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Everything posted by MajinnFranky

  1. Then I'm back at square one... I've ran autoclean on it, and every time I do, it doesn't or won't even save. When I even try to manually save it I get this message, "No unsaved changes." Then when I boot the game back up to try to head back to the areas affected, I still get ctd. Everything else runs fine, its just these areas that don't. I have 0 mods that affect those areas, the quest, or the items in the quest. What does 0x0F49D87E reference to? Even if I can't manually clean anything, since I don't get that option, could that be the root cause?
  2. So I ran autoclean again. It finished going through the file, again. I right click the file and I have a list of stuff to pick. A lot of this stuff is outdated and is rendered unusable. I don't know if the image will load properly, but if it does, then tell me what I need to do next. Otherwise I'm just going to give up playing skyrim. https://imgur.com/4nmW0w4
  3. How do I even autoclean the save? That makes no sense @_@ Look, I've been trying over and over again with this program for the last week and its gotten me nowhere. Dawnguard isn't getting cleaned, the areas affected by Lost to the Ages quest still make my game ctd. Nothing is working at all and I've been trying all this time for naught. I don't know if these methods work for everyone, but its certainly not working for me. I have no clue as to why this happens, but this is getting quite ridiculous. What am I missing? What is the root cause of the game to crash? Is it the aetherium shards themselves? Is it the pedestal to put the shards in? What are the form id's? Can I just disable them and hope it works?
  4. I give up, I'm getting zero results every time I launch sseedit. I even used the quickautoclean.exe as well. Nothing is working for me, nothing is being edited, nothing is saving and I'm just sitting around closing and re-opening the program dozens of times and still getting nowhere. Why am I so inept at this? These guides are simple, yet I can't even follow them at all, or at least I follow them to the letter and I get nothing in return? Isn't there some formid that I can use prid on and disable? I know that there was an instance of the game crashing near the dwemer ruins outside dawnstar and the cause was the nearby dragon mound. Is there something similar to that, yet affecting every location that's a part of lost to the ages quest? Never mind not even finishing lost to the ages, but I can't even finish the college of winterhold quest because I can't enter Mzulft. All because it shares the same cell as the dwemer storehouse that holds the aetherium shard for lost to the ages. This is so frustrating I'm losing my mind on this. ;-;
  5. The procedure hasn't changed at all. It still works exactly as shown in the guide linked above. I cleaned my game files exactly as described in this guide only some days ago. Works perfectly. EDIT: I'd strongly recommend using a mod manager (my favourite is Vortex, but MO is also good). Installing mods manually might not be too hard. The trouble starts when you want/need to uninstall a mod. You WILL forget some files and mess up your game sooner or later... A few things after trying it. First was that in the procedure that the process would prompt you to save once you close the program after doing those steps, I haven't gotten any prompts at all. I even tried to manually save it, but a message popped up saying I haven't edited anything to save with, even after following the process. Another problem I'm having is with editing that encounter zone in riften ratway that seems to have a problem. The guide tells me to right click and select remove, however, I see no option for removing. I made a bit more headway than before, but the results still go to naught. I can't figure out how to clean this damn thing, and now I believe I could never do the lost to the ages quest and not reach the aetherium forge. :sad:
  6. Algabar, I have tried to follow with that procedure using 4.0.2 SSEEdit, whenever I right click to use the cleaning I always get the notification pop up saying that the function is out of date for this version and said to use auto clean. So I tried auto clean, I don't know what I'm doing other than opening up the program and individually selecting dawnguard. After that, I get confused as its not all cleaned up. It feels like it just only scans the plugin and not clean it, and I'm lost at that point. I'm not interested in using MO or Vortex, I have a separate hdd that I fill up with backups of the mods. As tedious and archaic as that is, I make it work out somehow, I just look at the folder structures of the back up and go one by one from there. wfandrews I suppose I'll try an older version and see where that gets me. Hopefully I'll make some headway. Thanks guys.
