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  1. No yes, thank you that is good that they are returning the custom date input filter functionality back. A toggle or an additional Date Updated filter would be a game changer for the site and mod discoverability. As I said, it works amazing for Steam. For some games(Rimworld), they even have version filters.
  2. What about the rest of my comment/suggestion?
  3. First things first, I want missing features back and hopefully updated. As of 21.03.2025, 22:52 CET, the ability to enter a date range is missing while browsing mods. You can pick between a few preset dates, but that's inadequate. What if some state-of-the-art best mod ever was published just 366 days ago? Then, if I sort mods by endorsements and put in "1 Year" date range, I won't ever find that mod. also, I think an invaluable addition would be a Date Updated date range. because now when browsing fallout 4 mods by endorsements, over half of them haven't been updated in over 5, 6 or even 9 years. and the last update for fallout 4 was in May 13, 2024. the ability to sort mods by date published from that date forward and sort them by endorsements or by number of downloads would be huge for mod discovery. Steam Workshop does it. they in fact let you enter both date published and date updated dates at the same time. sure it could result in zero items/mods, if you are not paying attention but I have faith in our userbase.
  4. While we are at it, please add the ability to add a custom time range by date updated. sorting through mods by endorsements since the beginning of time for fallout 4 displays mods that haven't been updated in 5, 6 or even 9 years. if we could specify the during which mods were updated in that would bring all the best and most popular mods that are still compatible to the top. steam workshop has that feature already.
  5. Well Skyrim pushed a new update and now a not small amount of mods no longer works. Sorting mods by most endorsed is especially useless. More than half of mods on the first page were incompatible even before the newest update, now who knows. Easiest way to fix mod search for mods that are "most probably" not obsolete and outdated is by sorting mods by "date updated since" where you put in an arbitrary date and the site shows all mods that have been updated since that date. The site already has something similar but it only works on the date of publishing, where it shows you mods that have been published since the date you put in, which excludes old but updated mods.
  6. So where do we stand on "Mods updated since" instead of/added to "Mods published since" filter to help browse updated/still functional and compatible mods. For instance setting a filter for "Mods Updated Since November 7th 2017" on the Skyrim Special Edition mod page to show me all mods published anytime but only those that have a Last Update time of November 7th 2017 or after, ensuring maximum compatibility and stability with the current version of Skyrim Special Edition. FYI last update SSE was on November 7th 2017, as far as I know.
  7. Exactly. Which is where a Last Update Time range filter date would be more useful than the current Date Published one on the Most Endorsed page.
  8. Maybe not Bethesda, though i wouldn't be so sure, but that is how Ludeon Studios games work and it's how Taleworlds Entertainment games work (studios that made Rimworld and Bannerlord respectively). My experience is that the older the mod is, that is hasn't been updated in a long time, the more likely it is that it won't work if the game has continued to be updated through patches.
  9. Yes I was daft enough to mod Rimworld while it was in early access. Also after release game patches exist. Rimworld is on 1.3 right now. So that means mods made for 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 are not usable or in a best case scenario not stable causing your game to crash. But on Steam you can filter mods by game version. Fallout 4 came out in what 2015? It's last patch 1.34 was in December of 2019. On the most endorsed page of fallout 4 more than half of mods are last updated way before the last patch, in some cases by more than several years. Steam may have a filter by game version(for Rimworld at least) but in absence of that a Last Update date time filter is a great alternative.
  10. Bannerlord is a great example. For instance if you go look at the Most Endorsed page for that game 13 of the shown 20 mods haven't been updated in over a year, making the list mostly useless. Fallout 4 is another great example. Similar situation. Fallout 4 was last updated on December 4th of 2019 and if I look on the most endorsed page for the game also 13 mods of the 20 shown there were last updated way before the last update came. In most cases even years before the last update. Right now there is "Time" dropdown function but that is a Date Published filter. While still a great function I won't for instance find the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch mod, an essential mod for the game, if I set the time range from the date of the last official patch the game had or any date after that, and today. I do concede that yes it's on the first page of the Most Endorsed page for the game, but that is just one of many mods that can be overlooked if a user such as me used the Date Published filter and set it for any arbitrary date other than the date a mod was first published. Sorry if that was in places incoherent, English is not my first language. Also sorry for bringing back a dead post.
  11. I think it's fair to assume that if a mod hasn't been updated since a game has had a latest patch that that it's not working on the newest patch. See Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, or any early access or new game that has a lot of patches. Most endorsed mods on that game have long since been outdated.
  12. So I thought about getting back into Fallout 4 and decided to check out some mods to add. No problem, I thought while clicking on "Most endorsed". First problem I saw was that more than half of the mods on the Most endorsed page haven't been updated in more than 5 years. I go and check and the last Fallout 4 update came in December of 2019. So I kinda don't want to install those old mods. Chances are they are no longer compatible with the current version of the game and might crash my game, or worse as Fallout 4 is a Bethesda game. However I notice that some old mods kept being updated well into 2020 despite their ancient beginnings. But I can't filter out the mods that haven't been updated past a certain date, in this case 4th of December 2019. I can only filter out mods by the date of the original upload but, while still incredibly useful as newly made mods are potentially most stable, is a disservice to legacy and frankly essential mods like the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch, which I wouldn't find if I just went with with current time range sort filter. Sorry, English is not my first language. Basically what I am suggesting is if you can add another Time Range filter but for the "Last Update" date. That would be really helpful both to new players and returning "veterans".
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