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  1. It took me a few seconds to click that the sun in that pic was the Nexus icon... :C
  2. In response to post #41115340. #41115615 is also a reply to the same post. They could in theory access mods that get downloaded frequently or viewed frequently and put donation links on the page, that would earn them money. Not to mention some people are just plain meanies (I have a whole vocabulary of words I could use to describe them :P) and like screwing with things for fun.
  3. If there's a section for the creation kit, will there be somewhere for PS-4 and XBox users? I recently put my FO4 mod on the console for the console users and got someone asking me if I needed a play-tester for my mods since I didn't own a PS-4 or Xbox. Wouldn't that help console modding if there was somewhere for console users to offer to help p.c modders who don't own the console to test them? It may help alleviate the worries of those modders if there was somewhere to get decent feedback from the console players :D
  4. Hey Dark0ne, can I make a request? Change the permission from "I have not uploaded my mods to Bethesda.net for console users yet, but I will at some point." to "I have not uploaded my mods to Bethesda.net for console users yet, but I MAY at some point.". It kinda feels like an obligation on how you worded it. Honestly I find Bethesda.net to be a pile of <censored>. Seriously the first comments on my only mod there were clear trolls and no button to report them :C 30-40 hours of work and I get trolled :S Dunno if I will continue to use Bethesda.net after I finish that mod. Anyway thanks for the Nexus man, I won't say there are no trolls here - but at least you team deals with them for me ;)
  5. In response to post #28561439. #28563124, #28563289 are all replies on the same post. The part Unfortunately this is something the mod authors are pushing me heavily for so I kind of need a little better wording on this one (sorry!). When you say "it's not something we can support" Where you say "When you say" it does sounds like you're quoting them. Sorry for the delay I was in-game :S
  6. Er.. Dark? You left the reply from GStaff in your second message quote from yourself, but you said you weren't showing Gstaff's replies?
  7. Other questions that came to my mind is "What if I downloaded the mod before the author then uploaded it to the workshop as a paid mod?", "Do I now need to pay for this mod?", "Can I keep for free what is now needing payment?" or "Will I somehow be forced to delete the mod until I pay for it?"
  8. My viewpoint on modding has not changed to be honest - I make mods for free and have never even bothered my butt about "donations". That said if others want money then go ahead, so long as i'm free to make mods for free I have no cares, but if others want my stuff to make themselves money then no chance would I ever give permission. Do you think we could have an option in the "permissions" setting of a mod to say "Never allowed to use in a monetised mod"?
  9. Just a question because I don't think I understood properly. There's an option to endorse the translation, but not the original. Then theres the option to endorse both, but if someone downloads the translation and thinks the original is good enough for an endorsement but not the translation can they endorse the original without endorsing the translation? (As far as I remember you have to download the file to endorse) True they can just download the original too, then endorse it - Just wanted to clarify if it was an option to endorse the original after downloading the translation? (I know I'm confusing at times so don't worry about asking me to clarify what I mean)
  10. @Kainschilde209: you could always make the endoresments something the modder does, like a modder can endorse the comment to say it was useful and if you get x many comments endorsed by modders then you get the 250Kb boost instead of by how many endorsements you make. That would probably overload the servers keeping track of all this negating the positive effect for Dark0ne though..... Just a thougt from my crazy mind though.
  11. To be honest, i'm not bothered by the endorsement system in any way. As a sort of demonstration of what i mean: If i had a mod with a 80% endorsement rate, 0 comments or only one word comments then i'd probably ignore that mod and focus on other things. On the other hand if i had a mod with 0 endorsements but a few comments of praise about specific parts or constructive critism to help me improve then i'd likely work harder on the mod. Put simply i like to know what people like in order to help me improve the mod, zero feedback means i don't know how to improve it or simply assume people like the way it is. i guess this is because i make mods for myself then stick them up when i got them working for myself, i have no real reason to change them. About the badwidth caps, i wouldn't mind a larger cap on premiums accounts if it helps with your traffic to lower costs, although i can appreciate it would probably annoy other folks. Maybe an option in the member's section to volunteer yourself for a download cap would be better way about it. Still do whatever you feel necessary for the site Dark0ne, i'm sure most of us will be ebhind you whatever you do ;)
  12. I tried this and i only noticed an effect when i moved the object. Any reason why the animation wouldn't play until i moved it with the grab key? It also stopped once again after i stopped moving it. I know it's probably something i've done, i'm still learning how to make my own 3d models :(
  13. Yes HDR is what makes things like quantums glow. I think Bloom will work as well, not sure never used bloom. You have to have screen effect enabled though or no glowy quantums for you...
  14. Check you have HDR enabled? Fallout 3 Launcher -> Options -> Screen Effects -> HDR
  15. All are in the correct order, triple checked that. Whenever i checked my mods in the g.e.c.k the author always read Bethesda Game Studios, i assumed it would be the same for FOMM but if they read that way on someone else's FOMM then maybe it just FOMM's way of displaying it. Still some mods dependant on the main .esms seem to think they are not there (i checked again and some recognise the .esms as being there and some don't) I'm gonna try just re-installing those mods and hopefully that'll do something. @corocen: I'll give that a try when i get everything up and running again (i did delete everything from the fallout directory to be safe including fo3edit)
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