  7. That guide is out of date and doesn't support the latest version :( I've looked at many of those.
  8. I'm at a complete loss, completely confused at every explanation that there is to using it. My brain is just not comprehending it at all. Long story short, my game crashes near the dwemer ruins Bthalft by Ivarstead (the one with the aetherium forge) I can't walk towards it, let alone look at it without the game crashing. Doing a little digging, I find that it might be dawnguard.esm causing the problem and that I would need to clean it twice to get it working? So I downloaded the latest sseedit and I'm trying to look at guides for this, but I'm getting more confused between the guides and the program itself. Could someone help an idiot like myself out? If it helps out a lot, I don't use mo or vortex or even loot. I'm fairly confident in my ability to manually install mods. However, I know nothing about this. Its absolutely out of my hands, any help is greatly appreciated. :)
  9. Hot damn, it was Mystic Pines after all. Too bad I'll never find out if quince99 had updated the mod or not, his stuff has been taken down. :sad: Thank you for your help RedRocketTV
  10. My money is on any or all of those breaking precombines or having conflicting previs data. The Mystic Pines mod in particular, since it is adjacent to the cell with the railroad car giving you preculling issues. That's assuming your screen shot is of the box car between Starlight and Mystic Pines. Probably between Lexington or Superduper mart. Mystic Pines isn't near the area, that's closer to covenant which is on the other side of the lake. I'll probably try without the lexington restored or the super duper mart restored.
  11. As far as scrapping mods go, I only use place everywhere As far as my load order goes: # This file is used by Fallout4 to keep track of your downloaded content. # Please do not modify this file. *SettlementKeywords.esm *ArmorKeywords.esm *Snap'n Build.esm *Homemaker.esm *Robot Home Defence.esm *HUDFramework.esm *Servitron.esm *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp *SettlementMenuManager.esp *AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp *Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler SKE.esp *Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power SKE.esp *Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects SKE.esp *CleanSettlement.esp *CleanSettlement Snap'n Build.esp *Clean Wasteland Workshop.esp *SSEX.esp *Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000.esp *Eli_Immersive Coffee Mod 9000 GTX French Roast.esp *AWARHERO Japanese Decor Pack.esp *BetterStores.esp *BS-HomemakerPatch.esp *SanctuaryParts.esp *Buildable_PAFrames_Recipe.esp *Buildable_PAFrames_v1.35.esp *Buildable_PAFrames_v1.35_DLC.esp *FusionGenerator.esp *HoK.esp *AkaWaterWorld.esp *AkaMoveYourWorkbench.esp *CWSS Redux.esp *Conquest.esp *SRT_Forsythia.esp *Summer Roses.esp *Craftable_Birch_Trees.esp *Craftable_Blossom_Trees.esp *Evan_Modular Kitchen.esp *LongerPowerLinesInf.esp *Never-Break Power Armor by BMDD.esp *Never-Drain Fusion Core 4 PA by BMDD.esp *Locky Bastard.esp *4 x XP.esp *perfect.esp *dD-Enhanced Blood.esp *DoYourDamnJobCodsworth.esp RepairSanctuary.esp DEEPriverV1.6.esp *BoylstonClub.esp *Bunker Home.esp *CIT Rotunda Restored.esp *Country House.esp *Fallons Restored.esp *GAGalleria.esp *Homeplate Renovation.esp *HubrisComics.esp *Institutions.esp *Mayoral Shelter Pool.esp *Lexington.esp *Taffington.esp *SuperDuperMart.esp *Mystic Pines.esp *Mechanist Lair Overhaul.esp *Aki - Colorful Trees.esp *ReGrowth.esp *Recovering Glowing Sea (Radstorm Removal).esp *Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp *Fr4nssonsLightTweaks.esp *Clean Water Tropical.esp *ClearWater.esp *New Landscape Grass v6.1.esp *Vending Machines - Lighting.esp *NoObjectLimit.esp *NSA All-in-One.esp *AllSetsExtended.esp *OWR.esp *OWR_CraftableDecor.esp *OWR_CraftableDecor_CW.esp *OWR_CraftableDecor_SKPatch.esp *BrighterSettlementLights_ExtraBrightv1.1.esp *def_inv_scrap_en.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByType.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByTypeOverride.