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Everything posted by AxeAlot

  1. Since Im done highschool and Im coming back for a few interesting courses , I'll be able to just take a few days off :) I doubt my nearby Gamestop will have a Thursday night midnight release so will wake up early on 11/11/11 before Gamestop opens, relax in my truck , pop a dvd in and wait until they open. Then I will pick up my pre ordered copy, speed home and play non stop until I fall into a coma
  2. After playing Oblivion again I've decided I want to make a stealth character in Skyrim , so most likely a male Wood Elf or Dark Elf (Shooting people with bows is just too fun) . But I also want to make a High Elf mage character, I haven't made one yet in Oblivion but after seeing the magic system for Skyrim I think I will try it out!
  3. Personally I think he looks pretty bad ass , background is awesome too!!! Im almost positive that their will be bright red eyes, and all other shades as well, I read one article about a guy saying that he made a character with one red eye and the other white (glossy) . I can try and find the link. Needless to say the customization will be amazing!
  4. Hey thanks for the info, I appreciate it! Interesting stuff, and yes that is true after playing both systems I would say that the online for ps3 is not as user friendly as the 360!
  5. Oh yeah....I think you are correct I remember him saying something about how the demos are being shown on the 360 because it handles better and is easier to set up on stage or something, at Quakecon he was saying that the PC version will be better graphics wise but they used the xbox because it was easier to play on stage and show!
  6. Hey guys, I recently sold my custom built 360 as it was getting old and wasnt sure how long it was going to last for. I'm purchasing a brand new 160GB Ps3 slim on Wedsnday (Not that any of that really matters). I've played the Ps3 a few times at my friends place's and I have to say that I enjoy both consoles equally, they all have their ups and downs. What I find strange is that Todd Howard has not really spoke about Skyrim for the Playstation 3, usually during the gameplay videos and interviews he talks about it for the Xbox 360 and PC. So I was just wondering if I should take this as bad news that it has not been shown or even talked about for the Ps3 or if there are other reasons for this....I would appreciate any info or knowledge you guys could give me Thanks!
  7. Don't post it and you will be fine here. But watch out, the moderators are a lot less forgiving here then on Beth's forums, which is a good thing. We don't have any trolls or uncivilized people. So I guess welcome to the Nexus AxeAlot. I hope you will enjoy it here. Awesome, sounds good to me. and lol yeah that's good , Beth's forums were pretty uncivilized lmfao xD Thanks, can't wait to read through all of these awesome posts !
  8. Hey I just got banned from Beth's site for posting it, and im sure many others are banned there too :( LOL I still have the full video downloaded on my HP though :D
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