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About CJOLL4

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  1. EDIT: Nvm, I figured it out! Watched some FNVEdit tutorials, learned all about checking for and reconciling mod conflicts. Thanks so much for the response!
  2. If two different mods add items to the same form list, will they conflict with each other? Specifically, this is what I'm wondering about: YUP adds That Gun to the Cowboy perk list, and this mod adds the Police Pistol from Dead Money to the Cowboy perk list. If both are in my load order, will That Gun and the Police Pistol both benefit from the Cowboy perk, or only the one from the mod that's loaded last? i.e. if two mods affect the same Form List, will one completely overwrite the other, or will they reconcile with each other? Of course I'm hoping that they don't conflict, but if they do, I'll just make my own YUP-compatible fix since it's a simple one.
  3. Update: I actually figured out how to use nifskope and mudbox in order to slightly flatten the back of the male ghoul head. I still have a question about how to implement it in my game, however; I went ahead and asked the question in the appropriate forum since I no longer need someone to create this mod for me.
  4. First of all, thanks so much to anyone who takes the time to read this and help me out. I recently used Nifskope and Mudbox to create a custom mesh for the male ghoul head so that Raul's head would stop clipping through ranger combat helmets. I have the new .nif file, now all I need is to know where to put it in my New Vegas folder so that the change appears in my game. I know that I had to unpack Fallout - Meshes.bsa in order to access the mesh to begin with; does this mean I need to replace the old .nif in the unpacked archive and then somehow re-pack it as Fallout - Meshes.bsa and replace the original .bsa file? Or should I instead create the folder structure within my data folder (data>>meshes>>characters>>head) and drop the new headghoul.nif file into that folder? Or do I need to do something else entirely? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  5. When Raul equips an NCR ranger helmet, or a variant thereof, the back of his head clips through the helmet. I have heard that ghouls who are NCR rangers have this problem as well, and also that the problem applies to certain other types of headgear, although I haven't confirmed it myself. I would be eternally grateful if someone could fix this. As far as I know, using Blender or Nifskope to edit the male ghoul head (meshes>>characters>>head>>headghoul) and flattening the back of the head ever-so-slightly would do the trick. Unfortunately I'm having a really hard time figuring out Nifskope and this is as far as I have gotten. Hopefully it would be quick and easy for someone who has experience with editing meshes. Or, if there's some other, better solution I haven't thought of, that would be great too; like I said, I'll be eternally grateful to anyone who can fix Raul's head clipping through helmets. P.S. I already tried making the helmets in question use the "head" slot in the GECK, but this unfortunately causes the character's neck to become invisible. Also, I am aware of this mod but unfortunately, editing Raul's facial features in the GECK doesn't fix the issue with the back of his head.
  6. Way to go! In response to this article, I disabled my ad-blocker on this site and the difference is already clear. I'll happily browse the Nexus without an adblocker from now on as long as the ads continue to behave properly. Thanks for being proactive and addressing the issue. It means a lot to me.
  7. Okay, first of all I want to apologize for asking such a dumb question. However, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong and Google isn't providing anything helpful. This is the first time I've ever tried to upload a mod. How do I properly prepare a .zip file to upload to the Nexus so that FOMM will be able to install the mod once you download it? I tried simply compressing the .esp into a .zip file by itself, but when I tested it by trying to install the mod from that .zip file, I received an error message and FOMM force-closed. EDIT: I just found out that the original .zip file I made works just fine with FOMM. Somehow in the process of uploading it to the Nexus and downloading it, I ended up with a 0 byte .zip file that contained no information. I'm not sure what I did wrong to cause this. EDIT AGAIN: All of a sudden everything works just fine. The file on the Nexus works like it's supposed to. I don't know what the heck went wrong but it's resolved now. Is there a way that I can delete this post? :confused:
  8. Oops, nevermind, I got it to work. I had a hard time finding the GECK through Bethesda's website so I downloaded it through a third-party site. Turns out it was an old version. I found the updated version now and it's working.
  9. I tried that, unfortunately it didn't change anything.
  10. I used to mess around on the GECK from time to time and I just recently got the desire to make a new weapon mod. I downloaded the GECK on my new computer, installed it to Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas, and launched it. Here's my problem: I can't get the GECK to load the game files so that I can create a new plugin. I go to File >> Data and check the box next to FalloutNV.esm and nothing else. Then I hit "OK" and the Data window closes but nothing else happens. The GECK doesn't freeze up, it doesn't show any loading progress, and the game's files don't appear. Nothing happens whatsoever. Could this have anything to do with NVSE? I read a few posts in this forum that mentioned opening the GECK with NVSE. I have NVSE installed but I don't know anything about using it with the GECK. I don't have a lot of experience with the GECK and I'm probably doing something wrong, but as far as I can tell I'm following the instructions from the GECK wiki to the letter, and I can't find any other documentation about my problem. If anyone can offer me some advice, I'd be most grateful.
  11. It works perfectly! Thank you very, very much! *hugs you enthusiastically* It's really admirable that you spend your valuable time improving other players' gaming experiences. I wish there was a way to pay you for your services. If you don't mind me asking, just out of curiosity, why don't you upload mods like this to the Nexus so that everyone has access to them?
  12. Would it be easiest to just make the mag. accelerator entirely invisible? Make it so that it doesn't change the plasma rifle's appearance at all? That would be a great solution as far as I'm concerned. If it's as simple as hitting "delete" or replacing it with the default plasma rifle mesh (or whatever the mechanics behind it are), then it sounds quicker and easier than fiddling around with scaling and editing the appearance.
  13. First of all, thanks so much for taking the time to read this. It means a lot to me. Secondly, I just want to warn you that I don't really have any modding experience. Anyways, here goes. I don't use true ironsights; I prefer using a reticule. My problem is that the plasma rifle, when equipped with the mag. accelerator modification, is so bulky that it blocks your aim unless you turn on true ironsights. I was wondering if there was any way to create a mod that lowers the rifle's on-screen placement in first person mode? I imagine that it would be an easy fix, but I don't know the mechanics behind it, so it could be impossible for all I know. Anyways... thanks again for your time, and if one of you wonderful people actually fixes this, I will be forever ingratiated to you. Here is a screenshot illustrating my problem. See how the targeting reticule is below the rifle's ironsight, so that my aim is blocked by my own gun. Click on the image for a better view.
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