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp *OMEGA_VaultGirlBH_Valdacil_Compat.esp *Smoke-able Cigars.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting - Smoke-able Cigars TAGS.esp *Cannabis Commonwealth.esp *MODaquatic.esp *Cerb's Miltauros.esp *QuazVehicleOverhaul.esp *VaultGirl.esp *VaultSuitBoxes.esp *VaultSuitBoxes-DLC.esp *LooksMenu.esp *LooksMirror.esp *CBBE.esp *KSHairdos.esp *AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp *Eyes4Days.esp *LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp *RedLipstickVanilla.esp *LipstickForMales.esp *HN66Fo4_Nails.esp *HN66Fo4_Rings.esp *RisingsUnlimitedFollowers.esp *ReBornPiper.esp *LovingCait.esp *JINA Deacon.esp *JINA Hancock Ghoul.esp *Trashier Carla.esp *DualSurvivors.esp *DualSurvivors_additionaldialogue.esp *DualSurvivors_compatibilitypatch.esp *NukaRadBans.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting - Rad-Ban Eyewear Inc. TAGS - AE.esp *ChainBikini.esp *ChineseStealthSuit.esp *CorvalhoWidowShotgun.esp *DX_Black_Widow.esp *EnclaveX02 *HN66-SiriusArmor.esp *Jessie's Wasteland Misty.esp *Kimono Outfit.esp *Liberty_PA.esp *MacCreadyOutfit.esp *Necroz-TheDeathBetrayer.esp *PowerArmorT49.esp *Rangergearnew.esp *slootyVaultSuit.esp *1nivslootyVaultSuitMale.esp *TrueReporter.esp *VaultSuitUnzipped.esp *xy - Misty Outfit.esp *zgclabscientist.esp *AsharaFO4Steampunk.esp *FrenchMaidFO4-CBBEPhysics.esp *Headcrab_Bunny.esp *TERABusinessCasual.esp *TERANurseUniform.esp *TERAPirate.esp *TERAPunk.esp *TERARogue.esp *ShanoaArmorFO4-CBBEPhysics.esp *Hellfirenew.esp *JNF_Dresses.esp *9x39Project.esp *AGuitarModV2.esp *BCRichWarlock.esp *GammaGrenade.esp *JkWeaponryKey.esp *K.A.T.A.N.A - Kinetic Assisted Thermal And Nuclear Antagonizer.esp *JkLoadAfterKey - AWKCR.esp *MikeMooresMCAM.esp *OTs-02 Kiparis.esp *SCAR-L.esp *TddyMine.esp *UniqueUniques.esp *MoreUniques.esp *YogMasterSword.esp *MTs255.esp *AranLaserCarbine.esp *AQUILA.esp *Wastelanders XM2076 by giggity12345.esp *AN94.esp *AK2047.esp *fn five-seven v3.0.esp *McMillanCS5.esp *P90.esp *WattzLaserGun.esp *GKX Proximity Bombs.esp *PipeShotgun.esp *PipeShotgun-AWKCR.esp *tsuki no hana.esp *catsilencer.esp *RangerSequoiaCraft.esp *EPAWeirdWeaponsSeasonPass.esp *Jackhammer.esp *DubstepGunsV1.0.esp *NewCalibers.esp *Crafting Workbench.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Faction and Quest Requirements.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Junk Items.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp *3dscopes.esp *3dscopes-addons.esp *3dscopes-addons-pack2.esp *3dscopes-addons-pack3.esp *3dscopes-addons-pack4.esp *3dscopes-framework.esp *3dscopes-FarHarbor.esp *3dscopes-NukaWorld.esp *Weaponsmith Extended 2.esp *Armorsmith Extended.esp *Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp *RILF.esp *Centered camera.esp *SprintFix.esp *Settlements Rebalanced.esp *AA FusionCityRising.esp *AA FusionCityRising - HotC.esp *OutcastsAndRemnants.esp *AA 50 Ways To Die.esp *GlowingVault.esp *DavidHunter.esp *The Lost Vault.esp *FSS_Officer.esp *VermillionFrost.esp *VermillionFrostLooks1.esp *InstituteStory.esp *Institute-AltEnding.esp *CombatZoneRestored.esp *BTInteriors_Project.esp *DrunkenGnomes_Gnomepocolypse.esp *DD_Tinas_Cookiepocolypse_merged.esp *Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp *DCE_female_body_replacer.esp
  12. I'm having a big problem here. I'm not sure if I worded it correctly, but as the title says, things aren't loading up right. The problem is happening between the starlight drive in and the corvega car plant, where various vanilla objects such as buildings, barrels, trees, shipping containers, ect are not loading at all. Or even if they did, the textures are not, rendering them all invisible. I don't know how or why this is happening but I took a few screenshots to show what I'm dealing with. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027365558/screenshots/ As you can see, much of the train car is invisible, but its still there as an object, so I can't just walk in there to grab the loot from the containers. I have to find the entrance, which is annoying. Now imagine that the entirety of the space between starlight and corvega are like this. That's hella annoying.
