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Everything posted by AxeAlot

  1. So I was at work today and it was dead as usual on a saturday, I took the time to call the EB Games/Gamestop where I pre ordered the Collector's Edition and asked them if there would be a midnight release.......the answer I got almost made me Rage hardcore/Cry tears of anger. They said that they were going to have to look at some "Remembrance Day Bylaw" before making a decision and that they would let me know after the MW3 release (Nov.8th) I am wonder if it is just my area in Canada OR if it's nationwide :( I figured if there was some kind of bylaw restricting some businesses to not be open on Remembrance day that I may not even get my beautiful copy of Skyrim until the 12TH OF NOVEMBER :(****MYLIFE.
  2. I'm feeling very excited and I randomly start bursting out in laughter when thinking about actually holding the giant Collector's Edition box in my hands :D
  3. THEY BETTER HAVE ONE AT MINE -_- I went to the Battlefield 3 one this month and it was pretty packed, full of odd smelling guys and girls with their hoods up and beards LOL
  4. This one's a no brainer :) One Eye from Valhalla Rising , my favorite character of all time http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2010/3/17/1268840108634/valhalla-rising-film-001.jpg
  5. Haha I went to the Battlefield 3 midnight release but I'm not a fanboy , do I spend hours arguing with MW3 players online? No. Do I think MW3 is a recycled piece of sh**t ? Yes. Did I pre order the Collector's Edition of Skyrim? f*** yes. Do I realize how fun online FPS games are ? Yes. Not everyone who plays BF3 or MW3 are fan boys, which is why I'm glad you wrote "most" instead of "all" but even then MOST BF3 and/or MW3 players are not fanboys whatsoever lol, I personally got BF3 to hold me over until the legendary Skyrim comes out ;)
  6. Sony 50'' Bravia LCD HD TV with mah HDMI cables hooked up to my Ps3 oh and an awesome couch to crash on while I play all freakin' night :)
  7. I'm gonna drink and drink and drink and drink and oh....make sweet love!
  8. I'm just going to put her in my closet for a few months/years :) Or under the staircase like Harry Potter !
  9. My gf just bought me Rage, once I play it I'll let ya know how it is LOL :D
  10. Low quality but kind of funny with the epic music in the background xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcrfrR13ON0
  11. Hey guys, Haven't been on the forum since Sept.11 . Something very bad happened to me and my family but we are all fine , glad to see everyone is still active and posting awesome info for me to catch up on (FML) lol. Found this on youtube tonight, probably old but Ill drop it here! Cheers! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO_fW0KomAU
  12. Agreed, there's loads of info ! :) footage not so much :/
  13. The picture of the "vampire" is actually Bat Boy :) he's awesome
  14. In an interview I saw on Youtube it says there will be several kinds of fish and yes most likely all fish will be cookable. The interview did not state what species of fish there would be....only that there would be a lot of different fish!
  15. Or they could call it Tailoring lol
  16. DCDeacon Pete Hines RT @Bethblog: Today 4:30PM ET on an all-new #Xplay we get EXCLUSIVE @ElderScrolls 5: Skyrim news directly from @Bethblog's Todd Howard. SHOULD BE GOOD :thumbsup:
  17. I hope my mage doesnt have to run around in leather or heavy armor all the time, would be nice to see a bunch of different robes and cloth armor that still give protection!
  18. I talked to a guy at Gamestop when I paid for the Collector's Edition and he told me that the chances of a midnight release were going to be slim even though Skyrim is getting hyped up. If there is going to be a midnight release then yes I will definitely be there, if not I will be at Gamestop friday morning a few hours before the shop opens! :thumbsup:
  19. Got the Collector's Edition for PS3 :)
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