you make and release mods, cause you DO pour your heart, soul and energy into them. In a community with a lot of hateful, entitled, selfish, and downright evil people, why don't you go off and endure a few years of that abuse, and then come back and tell me I must only mod for the love and passion of it." MY RESPONSE As a modder Im very anti paying for mods due to the far reaching consequences but at the same time this is a valid point , these days its just way to much drama to release mods, rude and abusive comments, people who refuse to read read mes and descriptions then complain it doesnt work. There is a very negative vibe shown to modders on all levels. Mod consumers need to realize that whether you like, approve or whatever of a mod someone spent a great deal of time making it then uploading it for people to enjoy. If your not one of them or dont like the mod whatever keep quiet leave the negative comment alone. May great old time modders have left due to this sort of negativity So if nothing else take all this as a lesson in how you should be treating the modder , not as if said modder should be honored you actually downloaded his\her mod. But treat the modders who upload stuff for people enjoyment with the respect they deserve.Especially those who stayed on the side of free mods by adding support on mod pages etc
  5. In response to post #24659674. #24661119 is also a reply to the same post. Any modder that signed up for this pay for mods crap deserves everything he\she gets, both in getting ripped of by steam\valve to the flaming he\she will recieve. Nobody should support this its the tolling of the death bells for modding , my work is free for people will always be free and if nexus continues to support this by recieving a cut (and at least makes a stand against it) all my nexus stuff will be removed and i will just open my own site and host my stuff there. Dont allow big business to destroy another of our pleasures
  6. Once again big business screws things up , and people blindly argue about the petty crap. This all i saw coming the second we where forced to deal through steam. I pay big business too much already just to live and survive, my modding was a small escape from that. Ive had mods featured on Bethesdas Blog etc and i have been a contributor to modding here since the days of the old site. But this is wrong modders in any way shape or form should not support paid mods , it will be the death of modding completly and many years of doing mods has shown me just how poor the current modding scene is. Negative insulting comments on your download pages, unhelpful and egotistical fellow modders, basically its just too much drama to release anything so i release very little. Dark One you should really stay right out of this dont accept any percentage or any deal with steam. Dont support this is any way shape or form. You have been around the scene long enough to know the long term effect this will have. both on the site and modding in general. This is one issue people can not sit on the fence about. You are either pro big business destroying one more of our pleasures or against it.
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