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Everything posted by TroJanViru5

  1. A new interger would need to be added in the Fallout dictionary file which would replace "Dogmeat" with something more variable such as $DogName
  2. I am making this thread with two goals in mind. 1. To completely rework the Vanilla perk effects 2. Add additional perk options or remove existing pointless perks. How this works is I'll tally up similar requests for perk changes and start making changes accordingly. If more people request for an additional lady killer perk, then naturally I will make that a priority. Of course this goes for reducing perks as well such as the local leader perk for example having the ability already without wasting valuable level up perk points on something unnecessary. All comments welcome but keep in mind I have a realism goal in mind. Not OP or UP. A nice centered mechanic.
  3. Thanks caseter6 sometime we miss such simple things haha
  4. So you want a cigarette that works like Rad-x and prevents radiation? Kind of odd but I'm sure it's do-able
  5. I can try use the naming convention for your character and re-use it as a string trigger for dogmeat. To save waifu the hassle haha
  6. Turns out this is not allowed (illegal). Being a music producer I should have known this. I apologize in advance for getting your hopes up.
  7. Nifskope 2 alpha is out which lets you do quite a lot. Not sure where I found it but it may be a community edited version. Working wonders for my modding and I can texture animations!
  8. Sorry I should have developed my post. I'm looking for something very specific within FO4Edit I'm aware of file requirements locations etc etc What I need to know is where is the firing sound triggered in FO4Edit. For example, I can find the gamma gun firing sound, however, in the gamma gun weap tag, the firing sound reference is nowhere to be found. I can replace the sound but I want a new sound which causes the issue I have. I can insert a new sound but WHERE do I tell the new gun to use it?
  9. Wow actually this sounds like a great idea. I can definitely pull this off if it hasn't been already
  10. I am currently half way through creating a clean stone wall using actualin-game assets typically used as scenery.
  11. Without the GECK most mods aren't impossible, just harder. I can give the disable auto-reload a go but the ammo reloading numbers would be a nightmare to make realistic
  12. Done :) Here you go! http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4942/?
  13. I don't want to replace sounds. I want to "inject sounds". How do I make a custom gun fire a custom sound without replacing files?
  14. Solved the issue myself. When you anable load a mod for Fallout 4, it will have a designated load order. You can see the load order in Nexus Mod manager easily. In my case mine was 05 (the 5th in the load order) Instead of spawning the weapon by using it's FORMID (01000800), I needed to replace the first two numbers with "05" (being the 5th in load order. Therefore; player.additem 01000800 would never work. player.additem 05000800 would work. Hope this helps someone.
  15. Hi there. Bit of an issue. I created a new weapon and painstakingly replaced every single dependency with unique ones using FO4Edit. Can't seem to spawn it using it's new FormID generated by FO4Edit which should technically also be the "ObjectID" ingame. The result is "Unkown ID yada-yada-yada" Weird? Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks!
  16. So you're looking for ultra graphics at no cost to performance, correct? Let me just... Wave my wand... Lol. I have noticed that the DDS textures are highly compressed which performance takes a hit from so perhaps re-importing godray meshes into the game uncompressed may help. But I'm not even sure godrays are textures or meshes unfortunately. Likely an effect which can't be messed with just yet
  17. There is actually a tag for shield equipping within the Fallout.esm however it isn't used. I have a feeling this is a future update planned by Bethesda.
  18. Decided to tackle this myself but it doesn't seem very simple at all. There are a lot of scripts we can't even touch yet
  19. What I'll do is find the most in-tact wooden wall and retexure that. If it's a DDS file it should relatively easy
  20. An optional method is to use BAE (Bethesda Archive Extractor). Both methods are clunky unless you treat your file sources as read-only
  21. Direct multiple of level. Levels appear at random and I believe, (don't quote me on this), are influenced by current difficulty setting, player level and zones. How these intergers take place is out of my hands for now... Tags that are hidden until we get GECK I assume.
  22. Good ideas. I will try and tackle the half log wall tomorrow and let you know here
  23. You could simply use a command? There's hardly a difference between a mod and a command when it comes to skipping role play
  24. I know I know. Everyone freaks out at this. I decided to post this just in case anyone who has skills with animation with skyrim spots it. I managed to make a patch through FO4Edit in which I was literally able to equip two weapons at once. The only issue is there isn't an animation for only the left hand holding a weapon which causes mayhem for the weapon positions. I know little about .hkx and .kf files but I know .hkx needs to be converted to .kf and then back to .hkx to reimport New animations. Is it possible yet to do mess with anims for fallout 4?
  25. Sorry for the late reply. I'll try and scrounge up the audio file from my fallout 3 install and slap it in tomorrow
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