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Posts posted by Ortorin

  1. I have expanded upon my post above. Please, take this information into consideration.


    So, I have my whole mod designed, but I do not have Skyrim on PC so I cannot MAKE the mod. Please, this would take 20 minutes from start to upload, I just need someone to finish this mod.
    The mod is a lesser power for Xbox that will allow players to tell what the level of an actor is. This is super simple, just need to make a spell that is a Lesser Power and call it something like "Detect Level," the lesser power will shoot a projectile that has the property of a "beam", and attached to the projectile will be the script below. Just make this a "starting spell" in the spell editor to make things easy.
    That's it. I hope someone hears my plea... it's not like this mod wouldn't be well received by the Xbox community.
    Scriptname GetLevelProjectile extends ActiveMagicEffect
    EVENT OnEffectStart(ACTOR akTarget, ACTOR akCaster)
    INT TargetLevel
    TargetLevel = akTarget.GetLevel()
    Debug.Notification("Creature is level " + TargetLevel)


  2. Uses a lesser power with a beam projectile to print the name and level of the target.

    EVENT OnEffectStart(ACTOR akTarget, ACTOR akCaster)
    INT TargetLevel
    TargetLevel = akTarget.GetLevel()
    Debug.Notification("Creature is level " + TargetLevel)

    Something like that. I don't see this being hard to make, I just don't have access to Skyrim on the computer to use the creation kit myself.

  3. I figure that it wouldn't be too hard to script a notification to popup with the level of the actor that the player is in combat with. However, I am not a programmer. All I know is scripting from Morrowind. Can anyone work with this basic code idea and turn it into an actual mod? I don't even need credit, I just need to be able to see the level of the mobs I'm fighting. I would throw in a check for combat before the main script for getting the reference and level.

    String TargetRef
    String LastTargetRef
    Int TargetLevel

    Actor TargetRef = Game.GetPlayer().GetCombatTarget()

    If(TargetRef = LastTargetRef)

    TargetLevel = TargetRef.GetLevel()

    Debug.Notification("Level is" + TargetLevel)

    LastTargetRef = TargetRef


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