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Hovihar ported the amazing Palmerin De Launfal armor (Witcher 3) but unfortunately did not make a female version for it. Is anyone willing to take up the task?I would like to see a female version basically identical to the male but with female arms and shoulders dimensions (aka not a boobplate,no hourglass shaped cuirass etc).
Hello.I decided to make them on my own.Here is the first produce (Solitude Cuirass) http://static-6.nexusmods.com/15/images/101/2920623-1433686699.jpg
Just a simple retexture of the Bruma Guard armor with darker chainmal,different padded shade for each city (for example white for winterhold,red for Solitude,Green for Whiterun etc) and the symbol of each city (for example wolf head for Solitude) on the front of the chest.If possible do the same for the (round preferably) shields (recolour and add the symbol in the center).With the winged helmets as helmet replacers I think it will look very cool.
Not much Dave.I gathered resources (nordic,elven,dwemer),organised them,wrote some dialog then I slowly gave up.I simply did not have the time to learn scripting and my old pc was too old to handle the burden of CS when landscaping.Still it is a cool idea and offers opportunity not just for mindless hack and slash,but also for some philosofical thinking (who was morraly right it the conflict?) and also an attemp to answer the question of what caused the Falmer to attack so brutally.I hope you make it.I am focusing on another mod as I wrote to you in a pm Right now I am slowly focusing on another mod
I saw the Nordic clothes of Viking era in this page: http://www.hurstwic.org/history/articles/daily_living/text/clothing.htm I managed to made the tunic and dresses models myself, (see http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45757/? ) but I suck at texture making. Are there any texture makers outthere interested in helping me make some of the clothes of the page?
Ι think flame atronach's greaves,the waist from Tyrael armor without the side leathers,Lich kings (Arta's) upper cuirass,knights boots from german mod robberritter or flame atronach boots and red drafonscale texture from my mod Nordic armory .Glass pauldrons with a litle trimming to cut of the sharp edge they have at the rim Rauberitter link http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/29448/?
Oh its nothing.So you are very familiar with blender?Excellent!I am not even a graphic artist,I am just a biologist who downloaded blender,nifscope,paint net and Gimp and read the related tutorials on mesh and texture editting with those tools and I managed to create this armor mod! http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45399/? If a totall amateur can do it,I am sure a professional will create true wonders!
What kind of graphics program you use? In order to make models for oblivion you must learn to covert your meshes (armor,sword etc) to nif files and your texture files to dds files.A programm that can do that is blender with the proper scripts. Blender is free and has also free scripts to import and export NIF files.So you import a nif file in blender,work on it and export it as a nif oblivion file.Nif files open with nifscope (you can do some editting in nifscope too) and dds files with various graphic programms like paint net. Here you can download the nessesery tools to work with nif files on blender.Install all of them,you need them all to work. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/12248/? Here is a tutorial how to import and export armor in blender: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Blender_import_and_export_armor_for_Oblivion The basic steps to make armor are: 1.Instal blender with all the scripts python etc. 2.Import a human body (male or female) mesh from oblivion (you will need bsa commander to extract,oblivion meshes are in BSA file form) or use the import ready body you can find here in nexus 3.Model anything you like using the body as scale.For example model a new cuirass around the upper body. 4.Rig the new mesh on the oblivion sceleton. 5.Export the new mesh as nif file. Again these are the very basic steps. This is also a very usefull tutorial http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Blender_bone_weight_copy
Helllo.Is anyone interested to create better textures for my Nordic armory mod http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45399/? The current textures are functional but simple and I believe that a more detailed retexture would make these armors shine!
Hello.I am the creator of the Nordic Armory Mod http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45399/? I am asking the community for help,as I can not solve a clipping problem in my mod no matter how much I try.The skirt in steel and iron armors clips,or rather the greaves in steel and iron armor clip through the cuirass skirts,in the upper thigh area when the character wearing them runs forward. Is there any modeler out there interested in helping me solve this problem? PS I think the issue can be solved by readjasting the weights in the skirt model.I experimented with this in blender (weight paint tool) applying the same weight paint in the skirt as in the steel part of the greaves and the skirt-greave cliping stopped!Unfortunately the skirt got a bit distorted and also begun to clip a bit through the belt....So if someone more skilled than me in modeling could give me a hand applying the weights correctly I would be gratefull. EDIT. OK I solved the issue by weight readjasting.If anyone faces the same problem,( mesh 1 clips with mesh 2),on the location of the clipping make the meshes have the same weight (easily done with blender sofware).Just be carefull not to distort the mesh by misapplying the weights.
Recently I created custom nordic steel plate armor (a single piece covering the body and a custom helmet).I have uploaded images of the armor in my account here in oblivion nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/Images/148815/? http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/Images/148805/? I think the mesh looks good but it needs a better texture than the one I created.Sadly I know next to nothing in that field.Is anyone interested in creating a new texture for this armor suit?
Thank you for the reply.Since the mods (Tamriel Lansdcape pack and others) I used is essential for the mod I am making I do no think that will be any crashes in the future (since I will not delete them or my mod will be affected).I run into another problem now though.Some rocks even when they were deleted still appear in game....And I cannot do anything in the CS since the rocks are no longer present as items in the cell.Any advice will be appreciated.
Thanks for the reply.Shortly after I posted my question I came to think that since I was editing a TWMP area of Tamriel (Skyrim) then perhaps the missing rocks had as source the Tamriel landscape pack.When I activated it in the CS the rocks appeared.Problem solved. Uh...why is it frowed upon to delete them?
So I was doing a litle landscape editing that included shaping a mountain slope into a canyon.As a result a number of rocks (now that the ground beneath them was lowered) was left floating in the air.No problem I thought,I just have to load the area in CS and delete the rocks from the cell view window.I had done this before with no problem.I select the cell and....I discover that the rocks are no longer present in the cell window!Also they are not visible in the render window.When I loaded the game the rocks were there floating in the air.How is this possible?Is there any way to remove the rocks?