  13. Should I just uninstall the game and start over from scratch? I really can't stand how often my game crashes and is making the dungeons take longer than usual.
  14. Before I talk about the subject at hand, I want to make a few things clear: 1. I don't use NMM or Vortex, I've always manually installed my mods 2. I don't think I can use LOOT given how bethesda integrated their mod load order into the game and not in the launcher like they used to have it. 3. Because of both 2 and that I use SKSE64, I have to go through a roundabout way to toggle mods on and off through my localappdata folder and edit the file there because bethesda doesn't like it when I use SKSE mods and always turns them off when I use the in game load order. With that aside, I've been having trouble lately with my game crashing randomly. Currently my character is in ustengrav and it ctd on me a lot. Whenever I load up a save it crashes, after about 5-10 mins of getting it to run it crashes. I've been trying to be as patient as possible to get through the dungeon but its just too much for me. I looked around before as to what's been going on and I've seen reports that its microsoft's fault for having that onscreen keyboard program running in the background or that the nividia experience overlay was running in the background and either one can cause ctd for some odd reason. I have disabled those and the game still crashes. So now I'm wondering if my load order has something to do with it, and I want to ask how to properly optimize it so everything can work together. My load order: *Skyrim.esm *Update.esm *Dawnguard.esm *HearthFires.esm *Dragonborn.esm *Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm *ApachiiHair.esm *ApachiiHairFemales.esm *ApachiiHairMales.esm *BBLuxurySuite.esm *FlowerGirls SE.esm *Gray Fox Cowl.esm *BSAssets.esm *BSHeartland.esm *Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp *Cutting Room Floor.esp *Bring Out Your Dead.esp Open Cities Skyrim.esp *Castle Volkihar Rebuilt.esp *SMIM-Merged-All.esp *FNIS.esp *RaceMenu.esp *RaceMenuPlugin.esp *CBBE.esp *RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp *RelightingSkyrim_SSE.esp *RealisticWaterTwo.esp *RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp *RWT Lod Fix.esp *RealisticWaterTwo - Beyond Skyrim Bruma.esp *Better Dynamic Snow.esp *SkyUI_SE.esp *SkyHUD.esp *Atlas Legendary.esp *icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp *Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp *Animations.esp *Joy of Perspective.esp *Immersive Weapons.esp *OblivionWeapons.esp *Unique Uniques.esp Stormfang.esp *ScopedBows.esp *Lore Weapon Expansion.esp *Lore Weapon Expansion - Daedric Crescent.esp *Lore Weapon Expansion - Goldbrand.esp *Lore Weapon Expansion - Relics of the Crusader.esp *IceBladeOfTheMonarch.esp *Chrysamere.esp *Artifacts.esp *AzurasShield_SE_Eng.esp *Hammerfell Armory SE.esp *ApachiiHairMales.esp *UNPB Vanilla Outfits.esp *Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp *Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp *JoP - Immersive Armors Patch.esp *BrumaJoPPatch.esp *Backshields.esp *TERAArmorsSSE.esp *imperiallightarmorvariant.esp *RogueArmorHD.esp *The Unlcaimed Delivery.esp *sirwho_Wizard_Hat.esp *Seraphim - Ritter Armor.esp *Seraphim - Fiona Clothes.esp *JS Armored Circlets SE.esp *Northgirl.esp *MonsterHunter01.esp *LinkleOutfit.esp *LeatherBound Huntress Armor.esp *Seraphim - LadyAribeth.esp *Intriguante's Wear NO.esp *NS_HuntingGroundsOutfit.esp *IcyV HakuWeddingDress.esp *Ursine Armour - Non HDT.esp *Seraphim - Leere Armor.esp *ExpandedJewelryCrafting.esp *R18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.esp *Seraphim - Draconic Bloodline.esp *DQ3SageOutfit.esp *DCSorceress.esp *Seraphim - Svs Daughter of War.esp *BloodedHeavyArmor_by_GuitunScarfin.esp *Blades Hakama SE.esp *AsharaRomanticOutfit.esp *AsharaImperialOutfit.esp *Apophysis_DPM_SE.esp AetherialCrafting.esp *Witch Of The Wild.esp *yurica_kimono.esp *PathOfSorcery.esp *Elemental Destruction.esp *PoS Elemental Destruction Patch SE.esp *LycHairstyler.esp *FNISspells.esp *VisualAnimatedEnchants.esp *VisualMasterSpells.esp *FireBurns.esp *fastermining9-3.esp *InigoPerkPointGiver.esp *Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets SSE.esp *KS Hairdo's.esp *Laundry.esp *Potions.esp *TKDodge.esp *PickDefaultFollowerArmor.esp *Cannabis Skyrim SE.esp *Animallica.esp *iWil_UselessShopOverhaul.esp *immersive roads.esp *Paradise_City_Merged.esp *Windhelm Docks Pathways SE.esp *FeminizedLevelLists.esp *Mors Feminine Females - All.esp *SexyMannequinsFemale_SSE.esp *SexyMannequinsFemaleHF_SSE.esp *Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp *RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp *DawnguardDragonbornTiming.esp *DudestiaMultiMarriages.esp *HearthfireMultiKid.esp *Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp *AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp *BBLSmusic.esp *BBLuxurySuiteENM.esp *Al_Janna_PlayerHome.esp *Gray Fox Flora Overhaul.esp *GrayCowlCombo.esp *Thunderchild.esp *Dwemertech - Magic of the Dwarves.esp *Tools of Kagrenac.esp *TimeAndSpace.esp *AmeNoMurakumo.esp *MoonAndStar_MAS.esp *moonpath.esp *SkyrimBounties.esp *magic of the magna-ge.esp *Unslaad.esp *Vigilant.esp *Vigilant Voiced.esp *Helgen Reborn.esp *BecomeKingofSkyrim.esp *JKs Skyrim.esp *JKs Skyrim_RWT_Patch.esp *JKs Skyrim_Thunderchild_Patch.esp *Winterhold Restored.esp *Winterhold Restored - JKs Skyrim Patch.esp *Winterhold Restored - Azura's Shield Patch.esp *BHTNF.esp *hjerimtnf.esp *HSTNF.esp *ProudspiremanorTNF.esp *VHTNFSSE.esp *The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp *BS_DLC_patch.esp *BSPatchSE.esp *SMIM-Bruma-Patch.esp *TES Master Soundtrack WAV.esp *SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp *SOS_ImmersiveCitizens_Patch.esp *SOS_RLOInteriors_Patch.esp *AnotherSortingMod_2017-SSE.esp *Beyond Skyrim Bruma_ASM-SSE.esp *Elemental Destruction_ASM-SSE.esp *Immersive Armor Weapons_ASM-SSE.esp *InsanitySorrow Weapons Pack_ASM-SSE.esp *Moonpath_ASM 2018.esp *Book Covers Skyrim.esp *Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library.esp *Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp *Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp *CiceroFemaleSE.esp *dorthe.esp *Seraphim - PrettyCourier.esp *Valerica_Follower.esp *BijinAIO_SSE-3.1.1-SV.esp *FlowerGirls SE - Adventures.esp *FlowerGirls SE - Bathing Beauties Patch.esp *Sexlab-AmorousAdventures.esp Any help will be well appreciated :)
  15. @zanity - You've completely misinterpreted my comment, sorry you didn't get the joke. Honestly though, you're comment is a stunning example of why I made that comment. Beth ninja updating their game and Steam making it automatic is a very small, minuscule thing to happen. You're making it out to be the end of the world that you can't play your game without F4SE. Yes it sucks, it affects me too, and I even paid full price for the game and its season pass. Mods like Place Everywhere and LooksMenu are essential for me. I'm not going to throw some tantrum like a child, I'll just move on to do something else. I can wait until the F4SE team uploads their patch, I have other things I can do. Its not hard, you can do it too. @sirjohn45 - Same, but that's not how things work. Ultimately they don't have to if they don't want to. They're not making money off this, this is their free time that they do this. We're not entitled to F4SE, we're privileged to have it and the wonderful people that made it. Its the one thing now that separates pc modding of bethesda games and console mods of beth games.
