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Everything posted by ResiRin

  1. It might be a silly question but please can someone tell me where i need to place the GreyFaceFix Folder. I've put the bsa and esp files in the data files section but I'm unsure where to put the GreyFaceFix. I tried placing it in the textures folder as the other textures seem to end with .dds but it didn't work. I crash to desktop when I try to fast travel to the castle. Nevermind I read the readme when I was really tired last night and missed that part. Oops.
  2. After re-installing I'm still getting crash to desktops but not as bad so I think I'll just have to tolerate it. Thanks so much for all your help and advice though MShoap13.
  3. Okay I've now re-installed Skyrim, waited for it to update, installed all my mods, checked and cleaned them with TES5 Editor, put them in order with boss and it still crashes to desktop. I'm so fed up now after two weeks of this I could just sit down and cry because I don't even think it is mods anymore I think it's the update and Dawnguard. As soon as I get to where Alduin attacks Helgen at the beginning of the game as your character is trying to rise from the chopping block my game crashes to desktop and this is exactly what it did before. After loads of tries I eventually got past this part previously but then random crashes started between every three and five minutes. I really want to play this game so bad but this is just ridiculous because I've been messing about with it since 8am this morning and it's now 3pm. It has been like this every day for two weeks now all my free time goes on trying to get the thing working when it should be on playing it. Thanks for all your help though I really appreciate it. I'm going to try installing it again and just having texture mods and perhaps a couple of armour and weapons mods and see if it works then. I never had any problems when I played it for a while earlier in the year before the new updates and before I bought Dawnguard.
  4. Okay thanks. I've installed all my mods so I'll try that now. I'll go through the video. Some of my mods are not active though on BOSS for some reason. I really hope this works or I'm going to strangle my PC.
  5. Okay I've just installed BOSS and started installing my mods again from scratch after a clean re-install but BOSS is informing me that Update.esm and Dawnguard.esm have dirty edits and that I need to clean them using TESV Edit Cleaning. I've clicked on the link and had a look at the instructions and video but it says that it's for makers of mods normally to use and not users so I'm a little apprehensive as I have no idea what I am doing. Please can anyone give me advice on what I should do besides throw my PC out of the window.
  6. Thanks so much for your reply. I don't currently use boss but I'll try it and I'll look for the fixes for JaySus Swords. I suppose it wouldn't matter if I did disable it in-game as it uses an esm file and I don't think you can disable them like an esp file. I know the basics of modding but I'm by no means an expert on the matter. Again thanks so much because I was about to go insane. I'll try your suggestions and let you know how I get on.
  7. Please can anyone help me as since I installed Dawnguard most of my mods don't seem to be working so I got rid of a lot of them including Skyrim Monster Mod to try and use as few as possible. I have loads of texture mods which I have read don't affect the game such as UNP Body, Better Females by Bella, AEterna Circlets and many more. I completely removed Skyrim and did a clean re-install with the following mods including texture mods which I have put in the following order: - - Dawnguard - Jaysus Swords - Ashara Dimonised Dress - Possessive Corpses - Water & Terrain Enhancement Redux - Better Dynamic Snow - Remove Ambient Interior Fog - Revamped Exterior Fog - Radiant & Unique Potions & Poisons - Random Thunder - Reduced Distance NPC Greetings - Auto Un-Equip Arrows - Disable Auto-Aim - Improved Death Cameras - Item Rewards For Bounties - Legendary Artifacts - LFox Improved Night Eye No Blur - More Dragon Loot - Ragged Flagon Shortcut - Rich Merchants - True Giants - Vampire's Underwater Suffocation Fix - Castle Grey - Limbwood Manor - Blaze of Eventide - Spell Tome Conjure Ethereal Horse - Blood Lust (demon dog companion) - Alduin's Wings (craftable at the forge) - Armoured Circlets by Quickfox - Ashara's Princess of the Woods Armour - Bandolier Bags & Pouches - Daedric Crown Craftable - Dragon Crown Craftable - Dragon Plate Crown Craftable - Ebony Crown Craftable - Elven Crown Craftable - Glass Crown Craftable - Demon Hunter Armour - Mashup of UNP Armours - TERA Armours by asianboy345 - TERA Armours by Toad - UNP Jewelry - Lord of the Rings Weapons - Jojo's Warglaives - Sai - Space Wiking's The Elementals Weapons Any help would be appreciated as I have been trying to get Skyrim to work now for two weeks. I've checked mods one by one but it still crashes to desktop when they are all de-selected. I'm at my wits end and just fed up of re-installing and starting a new game every day only to encounter problems and have to re-install and start again the next day. I also prefer to install mods manually rather than using NMM. My PC specs are AMD Phenom 2 x 4 with 4GB of ram, with an ATI graphics card 6870. I am running Windows 7 32 bit. Sorry for the long post.
  8. I'm not sure but I do prefer to install all my mods manually and remove them manually if I don't want them in there any more. You haven't got any mods installed that affect the same area have you? If you're anything like me you might have so many mods installed that you forgot some of the areas they affect. Sorry I haven't been much help :(
  9. Sorry about the confusion
  10. Checked the description of the mod and it says that it is located between Whiterun and Riverwood and there should be a marker on your map for it between these locations. Lots of hugs from Rin
  11. Hi, I have been using a player home mod called Castle Grey which is awesome. I have been using the Creation Kit and have used this mod to practise with. I tried adding some pictures to Castle Grey from Leveller's Tower which is another house mod but they disappear when I load the game and have disappeared from the Creation Kit when I go back into it even though I saved the work. In the Creation Kit I load Skyrim, Leveller's Tower, Teddy Bears and then Castle Grey and make Castle Grey the active file. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and why the pictures won't stay in the mod. I've even tried having Leveller's Tower selected in the data files before starting the game. I thought that when you took something out of one mod and saved it in the mod you were working on that it would be integrated into that mod but I must be doing something wrong. Sorry for the long description but I would really appreciate any help or advice that anyone can give me. Thanks in advance
  12. If I remember correctly it is from a mod called Sekirei that adds Japanese clothing and geta to the game :)
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