In response to post #9160045. #9162092, #9162352, #9164413, #9165803, #9166413, #9167007, #9167131, #9177780, #9182846, #9189858 are all replies on the same post.
I, for one, am looking forward to it. Every time I've run into a weird quirk or problem with NMM, I always think: 1. *sigh* well, it IS still in beta; and 2. wow, with all the things they fix before I even run into it, the law of averages dictates I'll get one every now and then. C'est la vie. I'm a serious, but not advanced by any stretch, modder, so I admittedly sit back and ride the wave created by the amazing team here. After all, we're just now getting to the .5 version of a project that I imagine has become quite Hydra-like as it's gone on. With that far to go before getting a 1.0 label, I'm sure many of these issues can be addressed down the line, and if they've got this on the (I'm certain gargantuan) list of goals before other well known...we'll call them limitations...I'm willing to bet that implementing the program requirements for they profile system will make other improvements and expansions easier. Good luck, guys. We appreciate your hard work.