  16. This is horrible! Oh the humanity! Its the apocalyPS3 all over again!!!!!111!1!ONEWITHALLCAPS!!!!!1 Just think, last week, Bethesda ninja patched the game under everyone's watch. Then they did it again today. Those sneaky little buggers that they are, they are them, in which they are. Them. Oh well, guess I'll do other stuff to pass the time. :3
  17. This is kinda old, but I would like to see a music and sound overhaul mod for skyrim with the sounds of One Piece. I would love to see what someone could do with that, if that ever happens.
  18. This is a problem I've been trying to figure out for some time now, that when I have darn ui installed, my compass goes missing. I seen many other threads and topics about this problem, but it just leaves me confused without the slightest hint of getting it to work. I'm at a loss here, I like how darn ui looks, but I don't like how my compass just disappears on me. Does anybody know how to fix this problem? Am I just going to have to uninstall the game and play without it? I don't have much mods on yet, I just reinstalled the game today. All I have are the Mission Mojave, MCM, Weapons Mod Menu, ohud and uio installed. I've seen some posts saying I install darn ui first and then start putting others in, but that didn't work at all... -Upon further testing I tried many methods. Editing the xml file for darn ui, no luck. Switching between FNV 4GB and NVSE to launch the game with, still nothing. I tried deactivating archive invalidation, that made the compass reappear finally, but rendered MCM not usable. I feel like I haven't gotten anywhere... --This time I tried unchecking ohud, mcm and wmm and I still get no result. The compass is still missing and I'm near pulling my hair out trying to find out what I must do to get that thing working. Please help.... ---EUREKA! I found a fix! I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to post the link, but I discovered Alystin's fix for DarN UI. Everything is running like it should now, and I don't have to go through that hassle of trying to remove it. I'm happy now. :)
  19. I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't care about that, but every time you open the console achievements would be disabled for the rest of that playthrough. I find that rather annoying and don't want to open console, type in setscale 1.45, save game then close only to reopen the game. Besides, Fallout 3 has the growth/shrink ray mod, why not just port that over to New Vegas and have an in game way to either grow or shrink people and critters other than resorting to console. The only thing that needs to be done with that mod is perhaps editing the part where npc become hostile after using the rays.
  20. So I've been thinking of locations of where the growth and shrink rays would be located. What would you think about locating them in either the Repconn rocket facility, vault 34 (the irradiated one), hidden valley, camp searchlight (the irradiated town), Jacobstown clinic, mr. house's hidden bunker with the robots, or even the silver rush store. I think one of those places would be good to locate the weapons.
  21. Yeah, I had noticed a few days ago that she wasn't around anymore. Its a shame I don't have the files, I wish I could have kept them if I knew this happened. Whatever happened to the file?
  22. Thank you and good luck with that. But seeing as how there is already a growth/shrink ray in Fallout 3, I don't think it would be that difficult. FO3 and NV are generally the same game, although considering how much buggier NV is.... Anyways I think it can work either way.
  23. I've been looking everywhere for a mod that gives you an item that can be used to either make various npc/critters grow/shrink. You know, a growth and shrink rays of sorts. Fallout 3 had a mod that gave you such tools in the professors shack in Grayditch. But while its available for Fallout 3, I haven't seen anything like it for New Vegas. So that's why I'm asking if there is such a mod, hidden from the light of day, or if someone can make the mod. I would be really appreciative if someone took some time to make it, I'm not sure how difficult it is, but I couldn't make a mod to save my own life.
  24. Its a shame that with all the dlc out, there wasn't anything that added a housecarl for the thane of Winterhold. Sure, Hearthfire added three housecarls for Falkreath, Morthal, and Dawnstar. But Winterhold was completely left out. Can someone out there make a mod that adds a housecarl for Winterhold? Have them live in the Arch-Mage quaters (when the DB becomes Arch-Mage, Maybe have the housecarl hang around the Jarl's longhouse before that).
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